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Author Topic: Trouble in the Hilm Protectorate?  (Read 3152 times)


Borris simply has two things
« Reply #60 on: July 25, 2014, 03:34:28 pm »

Borris simply has two things on his mind as he makes his way back to Fort Vehl.

1)He is proud that he saved the girl. He intends to deliver a full report to Dread Pirate Breaksalot should he see him when he returns to Vehl.

2)Aside from the magic beans, he was all out of regular old ordinary beans. This was a grave concern for him. He'll not want too much time to pass before he gets some more...



Arfur steps back from his
« Reply #61 on: October 04, 2014, 05:18:21 pm »

Arfur steps back from his latest artistic creation - a painting. Scantily dressed Xeenites dancing around a stone pole each pulling along a different coloured dancing string. The Katherian docks lies in the background, both of his picture and in the real world behind the Quality Inn balcony Arfur paints on.

"By the bend in the Muse I think I've cracked it this time!" A waiter nods sagely and stands waiting with a selection of Katherian wines. "It is a wonderful painting. "He suggests. "Oh this thing. "Arfur shrugs but his artistic temperament wins through. "Oh you think so, yes you are right of course but I was referring to the real thing, my new business venture! Why before you can say double your money in a year - my business partner Basil Cheshmore....oh he's from out of town, will walk in that door and tell me we have secured even more sales of these stone dancing poles. Hand crafted I'll have you know by survivors of the terrible times I'm calling...Trouble in the Hilm Protectorate. It was a little haunting thing I solved back in the day. But we have achieved a fine arch in the market, and if I say so myself I have made a few good contacts and Basil wanted to come and see for himself...probably just cannot believe we have done so well. Anyway he has gone to see the business I have created here in the city." 

The waiter departs having left all the wines, the tip of a winner in his hand. Arfur waits on his partner. The paint dries.







Arfur steps back from his
« Reply #62 on: October 04, 2014, 06:41:50 pm »

Arfur steps back from his latest artistic creation - a charcoal sketch of an Ilsarian soldier knocking lumps out a carved stone pole. The Katherian docks lies in the background, both of his picture and in the real world behind the Bargain Inn communal garden Arfur draws  beside.

Arfur shares the space with a begger who holds out a mug of last night's ale for sharing. "My dear fellow I am the victim here I assure you. Whilst not ruined I am undoubtedly robbed. A charlatan I say,  a charlatan,  Basil the Cheshire cat-  has run off with the cream. Or in this case he has stolen the stone pole business from right under my very feet! Signed his name and not mine to all the business deals here in the city. I am undone.

Feeling his pain the beggar offers him a drink from his mug of last night's slops. However Arfur is not quite so done. "No Sir I have still a few trues left,  no I shall follow the stars and seek my fortune elsewhere, Or i would if they would stay in the same part of the sky for long enough!" 


