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Author Topic: Trouble in the Hilm Protectorate?  (Read 3134 times)


The bell at the local
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2014, 02:29:03 pm »

The bell at the local Toranite shrine begins ringing franticly early in the morning, just as the sun is beginning to creep above the horizon. It is an alarm calling the people of the town together.

As adventurers arrive they find most of the villagers present. They have a snarling and biting human girl tied up in course ropes. Her eyes are bulging and spittle flies as she curses and tries to break free. You recognize the girl as a relative of the Mae family. Her mother was Sally Mae’s aunt, and the one who had removed all of the personal property from their home prior to the fire that burned down the dwelling. A sense of foreboding creeps over you as you realize the girl’s parents are not in the crowd, and that last night was the second consecutive full moon following the previous incident.

A few questions reveal that a neighbor found the girl’s parents lying in bed as dried up mummified husks. The villagers are again calling for a trial and accusations of “witch” are being shouted. You hear some yelling “burn her!”


Lance Stargazer

*Armand doesn't lose his
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2014, 03:55:33 pm »

*Armand doesn't lose his time, he knows that a bully can be dangerous a mob full of bullies can be way more dangerous , upon closing his eyes he focuses on the little girl to see if there is any changes on her particular Aura's, his senses goes thru all the formulaes that he had studied to mimic the human mind with the hopes to one day create a sentient construct, he focuses on the aura and the mind of the girl, to see if it has been affected unnaturally by magical efforts, his usual aloof nature dissapears if any for the time he is concentrated *



Arfur arrives at the scene of
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2014, 05:05:40 am »

Arfur arrives at the scene of the disturbance at a brisk walk, Bas trailing along behind arms out for a pouch of gold Arfur was in the process of offerring. However the pouch is whisked back into a bag as Arfur pushes his way to the front of the crowdwhere everyone can see his striking pose  hands resting on a pair of rapiers and hat at a suitably jaunty angle he addresses the crowd with an intimidating gaze remaining just out of spitting range from the poor bound and snarling girl. "steady friends, BAS!...refreshments please for our clients. Now once is bad luck, but twice is getting a bit careless. " He looks around and settles an intimidating stare or Armand as if he expected him to explain everything.








It turned out to be a very
« Reply #43 on: May 04, 2014, 01:04:49 pm »

It turned out to be a very bad day for Borris. It had started out nice, but it went bad. On his way to the village he had picked up an unwanted companion.  An unwanted addition to his existence. Unwanted, yet very demanding.  The itchiness in his backside, in "that" place, had raised his constipation to elite levels of blockage and sheer irritation.   Walking was unpleasant. Thinking, while normally unpleasant in the first place, was made even more unpleasant.  Trying to ease villagers mistrust and disdain for him and his disposition, always a nice source of unpleasantness was made yet still even more unpleasant.  All added to his constipation and worsened further by the itchiness. It got to the point where he didn't even want to eat beans, his favorite food. 

After a few good hours of itchiness and having conversations that sounded a lot like; "Erm excuse me, eh, my name is Borris an' Ah don'wanna eat yew, but Ah got uh few questions about... Get away from me you Tusker!" He decided to give it up and go curl up under a shady tree until the itchiness resided. Only then would he be able to collect himself and more properly go about sifting through all the fearful villagers until he could find one who would at least give him a modicum of information. 
He sat down tenderly, pulled out his pipe, packed it with  a fine brand of wolfswood leaf,(not his favorite but at this stage, anything would do) and stoked away anxiously in pursuit of some sense of calm. 
His peaking constipation levels rose even more as he noticed the stranger approaching, but subsided considerably when he realized that it was a fellow half-orc, one of the rarest things in the world.
"Holy Yashillia's specialty loam! Ain't yew uh sight fer soar eyes?!"
He looked around at the people in the village as if in response to Thrunt's comment. 
"Aye that! Dey don' want nuth'n to do with us until dey needs us to haul something fer 'em! Bah! Ah gotta start out by tell'n 'em Ah don' wanna eats 'em fer ah kin even start to ask 'em noth'n!" 
He looked up into the eyes of such a rare kin, and whispered, "Ain't too many of us around these days" and quickly felt a sense of camaraderie, and a rare occasion of shared commonality. 
His constipation subsided more and even the itchiness became less prevalent.
Almost as if on cue, he offered, Thrunt a parsed blunt of his Woolfswood leaf. Somehow such an offering felt gutturally  appropriate, among kindred folks of their shared type. 
"Names Borris, but yew kin call me Borris." He said in a more plainly speaking voice but then lowered his voice to a whisper again to ask; "Erm, what happened here? Some kid back in Fort Vehl told me dere' was uh little girl, got burned at duh steak here?"


"'Scuse me, Sir?"William
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2014, 05:48:23 am »

"'Scuse me, Sir?"

William turned and acknowledged the apprentice's presence with a nod. "What is it?", he asked calmly. He didn't note any fear or sense of urgency in the young man's demeanor, so he felt at ease - at least for now.

"Some folks of the Ankh came into the village justa few minutes ago. Ironarm said I should go tell you."

William nodded with a smile. "Thank you and your master. I'll go to them immediately." Maybe Orn was among them. He certainly hoped so.

And indeed she was, and his heart jumped for a brief moment. He greeted them respectfully, helped them to settle in and shared with them what he had found so far.


By the time the answered the call of bell, a huge crowd has already gathered. William spotted Armand and Arfur, the latter already busy in taming the mob. The palm of his hand resting on the pommel of the long sword on his side, he made his way through the crow annd looked around for Orn, Naoniasa and Vesichi.

His attention came to rest at the girl, and he asked the Hand of Virtue for guidance and judgement on her mental state and soul.




Armand receives some initial
« Reply #45 on: May 18, 2014, 06:32:28 pm »

Armand receives some initial “push-back” from the crowd and hears some grumbling dissent,  but their quick glances at his strange mechanical arm tells him their fear of him will keep them at bay for the moment. He senses a state of panic from the people around him. His initial observations of the little girl are made a little difficult because he does not have the data to establish the “norm” for his quick statistical sampling and analysis. He simply does not know enough about these people. He can see that some of them seem more intent on violence and a quick resolution then others though… and some of the more docile members of the crowd are feeding off of this and becoming more agitated.

When focusing on the little girl he can sense slight fluctuations in her magical aura. Something is not right… but he does not have the skill to discern exactly what.


Basil Cheshmore stumbles as his hands narrowly miss the sack of gold coins that was being offered to him just seconds before by Arfur's outstrecthed hands. Irritation flits across his features as he realizes the current situation is going to interrupt what was going to prove to be a lucrative business transaction.

As the rapier carrying gentleman, dressed in obviously expensive clothing, pushes his way to the front of the crowd and begins calling for refreshments, several men begin “cat calling” with phrases such as “Yes! Refreshments for the burning!” and “Burning is thirsty work!” Balustrus Hobkines smiled and hurriedly departs for his tavern. Basil notices this and also leaves quickly to secure supplies for sale… he had no intent on losing out on his share of profits… if any were to be had.


The crowd cleared around William as he waded into their midst and he spotted Armand and Arfur trying to keep the mob from becoming violent. Most of the crowd was responding well to them, but he immediately spotted several instigators, some of which were already procuring wood and other fuel items. Orn, Naoniasa, and Vesichi were not far behind him when he glanced in their direction. His military eye did not discern any immediate martial threats though. No weapons had been drawn yet, and armed individuals carried only light weaponry.

In the midst of uttering his prayers William felt a sense of “danger” or “wrongness.” The little girl emanated a sense of strong “evil” and he felt compelled to do something, although he knew not what. For a second he thought he sensed the presence of another “thing” when he briefly locked eyes with the restrained girl.

And then it happened… a large “cracking” sound from within the mob.


Thrunt took the blunt and drew a deep drag of the calming smoke before he answered. “Err yeah. Little girl wuz burned like sheez wuz wood. Itz wuz wrong dohh. She wuz not same girl az wuz tied up before. Look same... but not same.” At that moment the bell began tolling in alarm. Borris and Thrunt rushed towards the shrine to see what all of the commotion was about.

Borris’s itchy posterior regions were beginning to lessen in intensity. The constipation though had reached a breaking point… literally. As he made his way into the crowd to see what was transpiring, a huge reservoir of gas breached his blocked bowls and flowed into the crowd around him with a loud cracking sound… a noise similar to a large rock breaking in half. The angry townsfolk immediately became silent around him and as the smell enveloped them many gagged, some actually vomited, and a large space cleared out around him. The focus shifted from the still spitting and snarling girl to him. An old woman squinted at him angrily and simply mumbled “Really???”

Thrunt roared with laughter from the side of the Toranite shrine.



« Reply #46 on: May 18, 2014, 06:47:16 pm »

Lance Stargazer

*Armand opens his eyes
« Reply #47 on: May 23, 2014, 03:30:11 pm »

*Armand opens his eyes frustrated,  as he finishes some quick notes on his always reliable flashcards, he then looks upon the crowd and is obvious that he is not confortable with being in the middle of a would be furious mob. .... again. *

**He projects a small trick upon his arm, making it crackle with illusionary electricity in a way that has done before, this time the arcs shwo to be shoot to small distance from him, he looks oblivious at the situation and start to advance forward to come closer to where the girl is, if he manages to pass the crowd to be on the front line of it, he focuses again on the girl, taking time to try to go thru the basics of the so called magic, not taking references this time, but studying the raw energies around it, he leaves the illusionary electric arcs thru the arm as an instict, not minding that well... they are still there *



Due to some final details
« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2014, 02:15:00 am »

Due to some final details still needing to be arranged on the GM end of this, the event is being rescheduled. Thank you for your patience. Please stay tuned!



There was a collective gasp
« Reply #49 on: June 26, 2014, 12:06:15 am »

There was a collective gasp from the crowd as Armand’s illusionary electrical arcs snapped and popped in the air and the whoosh of stink from Boris’s posterior washed over everyone. The mob mentality seemed to calm down somewhat and the danger of an immediate "burning" seemed to diminish.

There was no change in the snapping and thrashing girl bound tightly in rope.



Realizing, suddenly, he had
« Reply #50 on: June 26, 2014, 01:14:08 pm »
Realizing, suddenly, he had become the center of attention, and vaguely almost relieved that, because of which, no one was in any immediate hurry to take a torch to the stake Borris did the best he could to take a strange advantage of the situation.
"Holy sweet cornucopia of Drawna's red dress! Dem was some goooood beans! Hah! Ah eat's dem all day every day! Yeah!"
He looks around at his unexpectedly procured audience.
"See here! What ah yew folk doin' with dat little girl?
Introspectively, he hardly realizes that his size, weaponry, and garb command a certain presence as he speaks. But anyone else around him likely does. A giant half-orc dressed in full plate armor with a sheathed yet ready to join the party, fire bathed bastard sword at his side, is rather hard not to notice.
His Half-Orc voice sounds far meaner than anyone who knows him, knows him to be, but in this setting it certainly carries a weight.
"Ah means to say, is all'a you dang good an sure you doi'n duh right thing here?"
He looks around the crowd. The silence is profoundly uncomfortable.
"Ah look's around here an' Ah see's at least three good folk who's place it is, kin tell's you iff'n you is doi'n duh right thing or not!"
His eyes fall on Armand then Arfur and he vaguely glances in the direction of William and two or three others behind him.
While still being unaware of how very much his stature carries, adding poignancy to his broken language, he places one hand on the handle of that fiery bastard sword, squares his stance and gives out an Orc snort intended to add command to his words.
"Ah say you all put some ice on it until them folks what know's what day doi'n git's duh time day needs to git it all figured out! 
Until den, Ah stands fer dah girl!"
With that he grunts, and a tiny confirming fart slips out for good measure.


The shocked crowd who had
« Reply #51 on: June 26, 2014, 11:21:00 pm »

The shocked crowd who had been enveloped by Borris’s cloud of intestinal gas and then exposed to a fireworks display from the strange metal armed man fell silent. Even the instigators took pause in their activities. The large and angry half-orc, who obviously seemed very pleased with his gas making abilities made a formidable sight for the villagers, particularly with his armor and weaponry. Having seen the volatility of Armand’s arm over the last couple of days, and the other armed and armored adventurers closing in on them was additional incentive to bring their tone down a notch.

The village Alderman clears his throat and says loud enough for everyone to hear him, “We are going to let calmer heads prevail here. We will meet in the town square in three turns of the hourglass to commence legal proceedings against the “witch.” He then looks to the adventurers. “If she is found guilty we fully expect cooperation in carrying out our judgment. As we have no Rofireinite Guardian of Justice to oversee this trial, I will act in the capacity of judge and will determine guilt and sentence. If you wish to investigate further or act as her defense, please feel free.” He then turns around and heads towards the small village office. Several lightly armed townsmen drag the girl in the same direction. “She is laughing manically and shouting terrible things about “how delicious her parent’s souls tasted.”


//Quest time will be Saturday the 28th at 12:00PM PDT. Seattle WA time zone. There are three objectives for this quest, and if met will result in additional reward. It will be mostly RP… maybe. ;-) If there is no participation due to RL constraints for everyone, the story will go on and will conclude in this thread. It may not be pleasant though. There should be no additional chapters in this story regardless of how things turn out. There are some valuable clues in the previous posts, so I would advise briefly perusing them again.



William stays a few more
« Reply #52 on: July 10, 2014, 04:51:02 am »

William stays a few more days, writing a detailed report about the incident and their findings, interviewing all those involved with a great attention to detail about not only what they found, but also why and their interpretation of it, he himself taking a neutral stance, orienting himself on facts while trying to assess the overall tragedy that had transpired.

Additionally, he writes down a description of Riley Walters at the time of the incident and a detailed description of his actions, suggesting an investigation in the grounds of "inciting violence and rebellion against the laws of the land, wrongful claims of serving Rofirein and conspiring with dark forces to cause terror, death and chaos in the Protectorate".

He makes copies of both writings and sends one copy of them to the hands of Commander Lance Stargazer, and, as no more immediate trouble arises, leaves the town and heads back to Hilm Castle.



Arfur surfaces in time to see
« Reply #53 on: July 11, 2014, 04:41:20 am »

Arfur surfaces in time to see William's preperation to leave. His absence best explained by a need to drink the profits of his new found business plan. His carousing has reached legendary proportions and he appears to have missed events in there entirity more concerned about what breakfast offers. "William Sir ! perhaps you can offer a quick report before you head off for the city, and I for a rewarding breakfast?"



// Thanks to everyone for
« Reply #54 on: July 11, 2014, 11:08:34 am »

// Thanks to everyone for attending. There was an awesome turnout! I'm in the process of putting together a post-quest write-up and will notify players of any longer term consequences/perks... and be aware, there will be some. ;-)


Lance Stargazer

// Waiting for that to do my
« Reply #55 on: July 11, 2014, 11:37:03 am »

// Waiting for that to do my counter post Rave ;)



The crowd continued to be in
« Reply #56 on: July 13, 2014, 03:42:39 pm »

The crowd continued to be in an agitated state of mind… the tension was palpable and for many the burning of the small girl was inevitable. The impressive fireworks display from Armand’s mechanical appendage and the smell emanating from Borris’s vicinity had temporarily diverted their focus though… which changed the dynamics of this event in a significant way. A hooded stranger moving through the crown egging them on and calling for “justice” in an “eye for eye” type of mentality did complicate things.

Orn and the other adventurers pressed their case that there was “something” inside the girl and that she was not responsible for her actions. Although not in agreement, the Alderman of Eaornath D’lisk finally compromised and gave the adventurers three turns of the hourglass to prove her innocence. The bristling weapons and armor of William and Borris most likely contributed to this sudden flexibility. He did warn them though that if they failed, the village would carry out its own trial and sentence. The meaning behind his words was sufficiently implied.

The adventurers promptly took the little girl to her home to investigate further. She kicked, screamed, and spit the entire time, saying all types of monstrous and evil things… something they knew the little girl incapable of. Upon arriving Borris peeked out the front door and again saw the stranger inciting a group of villagers to violence as they began lighting up torches in preparation to burn the home down with everyone inside. William and Borris, with weapons drawn, exited and held the vigilantes at bay while the others worked feverishly inside to discover a way to save the little girl.

One turn of the hour glass passed… and then two.

Armand’s investigation in a corner of the room by the entry picked up an anomaly in the Al’Noth. There were some slight ripples of energy emanating from a beautiful plate glass mirror. With the assistance of the Toranite mage Vesichi they uncovered some faint sigils worked into the glass on the back side. Although, not well versed in this type of magic, Vesichi thought it was similar to a type of magic used to create magic bags containing extra-dimensional space.

The decision to proceed with an exorcism near the mirror was then made. Orn, Brother Naoniasa, and the village Toranite priest Cinestral knelt in a circle around the bound girl and began the ceremony. Prayers to the Great Leader were chanted, the three voices intertwining and melding into a beautiful mantra. The girl screamed, her body arched, and her muscles tightened. She spat curses, promising to never leave the shell of the little girl until she was burned… and they continued, the third turning of the hour glass approaching. It then happened; the misty shape of a spirit was ripped from the girls thrashing form. It rose several feet above her, vapors and tendrils of its ethereal body being sucked towards the mirror. It screeched as it franticly tried to escape, but it could not. It’s keening was cut short as it was reclaimed by the mirror. Armand then smashed the glass. Luckily that which was contained inside remained there… hopefully trapped forever.

Vesichi collected the shards stating they should be taken into custody for study. The little girl was confused and oblivious to everything that had transpired while she was possessed. Orn comforted her, informing the child that her parents were gone… and that the villagers would say terrible things about her. She was distraught and inconsolable. After a day of thought on the matter, Orn saw that the girl would not be able to function in Eaornath D’lisk and would live a life of pain and prejudice. She had no family, and it was unlikely any would take her in. After discussing it with Brother Naoniasa and William, she decided to take the girl to a small Toranite orphanage in Sundance. They departed the next day.


//I’ll be sending some individual PM’s out to the players that took part in this. Everyone will receive one. Also, this post is of course just a very basic overview of what transpired.

Feel free to add any additional posts to this thread as far as post-quest interactions. You might want to wait for my PM, as it could give you a little more to use. I’m hoping to have all of them out today. If you have anything OOC to say, please send via PM. I had a great time with this one, and thank you for the good quest turn-out and forum involvement. You all shaped how this turned out… and believe me, the ending was nothing like what was penciled out during quest development. As players, you really do have the power to shape the world.

From a GM standpoint, this quest is finished. If individual players would like to pursue aspects of this quest in character development though, by all means post for a CDQ with myself or any other GM.

Thank you again. You guys and gal’s rock!



Arfur leaves William to his
« Reply #57 on: July 20, 2014, 06:05:46 pm »

Arfur leaves William to his journey and returns for a hearty breakfast with the irrepressible halfling Basil Cheshmore. They both seem to be revelling in life and specifically their latest entrepreneurial enterprise. Both are observed supervising the loading of stone poles onto two large wagons with teams of big heavy draft horses. "Well Basil my old friend, our first load finally dancing it's way down the road to Katherian." Arfur suggests before demonstrating some kind of military dance for Basil's benefit. "Basil I'm going to escort this first load. Make sure we carve the right P in pole, pleasure not pain - we need to make sure we mean the Xeenites  lean on our stone and stay splinter free from inferior products! We will leave no stone unturned.....too much ?.....I'd better go."

"Please!" Basil suggests. "Before anyone else beats us to the dance."he dismisses Arfur with a secret smile that oozes secret deals and trues.


Lance Stargazer

*Armand had walked away thru
« Reply #58 on: July 25, 2014, 01:06:27 pm »

*Armand had walked away thru the way to Briardusk, somehow excited adn torn about the new additament placed on his arm, it was somehow faulted alas the human smith managed to work in perfect harmony with his previous work, he was a bit torn to accept that maybe.. . just maybe had corrected a small issue on the feeding of the emergency cooler he had on his arm, even if he had to recognize the talent for the metal working and the practical applications of this knowledge of this smith, he had been torn on the fact that someone else had touched his work, alas its for the best, he had done some improvements though, the gnuman had to relocate the "Anti-bear" container away from the oil used for the new firepower additive on the arm, this to prevent any (or even more )  non-controlled explosions .

*He had been trying to lay low since the last events, even if he felt good for the girl being saved, he didn't felt that good with the atention he recieved on the town, or maybe he was happy about it not having being ended with people throwing things at him ... again.  It was a small world and this humans indeed are a strange colection of beheaviors*

*Other things ocupied his mind, he had seen this pocket plane thing on the mirror for second time maybe.  he remembered the orbs trapping the souls of the Luminants, and it appeared to be a similar device this mirror, but the purpose completly diferent, he started to wonder who was able to put this like that, he frowned remembering those Corathites trapping souls to power golems back in the day, all that looked like a miracle of golemcraft it was nothing but the perversive acts of souls of outsiders trapped in the mechanical bodies for service.*

*Again the guilt hit him as he remembered those words *

- You are the most kind of souls Armand Dawson,  you that never had used anyone against their will -

*He felt miserable again, a feeling that came often as he thought of Lacee, he forced the thoughts off his mind, he looked down as he kept walking , to his bag where the enchanted handkerchief was holding what would be his next object of study, ... Who would miss one or two pieces of that mirror anyway ? ...  *




Lance Stargazer

*Upon reading the report sent
« Reply #59 on: July 25, 2014, 01:24:37 pm »

*Upon reading the report sent by William, Lance shakes his head and speak to Martin* Its terrible isn't it?  The horrors that those people had to seen, Let Naoniasa and Vesichi know that they are invited to a dinner tonight, if their obligations doesn't keep them busy of course.

*he smiles a bit, and can't help to look a bit proud, he tried to hide it of course, but how can a grandfather hide such feelings *  She is becoming quite a woman isn't it, Martin?  My little Orn did a wonderful work, as i read on this report.  The Owl for her and William seems as a good  award.  its funny no? Back in the day I offered William to share my name *he can't help but to remember this as if centuries had happened since then*  Those were other times, and they seem so  away from now.

**He looked upon Martin* Don't mind me, good friend, I never thought to have heard of the exploits of my grandaughter, can't help to make one feel a bit old. *he laughs heartly*

Arrange please that some help is sent to the town as well, food, water, building materials, what they need, offer them a supply of 5000 gold pieces in this, take this money from my own goods, but send them as an anonimous please, Or in the "Good faith of Hilm people".

It would be all, I have go and speak with my dear Ell, to get ready for the said dinner. So if someone needs me I'll be at the clinic by the grounds.

**he folds the report and put it on one pile of papers that had to be archived yet, as he dismisses Martin and moves towards the Clinic, ... Ell surely would be surprised by his arrival this early, but well.. that would be just an extra boon*