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Author Topic: Sheriff of Dalanthar  (Read 73 times)


Sheriff of Dalanthar
« on: March 04, 2008, 08:00:17 am »
*to those who frequent Dalanthar and pick up on the local rumors*

The Sheriff of Dalanthar received a short verbal report of an incident in just outside Dalanthar.

A half-orc known as G'ork and a human mage with various pseudonyms attacked and killed a man known as Brian.

G'ork is a large half-orc, often holding a large double axe.
The mage is human and of frail build and was wearing a skull mask.  He was riding a black horse.

The Sheriff is asking for witnesses to come forward.  But stresses he has little control over bandits raiding outside of Dalanthar and does not have the resources to peruse the matter.

// This was a fun little event, funny that we arrived just as it happened //

Krell Himmler

Re: Sheriff of Dalanthar
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 08:37:17 am »
//if you find me and question me, be aware that i'm disguised again and didn't directly influence his death (for bluff checks), happy hunting I guess? lol


Re: Sheriff of Dalanthar
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2008, 09:10:48 am »
*posts a notice*

Anybody killed by G'ork had it coming. My good friend seldom kills for no good reason, usually it is the mouths or thievery of others which spark his fury.  As such, One could easily assume that this was either a legal duel or a case of willful assisted suicide.  One just doesn't insult a 7-foot half-orc to his face and expect anything else to occur, any more than they should slap a townsguard or kick a wyrmling in the snout and seek to get away with it.

Should the courts require my services as a character witness for the accused or should G'ork need a decent barrister to manage his case, I will gladly offer my services for free.  

It surely beats the metahumanoid standard of state representation, in which the prosecutors and defense of Rofirien seem to conspire against all those of "tainted" blood.  Such persons with lineage through no fault of their own are barred from titleship, securing honest businesses and even stricken from walking the streets in many towns who eagerly take their "abominational" tax true.  

They are harrassed, demoralized, dehumanized and treated worse than any would treat their own livestock... for some reason oxen are allowed to wander around and defecate in the streets while half-humans aren't allowed to walk to the corner store?!  Peasant children are allowed to congregate in masses following the half-humans with sticks and stones, hurling insults and drawing blood under many a townguard's encouragement, even in cities which claim to "accept" the "impure"... and we need not even mention the ratio to which the courts will try a half-human as guilty with little or no evidence!

This level of dehumanizing oppression cannot be allowed to continue.  If a race is so deemed to be less than half a man in the eyes of the courts, then I would dryly suggest that they be subject to less than half of the legal responsibility and less than half the tax coin than their "pure-blooded" peers.

-Farros Galdor


Re: Sheriff of Dalanthar
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2008, 09:25:10 am »
*a note is left*

I wonder.. hum a suspected assassin as G'ork, or someone who is known to have helped in affairs of the court as witness, vouched by rofies and toranites alike. Which whom, own warning about the one being accused became true the same night the verdict was passed.