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Author Topic: The Mist  (Read 537 times)


The Mist
« on: October 31, 2010, 06:37:15 am »
Days have passed, and not a single report of attacks by the mysterious Mist have been reported.

Civilians breathe sighs of relief, guards relax their vigil slightly, children play out in the streets once more.

But many still wonder, and the rumours still circulate.
Who was this mage who supposedly brought down the wrath of the Mist upon them?

What was the Mist's purpose?

More so... who was responsible for delivering the people from the Mist?

As time passes, the answer to these questions becomes lost like tears in the rain.

But surely someone somewhere must know?
Someone somewhere... must have a tale to tell... of a brave and ruthless individual, the most unlikeliest of heroe's... or perhaps not even a hero at all... who walked into the Mist, and came back out victorious.[/SIZE]


Re: The Mist
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2010, 09:15:25 pm »
Dogboy spends time in the local taverns talking about the Wizard Greybeard and how he made pacts with demons from the pits and they sent the Mist to Layonara.

"Ya know, if it weren't for a group of brave individuals who said, ya know what, someones gotta take a stand against them evil mages an there evil plots, an actually did somethin, an brought down the Mist the world would be a very different place, ya know!

I'm not sayin I ad anythin ta do with it, but I reckon I know some of them that did, an I reckon they wouldn't be who you'd figure em ta be. Thats all I really gotta say bout it though, as ya know," he taps the side of his nose knowingly, "Walls got ears, potatoes ave eyes and beans talk." He chuckles and whistles happily as he heads to the next inn generously tossing a few coins to the innkeeper as he leaves.

