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Author Topic: North Point Notice  (Read 164 times)


North Point Notice
« on: December 12, 2005, 07:22:00 pm »
[SIZE=24]Dock and City Notice[/SIZE]
To all visitors and merchants of the city of North Point, it is highly adviced to avoid Willow's Weep and its populace. A strange disease is now seeping into the townsfolk of the once calm province and its origin is still unknown.  The Temple of Aeridin is offering help to any who feel any of the following symptoms and urge any who do to contact them as soon as possible.   Symptoms:  - Unexplained bruises  - Lack of energy  - Night Terrors  - Hallucinations  - Sensitivity to sound  - Extended periods of sleep  - Depression  Thank you for being wary and we will keep all informed of all as investigations take place.   - The North Point Dock and City Guard -