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Author Topic: Rumour has it that...  (Read 95 times)

Harlas Ravelkione

Rumour has it that...
« on: December 14, 2008, 07:11:59 am »
... Kobal Bluntaxe was recently seen leaving the Temple of Rofirein in Fort Vehl with all haste, aiming for Port Hempstead.

In Port Hempstead he begins to make discreet inquires to people he knows whether they have heard about an enemy fleet that set out from Arnax, heading east towardst he shores of Mistone. When asked about the 'who' he mentions the dragon stealers, also known as the dragon cult.

Kobal goes about this work quietly and atempts to not reveal this information to anyone he does not trust to be able to treat this information discreetly - i.e. keep it from the ears of the masses.

Time, Kobal states, is in short supply.

Script Wrecked

Argali Speaks With Kobal...
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2008, 10:41:43 am »
*...though when she does, she insists on taking some bizarre precautions, seemingly nervous of her own shadow.*

"Eastwarrds? You arre zurre of zis, Masterr Kobal?

"Firrstly, zis iz verry interresting, no? What iz it on the Mistone that they would want? And furrtherr to zis, wherre on the Mistone will they land to accomplish zis?

"Zecondly, zis iz drreadful, no? The army of the Drragon Stealerrs marrches overr the Kuhl like no-one iz therre. Argali fearrs zis will be the same forr the kingdoms of Mistone.

"Although..." *she ponders for a moment* "when the Mistone was the one kingdom, they fought valiantly in the warr against the Blood, no? Perrhaps they have not completely forrgotten who they really arre, and can rememberr theirr old ways. Though therre iz the differrence in fighting the warr, and being occupied, no?

"Thirrdly," *and she speaks with a bit more emphasis* "if the Drragon Stealerrs' army iz heading forr Mistone, what iz left securring the Kuhl?"


Re: Rumour has it that...
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2008, 12:08:47 am »
On a chance visit to Port Hempstead, a hooded man in blue greets Kobal enthusiastically in a manner not unusual for friends too long between visits.  Their conversation quickly becomes quieted, and the both of them move off to be less in the the eyes and ears of the city's inhabitants.

// PM sent

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Argali Speaks With Kobal...
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2008, 03:23:34 am »
Quote from: Script Wrecked
*...though when she does, she insists on taking some bizarre precautions, seemingly nervous of her own shadow.*

"Eastwarrds? You arre zurre of zis, Masterr Kobal?

"Firrstly, zis iz verry interresting, no? What iz it on the Mistone that they would want? And furrtherr to zis, wherre on the Mistone will they land to accomplish zis?

"Zecondly, zis iz drreadful, no? The army of the Drragon Stealerrs marrches overr the Kuhl like no-one iz therre. Argali fearrs zis will be the same forr the kingdoms of Mistone.

"Although..." *she ponders for a moment* "when the Mistone was the one kingdom, they fought valiantly in the warr against the Blood, no? Perrhaps they have not completely forrgotten who they really arre, and can rememberr theirr old ways. Though therre iz the differrence in fighting the warr, and being occupied, no?

"Thirrdly," *and she speaks with a bit more emphasis* "if the Drragon Stealerrs' army iz heading forr Mistone, what iz left securring the Kuhl?"

* Kobal and Argali speak in whispers... * // PM sent

