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Author Topic: The Trial of Saida  (Read 83 times)


The Trial of Saida
« on: November 07, 2007, 02:31:11 pm »
*Caighd receives a notice from Warden Michaels of the Principium and co-signed by High Justicier Reus.*

We acknowledge your notification of the recapture of the prisoner in question and agree to the interment of the prisoner in the Lucindite cells until a date for the hearing can be set.

We shall endeavour to provide suitable representation for the case against the prisoner as required.

By the Wisdom of the Great Dragon,
Warden Michaels of the Principium

The light and strength of the Dragon,
High Justicier Reus


*Notices are posted throughout the lands announcing the trial*

All those residents and denizens of the lands of Mistone wishing to speak in defense or against the accused mage, Saida Pepper'in, are requested to report to Spellgard on the below date.



Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2007, 04:10:48 pm »
*Caighd receives a written correspondance*

Dearest Caighd,

The temple is treating me quite well here in Spellgard, although the magics they are using to contain my abilities are very frustrating.  My aggregious wounds inflicted by the barbarians that dragged me to Spellgard have finally healed and there is only a slight scar on my cheek where I was kicked in the head violently while already subdued.

I have been informed that I am being charged with a crime known as 'misuse of the weave' and murder.  I have not misused or bent the weave for evil means and I have never murdered anyone.  Since I am representing myself at this mockery of a trial, I feel compelled to plead my innocence to you immediately and ask for your assistance in gaining a release from prison in order to collect legal evidence in my defense.

I promise not to use any magics or trickery and will show up at the appointed place and time.  If you are unable to help with my release, then I ask for your aid in my defense and the collection of evidence which will set me free.

Also, as a servant of Roferien, I ask that you file charges against Abigail Firesteed and Brian for the manners in which they incapaciatated me and brought me to jail.  Any magics I may have used against them were solely used in self defense against their methods of 'capturing' prisoners.

Truly yours,
Saida Pepper'in


Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2007, 08:53:15 am »
*Caighd frowns deeply as he reads the letter then marches to the temple in Vehl.  He shows Reus the letter and respectfully requests to question the prisoner in Spellguard and to investigate further.*

I am wary of the woman's trickery but she has requested that I represent her.  I feel it to be only fair to honor that part of her request.  As for bringing in Abigail and Brian, I will leave that to your own judgement.  I believe that Abigail was right in her use of force while Brian went too far.  However, if I am to look into this I do not feel it would be proper that I also bring one or both of them in.

I will not suggest release.  She's escaped a jail once to get out of a trail.  There is no reason to believe she will not flee or use her magicks to whatever end she sees fit.

*bows to Reus*  I await your counsel on the matter, Lord Protector willing.


Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2007, 06:04:39 pm »
Dearest Caighd,

As I have not heard from you, I can only hope that you are working diligently on our case and have not had time to respond.  In my heart I know that I have done nothing to deserve this internment and previous abuse by those bounty hunters bent on capturing an innocent elf.

I have been informed the Rofireinites are sending Judge Kirus himself to administer this trial.  One may only hope you have gathered the evidence to set me free following this unmerited trial.  If it means anything, the Lucindites are treating me quite well and I am permitted outside my cell under close supervision and warding for one hour each day.

You should come visit me when you have time, I'd love to see you again.  May you capture Abigail and Brian soon for their imprisonment.

Truly yours,


Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2007, 02:45:33 am »
*High Justicier Reus gives Caighd a few moments of his precious time in relation to the matter and hands Caighd another document*

Another matter has arisen in relation to this prisoner. There will need to be additional charges laid against her. It seems another woman by the name of Arynne tried to arrest the very same person now in custody. The accused apparently summoned allies who freed her aboard a ship escorting her from Fort Wailing in the Dragon Isles.

The report indicates that after her release she unleashed deadly magics unto the crew and upon her captors. Subsequently it is claimed the ship was lost at sea and a number of lives lost. Current estimates put the loss at twenty four crew and a cabin boy. I believe the insurers of the vessal also wish to press charges and claim for damages for the families of the crew and the loss of the ship and its cargo should the accused be found guilty.

May the Wisdom of the Dragon see proportional justice done.

*With that Reus rushes off to yet another meeting.*


Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2007, 08:42:44 am »
*A letter is sent to Caighd*

I am afraid I will not be able to witness the trial due to some unforseen duties at the temple in Blackford. I will however give you a writen statement about how I see this Saida and her actions.

First time I encountered this woman both Lareth and me had reason to believe that she was Trents girlfriend. However we became suspicious when she started flirting with Lareth. Not wanting to disturb the peace and since Lareth didn't wish to persue any further relations with this woman I said we were going to see about some business elsewhere. However as we turned and walked away I clearly heard the words of a charm person spell being cast plus I felt in the weave that it was directed at Lareth, he confirmed this and we confronted her and tried to see what was really going on with Trent.
After having seen her ask Trent to sit in the fountain at the Crimsons Eagles memorial I asked miss Jennara if it was alright to try dispelling Trent which she agreed it was. After casting a disjunction on her Trent seemed rather confused and didn't know why his armor was all wet and generally didn't remember anything about any woman asking him to do so.
I believe this is a common effect of the charm person spell for clarification I suggest that you ask some of the people working in the arcane tower under the Heart of Glamors. Further more she has several times tried to cast charming and necromancy spells on the people holding her back, for clarification on that you should ask the two guards from the Rofirienite temple and the Protectors who helped guarding her here in Spellgard.
After this event I only heard from others about her doings untill she escaped the prison in Vehl and probably charmed Trent again. I saw her walking around the gates of Hempstead invisible while Trent was acting rather odd, I dispelled him and again he showed signs of being confused and had no knowledge of what happened the last few hours. As we set out to search for her we were aproached by a band of guards, three of them who asked us to leave the said woman alone and go about our business, when I dispelled them they acted like Trent only remembering that they met some woman in a tavern after that they don't remember anything. After this she was caught an event I had nothing to do with and I have only seen her in Spellgard when I was doing guard duty.

*Signed*Storold Doesscha, Protector of the Weave

I wish you the best of luck in running this trial and I hope that justice will be served in its most pure form



Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2007, 07:45:31 pm »
Judge Kirus has recessed the court to allow the defense to ready their witnesses for the trial as the prosecution has rested.


*penned clearly on a sealed scroll and delivered to Judge Kirus*

Motion for dismissal of the charge of murder.

As counsel for the defense I hereby make motion to have the murder charge dropped from the case of People vs Saida Pepper'in.

The prosecution has failed to supply evidence or even the name of one person that the defendant was thought to have murdered or caused to be murdered. The burden of proof for such a charge has not been met.

In any event the defense would like to submit a few testimonials and have ready a few added witnesses. Those being the following: Clarielil of the Order of Lucinda and one expert each, recognized by the Order of Lucinda, in the areas of Enchanting and Necromancy.

Counselor for the defense,
Caighd Brendimeere


Judge Kirus looks over the scroll from Caighd and starts to think deeply regarding his request.  At the same time a letter is dispatched from Judge Kirus to Spellgard requesting an expert witness in the schools of Enchantment and Necromancy.  Without hesitation, the temple dispatches Anaranen Tidestar, priestess of the Mage and Planeward, Dawnwoven, to attend the trials next session.


Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2007, 07:49:44 pm »
* A Notice is posted in various towns and cities throughout the land *

Any persons having knowledge of any murders conducted by Saida Peppe'rin are requested to contact the temple of Rofirein in Fort Vehl immediately.  The people of Layonara depend on you for summoning as a witness for the prosecution in the trial of the accused enchantress and murderer.

Knight Grant Trellan
Prosecuting Attorney
Court of Rofirein



Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2007, 11:09:47 pm »
*The guards of Hlint respond to a report of breaking and entering at a small home in Hlint where Grant Trellan was staying during the course of the trial.

Upon arrival, the guards note that there are slight signs of a struggle but no items of value were taken from the premises.  There is no sign of the prosecuting attorney to be found by those that search the home or the area immediately surrounding the dwelling.*



Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2007, 11:28:01 am »
*The court of Rofirein posts the following notice at local temples*

Following the disappearance of Knight Trellan, the court is seeking a person able to complete the trial of the people vs. Saida Peppe'rin in an expeditious manner.  All able bodies are encouraged to speak with High Justicer Reus for assignment to this important task.

The court is also seeking any information regarding his sudden disappearance and prays for his quick and safe return.

By the Wisdom of the Great Dragon,
Warden Michaels of the Principium

The light and strength of the Dragon,
High Justicier Reus


Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2007, 11:02:05 am »
* Two days prior to the trial, a very tattered looking Grant Trellan walks slowly towards the home he is staying at in Hlint.  He does not speak a word to anyone and keeps his gaze downward.  Every light in the house is immediately lit upon his entrance and remain that way throughout the night, into the next day, and again through the next night. *



Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2007, 11:07:17 am »
*penned clearly on a sealed scroll and delivered to Caighd Brendimeere*

Your motion to remove the charge of murder has been considered.  If the prosecution is unable to provide a specific instance or name of a victim, the charge shall be dropped.

The temple of Lucinda has provided Anaranen Tidestar, priestess of the Mage and Planeward, Dawnwoven as your expert witness as you have previously requested.

The Light and Justice of the Great Dragon
Judge Kirus



Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2007, 04:19:40 pm »
*A manifest supplying the names of the men lost at sea when their ship was sunk in the escape attempt of the accused Sairalinde Hunandar is delivered to Judge Kirus from the Port Authorities in Fort Vehl for the upcoming court case against her after the one against Saida is concluded*

Ships Captain 1st Class Marcus Tor
Ships surgeon Alorin Orr
Ships 1st Mate Peter Nane
Ships 2nd Mate Keila Way
Ships Master of the Deck 2nd Class Kie Dey

Lorei Oakers
Mark Goir
Heran Bacre
Slipper Day
Lessier Kollen
Marick Grigs
Opan Weys
Redfin Hollerin
Lastronia Hordrick
Ella Marna
Holly Evander

*Further to the manifest a list of survivors of the event are supplied*

Keith Urgrane
Dominic Vanstafrolan


Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #13 on: November 18, 2007, 03:58:44 am »
*Jennara writes a letter and has it sent by the fastest of courier birds to the Temple in Vehl*

High Justicer Reus,

I have reason to believe that Knight Grant Trellan, the lead prosecutor in the trail against Saida in Hlint, has had himself, his family, or both threatened with great harm or death. After speaking with him, I cannot show any direct evidence, but feel that he was offering clues, hoping to send a message without explicit statement.

Knight Trellan said of his disappearance that he needed a break and that the trial was difficult for him. He offered no explanation of why he did not give word of his absence to the Judge or any other. He indicated a desire to resign his post following the completion of the trial, after which he would take his family far away. He went on to say that his young son is the last of his line, and that both his son and his wife should be allowed to grow old. When asked if he felt his duties in the courts made their longevity seem less likely, he answered yes. He also stated that family is an irreplaceable treasure that can be stronger than faith.

I can offer little but speculation, but it is my opinion that Knight Trellan has been compromised, and that, despite his assurances to me that justice would be done in the court, another should be appointed lead prosecutor.

Of equal importance, Knight Trellan's family, who live on the outskirts of Fort Vehl, should have guards. It is vitally important that those guards have the Sight of the All-Seeing Lord Protector, as the enemies who threaten justice and the innocent from the shadows move as shadows themselves. Paladin Brendimeere feels there is a great danger working from the darkness, and I concur with his assessment.

Knight of the Wyrm Section Commander Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon


* Upon reading the urgent message from Jennara, the only available attorney familiar with the case, Grant's assistant, Initiate Janus Arjolt, is assigned and dispatched to relieve Grant Trellan.  The Trellan family is relocated to the temple of Rofirein in Fort Vehl and an escort is sent to transport Grant from Hlint to the temple for safety *



Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2007, 09:26:38 pm »
*Word is sent immediately via courier to the temple of Lucinda to report the death of Kara Ledden, Protector of the Weave.  Protector Callie Franklin is in critical condition and being cared for at the temple of Ilsare in Hlint while awaiting transport to Spellgard.

During Callie's brief moments of awareness she spoke incoherently regarding the shadows coming alive, engulfing Saida, and taking her from her holding cell in Hlint.

Saida is currently classified as a fugitive and is suspected in plotting her escape.*



Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2007, 10:11:06 pm »
*upon hearing the rumors for the only other day he was in Hlint with Abigail, Brian lets out a profound sight*

No one wanted to listen.. no one... they got what they deserved then.


Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2007, 11:36:42 am »
*After Storold hears the news while he waits around the courthouse he rushes to the temple of Ilsare to check on Callie and starts making the arrangements of a safe transport. While he waits he starts writing some letters to Kara Leddens family and to the temple in Spellgard regarding the event.*


Re: The Trial of Saida
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2007, 02:34:45 pm »
Sir Trier,

I have disturbing news from Hlint where the trial of one Saida Pepperin was held. She has been held in our cells in Spellgard in the days up till the trial, and was under our guard the whole time. Sadly I missed the first part of the trial but I gave my writen statement about this woman.
She was sentenced with misuse of the Weave in Hempstead and had to spend the next ten years at the temple in Spellgard where she was to learn how to use her gift properly. However she was helped to escape after the trial. And escape that resulted in Callie Franklin being severely hurt, she is now in the care of the Ilsarians pending a transport back to Spellgard. Unfortunatly the other protector guarding her, Kara Ledden, died serving the church in this matter and she has probably joined Lucinda now to serve her in the life beyond.
I hope that Callie can return to the temple soon and that Kara can get a proper burial in Spellgard when we have another transport for the body. They both fought bravely to keep the prisoner, but something came from the shadows and attacked them inside the Hlint courthouse.
I suggest that we try to investigate a bit around Hlint and the Hempstead-Vehl area if we have some people avalible for the task, prefferably Guardians or something like that since it seems that these people we are dealing with aren't seen much in the normal society it seems. I hope that you can help sort things out once Callie and Kara returns to Spellgard.

*Signed*Storold Doesscha, Protector of the Weave