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Author Topic: A Letter Sent to the Council of Hope  (Read 182 times)


A Letter Sent to the Council of Hope
« on: March 06, 2008, 04:50:52 pm »

Council of Hope,

I implore you to take my words as a final warning and
request to leave me to my own deeds.  It shall not be
taken kindly if anyone from your organization or others
meddle in my affairs, attempt to track my whereabouts,
or in any way interfere in the establishment of my new
and regenerated life.

Whereas it is true that I served under High Countess
Veira Darkwater and Marilyn Blackspire in the House of
Darkspire, that House has such been dissolved and
incorporated under another.  My treason and subsequent
turnover of Veira to yourselves was a small portion of
the merger.  What you have done with Veira is not my
concern or care, but simply a method to end my bond
to her, her house, and my former life.  I wished to have
my life back and I simply took it in the manner I chose
as the best course of action.

I am not guilty of any crimes against your council or
citizens, and if you in fact have any evidence, I will
willingly submit to be tried under a court of law of my
choosing.  I have returned to my childhood home to
salvage my past life and begin anew.  As a gesture of
my innocence, I have returned the two urns of La'Forran
to safe resting places, not to be found by any mortal of
this world.

Seek your path elsewhere, our relationship is ended.

*signed with a blood red seal of a skull in a star*
Laura Nightwillow


Re: A Letter Sent to the Council of Hope
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 06:56:15 pm »
*Shiff takes the letter and places it in the Guilds Tower, sticking it to the message board with a slight smile.*

Hopefully she's telling the truth, but if she is, I'm glad she got her life back, and is returning home...  Though I'd still like to smack her once for trying to kill me...

*he smirks once and places a black feather beside the note and turns to leave*


Re: A Letter Sent to the Council of Hope
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2008, 02:48:40 am »
**Krys quietly reads the note and retrieves the black feather.**


Re: A Letter Sent to the Council of Hope
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2008, 03:01:29 am »
**A moment later he returns, taking the note with him as well.**