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Author Topic: Wanted: Thieves - Reward for capture 8,000 true  (Read 226 times)


Wanted: Thieves - Reward for capture 8,000 true
« on: June 13, 2007, 07:27:46 pm »
A group of thieves recently raided a wealthy businessman's residence, kidnapping the the owner and killing his bodyguard. They also managed to get away with a key of great importance.

The owner kidnapped was a mage named Hravinus, a mage from spellgard, studying the death of a mage by the name of Avierra, said that this key should not be trusted with many and must be returned to safety immediately.

There were four thieves spotted:

 - A red haired human lady, she is known for making potions, claimed to be a travelling merchant, posessed the ability to heal others wounds. She was wearing blue robes at the time.

- A bald headed human with a beard, he wore a long black cloak, and used a blade. He was the one responsible for taking this key.

- Another human of average build, fairly short brownish hair, wore a natural brown coloured leather armor.

- A woman of elven statue, wore a greeny/brown/golden colored robe and cape, kept her hood up at all times reamining unseen, but she had the ability to speak to animals and used a panther to attack the mage who was unconcious on the floor at the time.

This reward is subject to review if more than one is captured alive.

There shall be an additinal reward for recovering the key - 50,000.

Any information to be brought to Port Hempstead's Guard officials.


Re: Wanted: Thieves - Reward for capture 8,000 true
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2007, 07:32:44 pm »
*Kinai reads the poster with a mischevious smirk on her face. She flips a dagger in her hand, catching it by the end, and drops it back to the sheath hanging off her hip. Humming a light tune, she turns on her heel and giggles*

"I love it when people do my work for me..."


Re: Wanted: Thieves - Reward for capture 8,000 true
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2007, 07:39:13 pm »
*hawk passes by and spots the note reading, he then smiles and pens a quick reply*

Dear Sir, can you provide any more details? I will be happy to hunt them down for you. Is there a preference in them being alive? If they fight back, no guarantees in their ability to breath.

It would be handy if even you know one of their names.

I will start looking.

*A wax crest of a hawk in flight, a sword in one claw, a flask in another, placed on the bottom of the page and signed Hawklen Ancalime*

*walks away and smiles at Kinai's note*


Re: Wanted: Thieves - Reward for capture 8,000 true
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2007, 08:21:54 pm »
No more details are avaiable I'm afraid to say, but they are wanted alive for questioning.


Re: Wanted: Thieves - Reward for capture 8,000 true
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2007, 08:53:46 pm »
*Hardragh spots the note and smiles*

"And here I worried it was hidden somewhere in the Deep."

*he quickly writes the descriptions down and walks away*

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: Wanted: Thieves - Reward for capture 8,000 true
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2007, 09:08:03 pm »
*Kali perks and eyebrow while reading the note. The corners of her mouth turn up slightly in a playful smile*  

"And that is all they are offering as a reward? tsk tsk... I can do better than that."  

*She giggles lightly and walks away, her emerald eyes dancing lightly as unknown thoughts enter her gypsy mind.*


Re: Wanted: Thieves - Reward for capture 8,000 true
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2007, 05:13:29 am »
Sami Groundbreaker calls by, methodically noting the details, underlining the price, and the name Spellgard...."A bounty is a bounty and I should be about my business then...but you can just smell the trouble here.."


Re: Wanted: Thieves - Reward for capture 8,000 true
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2007, 01:31:28 pm »
Hravinus' wife has now increased the reward to 10,000 true per thief brought in.

Obtaining the key and/or rescuing Hravinus will result in an additional 50,000 still.