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Author Topic: Swampy Rumors and Ill situations...  (Read 955 times)


Swampy Rumors and Ill situations...
« on: July 13, 2016, 12:06:34 am »
An opened letter is brought to the Regent of Hurm and delivered with trembling fingers. The Regent’s aging features twist in annoyance at the interruption. He snatches the letter off of the tray and glares at the servant then turns to read the note. His eyes trace over the words, then reads over a second time as his face turns red. He crumbles the note in his hand and throws it at the servant.

“GET ME MY GENERAL!” He rages at the servant, who only too happily flees the room.
----------------------------The Council in Leringard is brought to into regular session at their “secret” location. Business is conducted as usual, though they address a recent letter. C1: “Well I for one don’t believe it. Surely it’s a joke...”C2: “I do not believe we can take such warnings as a joke, Sir.”C1: “*Laughs* But it is a joke, is it not?”C3: “I concur, I can’t believe anyone could be serious about such a warning. The Black Plague indeed.”C4: “Gentlemen, I believe that we should give an ear to such a warning. No action is necessary until proof is given, but what harm is a little preparedness?”C1: “Is that your mystical wisdom, witch?” C2: “Now that’s uncalled for. Besides, her words are wise, regardless of your opinion of her Goddess.”C1: “*snorts lightly*”C3: “Perhaps we shall adjourn and take this information under advisement.”

Reus is brought a stack of letters and reports and goes through them one at a time. At one he pauses and sighs heavily. He goes over the wording a few times and then sets the letter down. “Wonderful,” he mutters to himself, “As if this city isn’t blighted enough.”
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Daniel rides for Vehl soon
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2016, 03:16:49 pm »

Daniel rides for Vehl soon after returning to Mistone.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


*After hearing that Daniel is
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2016, 09:58:14 pm »

*After hearing that Daniel is heading to Vehl Vrebel is not far behind.  He enters the Rofireinite Temple and inquires about Dan's wereabouts*



*sometime after his
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2016, 10:07:43 am »

*sometime after his conversation with Justicar Reus and Delida, Daniel finds Vrebel either entering Vehl or at the Temple and takes him in arm to a private corner*  I have been told to convey certain sentiments to your person, Vrebel, none of them complimentary.  I would suggest you forgo any conversation with Justicar Reus for the present.  His honor is not in a receiving mood.  We have unleashed a potential disaster and I may yet face charges.  Were you aware that the Kingdom of Liwich had forbade all travel into the Moss Crypt?"  He asks tersely, clearly put upon.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


*He puts his arm around Dan's
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2016, 07:24:51 pm »

*He puts his arm around Dan's back and pats him in a guesture of brotherly love*

That's crazy Cap'n.  Those blacks are your all's arch enemies.  They should be givin' you a promotion.  Sides, I'm the one that slayed the beast and it was my mission.  You tried parlayn' and so did I fer a while until it demanded me sword as a tribute.   And what's this talk about a no go order from Lilwich?  I didn't see no tresspassin' signs.

*He huffs a bit obviously upset at puting Dan in this predicament*

That's what I do.  I'm a weaponmaster and sworn to defeat evil with my blade.  I find it and destroy it so that I can better my craft and defeat the evil.  I'm tired a goin on the defensive and reactin'.  Bout time we took the fight to them!

*He pats him again a little harder and smiles*

I think you and me need to go get some ales together to clear our heads.  Heck worst case happens, I can train ya to be a weaponmaster!



"I shall not argue the fact
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2016, 09:43:43 pm »

"I shall not argue the fact that this black dealt in poor faith or that he would not have hesitated to kill us all if it were able.  It is just that..." Daniel glances back towards the Temple grounds then sighs, "I think Justicar Reus feels put upon by the results of our actions, Vrebel.  In truth, he is to a degree, for if ill does come about from our altercation, who will shield the common folk from misery and death but the Priests, be they of the Gold, Ilsare, Aeridin, what have you?  To this end I have donated most of my considerable fortune, as a precaution mind you, against a coming curse."

"Perhaps  your idea to strike first has merit, but I think such things are foreign to the High Justicar.  Then again, I cannot lay claim to know his mind at all other than I have become even more an outsider than I was as a younger priest.   Mostly from associating with lawless types."  He adds , voice heavy with a mix of darkness and dry humor. " As for your offer, I am far too set in my own ways to take up the training needed to be a weaponmaster. I thank you for the offer, but must decline.  For now, we await fortune, good or bad, my guild brother.  I cannot risk angering my superiors further at this time.  How about that ale?" 


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


I see yer points Capn' bout
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2016, 11:37:44 pm »

I see yer points Capn' bout the priests gettin' all stirred up.  I hope they won't be needed and that black lizard chokes on its own filth if it still lives.  But if evil does come our way I'll stand with you to defeat it. 

*He glares back at the temple searching for anyone close by*

And I don't care what they say about ya in there cause I know you gota noble heart.  Anyways, me offer on the trainin' still stands but fer now let us refresh ourselves with cold ales!

And I'll treat ya seein' as yer broke.


