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Author Topic: Lord Raels message  (Read 764 times)


Lord Raels message
« on: December 25, 2011, 05:53:17 pm »
On the anniversary of the Great Fires of Prantz from during the early days of the Sederra Kuhl war Lord Rael has appeared to give a speech during the celebrations.

In a suprisingly lengthy speech the self titled benevolant leader spoke to a huge crowd in the city's main square.

During his speech Lord Rael outlined several key points:

1/ He reaffirmed the alliance and the gratitude his nation has for the continued presence of the Rofireinites and their lawful ways. He affirmed the continuing acceptance of them by the Sulterians.

2/ He thanked the people of his nation for being stalwart and supportive during the long years of trouble during the wars. Both the Dark Elven invasion and the Kuhl-Sederra conflict and including the ongoing battle in Hilm.

3/ He once again extended an invitation to Castle Mask and Lor to rejoin with the greater nation for their better security and to share in the rising abundance that the Raelites are enjoying.

4/ He announced that every man women and child in Rael would soon receive a document that grants them full citizenship within the nation and every year forth they can present their document and receive a refund of 10% of the taxes they paid that year. Failure to produce the document of course means no refund. Holders of the document will have greater benefits within Rael.

5/ As part of the new Rael Citizenship benefit scheme Lord Rael has ordered a census of the people to be held in two months time where every person living in Rael must return to their home town to register themselves and their families.

6/ Finally, he announced that Rael would lend Sedera half a million true in order to help support the rebuilding process.


Re: Lord Raels message
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2012, 11:57:00 pm »
Several months after the anniversary of the Great Fire of Prantz, true to his word, the Raelite administration rolls out the citizenship documents to eager recipients.

Authorities have indicated that it will take the rest of the year before all citizens of Rael have the documents but that it is committed to the scheme.

Already some merchants in nearby nations, particularly in the independent cities of Lor, Golden, Castle mask, are concerned that this barks of protectionism for merchants from Rael.


Re: Lord Raels message
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 05:39:09 pm »
Well into the roll out of the citizenship documents it seems there are some 'minor' issues coming to pass.

Non Raelite merchants entering Rael trading zones are finding their produce facing heavier taxes, not being able to get the best sites and other small inconveniences to their trading arrangements. Priority is being given to those raelite merchants who have acquired citizenship.

A deputation of the Merchant council in Castle Mask has already approached their ruler about the situation and to consider giving up independence in order to engage freely in trade with Rael and receive the same benefits the Raelites are receiving. Thus far this course of action has not been recognised although there are a number of Diet members in Lor who are now picking up the momentum of this push as they did a few years ago during the Rael-Dark Elf war.

It seems no matter what, the political instability in the Golden alliance is once again being shaken by Raels continual push to include them fully within his realm.

Script Wrecked

Re: Lord Raels message
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2012, 05:45:35 pm »
"Yes yes. To be giving up everyone's freedoms forr the zakes of the few merrchants' fat purses. Zounds like the treazon to Argali."


Re: Lord Raels message
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2012, 03:49:34 am »
In light of the recent food shortages starting to take hold across the continent of Dreger Lord Rael has earned some displeasure amongst the wealthy merchants of Rael by issuing a decree that all surplus food stocks are to be seized by the Administration for distribution to those without food within Rael over the next twelve months.

While the move has made him unpopular amongst some of the merchant classes the action has been met with popular acclaim amongst the masses.


Re: Lord Raels message
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2012, 05:15:06 pm »
Word emerges from the Kingdom of Rael that the Lord has summoned many of the poorest and most struggling people from his nation to food depository centres that have been established in several locations within the Kingdoms borders.

In these locations Merchants of the Deep are providing sources of food in vast abundances from the Deep. Rothe meats, numerous edible fungi and lichens and other more unusual sources of food for the populace to survive upon.

Nations around Rael are even now considering going to the Deep Lord to ask for shares of the food riches he seems to now possess as their own people begin to stir and grow restless knowing that within a few days of them there seems to be a rich abundance of food available.

Conspiracy theorists are already assuming this is another ploy by the Lord to sow discontent and discord amongst the surrounding nations to give him the reason to invade and annex their countries.

It has been noted that additional Rael border units have appeared all around the nation just prior to the food being provided.

Script Wrecked

Re: Lord Raels message
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2012, 06:13:11 pm »
"Zis iz only natural, no? The Underrdog has been pilferring frrom the zurrface forr the decades."