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Author Topic: Bugbears strike back!  (Read 76 times)


Bugbears strike back!
« on: December 04, 2007, 10:50:46 pm »
Rumours spread quickly from travellers, explorers and adventurers that use the Backbone passage between the Vipers Teeth and the Backbone mountians on Dreger.

Mounted on spikes outside a large encampment of Bugbears of the Eternal Flame who guard the entry to the infamous Cave of the Snake are the heads of several adventurers. Obviously this show of bravado is to warn away any foolish enough to think they are an easy target.

The decapitated heads at present are recognisable as the following:

Sala Stonehill
Sallaron Tempest // events taking place just before his current goblin change


Re: Bugbears strike back!
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 01:15:52 pm »
At least she's in good company.


Re: Bugbears strike back!
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2008, 11:05:34 pm »
Rumours spread quickly from passing adventurers coming through the Backbone Passage between the Vipers Teeth and the Backbone mountains on Dregar.

There's been a recent drop in bugbear activity from the Eternal Flame Clan. Adventurers bold enough to travel near the Cave of the Snake report a row of bugbear heads, all mounted on pikes surrounding the entrance to the cave. Their heads all neatly turned to face the cave opening.

Some travelers reported scattered bands of bugbears, warning that it would not take long for the Clan to regain composure.

