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Author Topic: Throughout Layonara ....  (Read 691 times)


Throughout Layonara ....
« on: September 13, 2009, 09:17:07 am »
.... virgins sleep a little easier, merchants with fat purses walk a little more safely, those with low self esteem feel a little bit better about themselves.

// The end of Arkolio Salvorre.
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Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2009, 09:47:41 am »
*Eghaas in his travels hears such rumors and perks up his ears at it and then sighing he hurrily rushes to Fort Vehl to get some more information*


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2009, 10:04:16 am »
*Whilst in temple Jehoram overhears a conversation from behind locked doors. They seem to be arguing about a canceled delivery. The name Salvorre is mentioned. Jehoram quietly steps back and pulls out a small coin. He examins it thoughtfully and then begins the long journey through the mountains to Vehl.*


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2009, 10:05:11 am »
*Sasha, still nursing bruised knuckles from punching Ark in the face sighs sadly upon entering the Vault and hearing the news. The end of an era indeed.*


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2009, 10:27:12 am »
*G'ork plucks ark's limp corpse from the ground, noting the multiple stab wounds littering the body, slinging him over his shoulder in the dark halls, G'ork shakes his head looking to the others grimly and continues to make his way out.....memories coming back to the surface...When Ark was nothing more than a spineless rodent skulking the streets...The conversation they exchanged when the Western Gate was put into lockdown...Being stood by Ark confronting the Black Plague...So many memories....G'ork doesn't say a word to anyone until he reaches a dock and requests the body to be shipped to vehl.

G'ork then slips a single dart from out of it's holder placing it in ark's hand mumbling to the corpse*

So yous can still play....

*watches the ship slowly disappear into the distance, however the grim expression on his face not going anywhere*

Atleast not have to pay him nows...


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2009, 10:28:00 am »
// Amendment to above, just for s0ulz, SW and Harlas - ".... virgins sleep a little easier, merchants with fat purses walk a little more safely, those with low self esteem feel a little bit better about themselves and dwarves cease to be referred to as midgets and go back to being kin!"



Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2009, 10:33:46 am »
No one knows quite how it arrived.

Rumour has it a carpenter and slaver-hunter from Hurm arrived within hours of the news by boat, making room in the market place with angry shouts and cursing.

Word tells of a silver haired sorceress who ensured the couriers transporting it made haste through the town, with fire and lightning dancing suggestively across her finger tips.

Once it had been set carefully in place, a young Druid in a dark coat sat before it, whispering and praying for hours at its base, gently coaxing and calling a variety of flowers... usually unseen in the gloomy town... to bloom up at its base.

Once done, another young man took out a guitar, and as crowds of wondering people began to gather to see, he began to play soft, gentle songs of loss and those that will never be forgotten.

When all was done, the four people stood before it, arms around each other, and took a long moment of silence.
And just before they left, the carpenter turned to almost glare angrily at the crowd, his eyes glazed with tears.

" This is so you people don't bloody forget!"



Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2009, 10:58:07 am »
*Somewhere on Layonara, in a room that most people would call dark, something moves.

If the room had been alight, we would see an ancient, elegant desk, made of wood long since gone dark by the amounts of a special polish used on it.

The movement would come from a person clad in black silken robes sitting behind this desk. The person's head would briefly move to stare out of one of the room's windows. Looking, watching, sensing... A stray flicker of light would show a red glow from the eyes.

The person returns to look at the various objects on his desk and picks up what looks like a small black scorpion-like figurine. He lifts it up from the desk as if to remove it from the desk altogether. He pauses for an instant and then returns it to the desk, but to a different position then it had before.

A few soft words escape from the person's mouth, and another small figurine appears on the desk in yet another location.

However, the room is not alight, and no observers are present, so all that happened in the dark of the room is hidden...*


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2009, 11:25:03 am »
*Tralek waits till the others leave the arrangements laid out in Vehl and approaches.  He pulls out something small from his pocket and performs a discrete arcane whisper, which causes the object to turn crystaline and ice cold.  He gently lays the crystalized winterbloom flower amongst the other beautiful arrangements.  He quickly catches a tear from his left eye and whispers "You will me missed my friend".  He then walks off*


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2009, 11:56:04 am »
*When hearing of the news, Raz shrugs indifferntly and heads out to look for Sasha.*

//Sorry Pseud =(.  And I guess Razes live a little safer.


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2009, 01:10:10 pm »
*A small female elven lady cloaked in mostly black walks through the city and over hears a conversation about the fallen Arkolio Salvorre. Then a small smirk comes across her face as she mutters*

That's what he gets for dangling a trap in my face and calling me "Love"....

// *sighs* Emie may not have got along with Ark, but I hated to watch what happened. :(  He added a lot to Layonara and will be missed by many.


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2009, 01:15:23 pm »
*Those near and at Stort during sunsets notice that a cowled dwarf barks out the guard for a honorary silent stand of one minute and then fiery arrows launched into the bay. After this the guard resumes their normal duties and the dwarf retires to the top of the lighthouse. This behavior lasts for a week.*

Ye bugger... *he mutters to himself*


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2009, 01:41:04 pm »
*On his way to the crafting hall the ornate flower arrangements catch Vrebel's eye and he hears talk of Arkolio's passing.  Vrebel shakes his head in disbelief and grief and walks to the dock's edge to be by himself for what seems like hours.  He then returns to the flowered arrangements bending down to say a couple of words*

After all you've done fer this town and these people *pauses*  I'm gonna miss you friend as well as yer smart arse remarks.

*He then heads off back to the docks wondering why there is not more of fancy procession with speaches and boastings.  He then thinks to himself it must say something about the true man behind all the glitter.


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2009, 03:06:00 pm »
[INDENT]A vast array of keys clink together as a small figure lingers hooded but otherwise unconcealed nearby. She tilts her head curiously for a time, and after a moment she murmurs softly to someone beside her. "Look for what he left behind... quietly."

After a brief exchange of quiet words and purse, one departs and the other remains. She draws the hood back, loosing the tangled mess of dark hair, and her black eyes are a strange mix of puzzlement and awareness.

"Oilem amelwla, wehizicc, and kururtpooa for now, Arkolio de'Averlain... I hope that you found Joy, or will yet do so..."

She glances around, observing mourners and gossipers whose actions and conversations suggest different states of an elevated reputation, and shakes her head slightly with a hint of a smile as she wanders away, bells chiming. "Well played."[/INDENT]

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2009, 03:10:54 pm »
* Kobal lets out a long sigh at the news, looking somehow perplexed. He looks to the speaker in front of him and speaks to him in a low voice. *

Oi knew dah lad. He made meh laugh.

* With a slight nod and a second sigh Kobal trudges away, kicking at pebbles as he walks. *


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2009, 03:23:30 pm »
//Due to time zones, my characters never interacted with Arkolio much, so I can't make an IC comment - but I always enjoyed the personality I saw come forth from forums posts and the snippets of dialogue I saw on screen shots you posted. My sympathies, and I'm sure you are aware he'll be missed.


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2009, 04:16:43 pm »
*Alatriel hears the news and shrugs a bit*  Well, that's too bad I guess *sniffs the air*  though... I do think it smells a bit cleaner....

*she seems to disappear*

//sorry pseud.  :(  I'll miss Arkolio ooc.  But... if YOU go anywhere because Arkolio died, I will be very very very sad.


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2009, 04:18:11 pm »
//I gotta say the same.  OOC, I feel bad he's gone.  But I would miss you're style if you disappeared on us completely.


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2009, 04:23:42 pm »
*Savin observes the entire procession, leaning cross-armed on a shadowed wall. He stays there for several hours paying his respects to Arkolio before disappearing*


Re: Throughout Layonara ....
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2009, 05:29:55 pm »
*Ami follows G'ork slowly as the party leaves the sewers with Ark's body. Once in town, she falls in step with Emie and for once, is silent. As Emie mutters, Ami looks over at her and quietly adds...*
 You should have seen the picture he drew.
 *Ami sighs and keeps walking with G'ork, Emie and Galathia, mostly quiet during the trip. She watches G'ork with the body, the ship leaving and hangs around for a while with G'ork.*
 //Sorry to see Ark go.