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Author Topic: *Borne upon the informative (if not entirely factual) lips of bards....*  (Read 88 times)


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Rumours abound, bards the length of all continents whispering of a rift forming between the goddess of Magic and Love. Once allies the two are said to have found a source of friction, yet rumour is not certain on what it is.
  Some say a place, others a spell, even others that the ladies have fallen for the same man. If you listen to the lewd it has to do with a lecherous minstrel playing them both for fools. and the idealistic would say the war rages over a dream.  The only thing the bards are sure of is that the arguement exists.
  They also tell tales of Lucindites murdered by Ilsarian arrows and the servants of Love falling under the power of potent spells. Whispered of are attacks on the two bastions of Lucinda herself, Vairvand and Vairsaloh.  The Ilsarian temple of Hlint was reported at one stage to have burst into magical flames with only fast action by the attending clergy saving the structure from complete destruction.
  And in the most hushed of corners of the darkest rooms the most damning of all tales is repeated, the Protectors of the Weave muster, the shadowy and elusive Guardians are said to have been called and all gather for war against Ilsare at Vairvand....Clerics of both faiths deny all, yet while mouths are busy in refute hands are even busier sharpening swords, casting spells and readying bows for the assualt that is certain to come...or so the bards claim.
  Some however, those few who claim to be most informed speak of twin powers to once more walk the earth, remnants of a time that was less settled than now and more filled with war and wonder.  Recipients of unmarked energy they are rumoured to hold the key to end the dispute, in death or peace however none are certain.  Said to be marked by the very Maidens of the gods and carrying a boon or bane beyond the reach of most, one graced by a flower of blue, pure new life of The Weave. The other gifted with the blush of the new heart in first love, beloved of the blossom red.  Though rumours abound, some say beloved of the red is The Harper, others say it is a silent Aeridinite, others whisper that it is a dark a drow would say another. The blue..well as many rumours abound as fish in the sea, A a mage....of course not a young dashing sorcerer....dont be silly its a no a creative gnome!
  The only thing the listener can be sure of is that truth is scarce from the lips of bards.

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RE: *Borne upon the informative (if not entirely factual) lips o
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2005, 07:28:00 am »
Ayla’s Wake
  His words, Geir, the grieving man -- who dearly loved and sorely mourned his fond one’s poor passing and close to the time of their joining, spoke not overlong . . . He was clearly overcome with the loss, and he waxed elegantly of her love and of her life . . . and the way all cared for her, and she in turn cared for all.  He asked for others to share their tales, they’re feeling about his love, his Ayla, and many stepped forward to do so. Ferrit, in the background ably assisted, passing out drink and food to those there and collecting that which was brought by some for the gathering.
  This poor one, had been gathering and making juices, since first he was asked by the Lady, by Ayla to do so . . . for her wedding, for her Joining feast. I could not keep them, nor sell them to others, so gave them for the feast . . . for the wake, to mourn and to celebrate the Life, and the passing onwards, of such a grand Lady, as was Ayla . . .
  Songs were sung in celebration of life, a priest, came among those gathered, and in a show of great strength, placed many lights and other great sights for those there to see. An Eagle was seen; perhaps it was gentle Ayla’s spirit passing over into where ever it is she now begins anew. This priest took Geir to one side and said words of comfort to him. And after the work was done, the priest left, as he had come, unseen . . .
  Yet, at the wake, for Ayla, this day of morning and sadness, and even celebration, it was overheard that two female Elves, noted later to be a Tornah and a Luna (this was pointed out to me by others later) or they looked to be such . . . were overheard saying that any person who called another a “brother” or a “sister” and “was not blood-related, must belong to a cult.” This I fear was in very bad taste, especially at the wake for Ayla, who called most all gentle beings, “brother” or “sister.” I wonder just what they could have been thinking? Many gathered and heard their words, and were stricken by the coarseness of the feeling that was expressed by the two.
  Also, was overheard, the two talking about some such thing as a “Clan” or a family; they seemed to be besieging the poor Gnomish Female, named Azaira about this, hammering her again and again about some such thing.
  (Note/OOC: the DMs took both the PCs Talon and Azaria to a special meeting place and informed them that the entity named as the “Clan” or sometimes referred to as the “Family” no longer existed, would no longer exist and did in fact NEVER existed. And that any PC or Player who badgered the former members of the organization known by the above names, about said group, were to be referred immediately to the DMs.)
(OOC Note 2: this is told from my PCs point of view, any names placed within the post, were given by other PCs as described above to my Pc, namely Aza and Talon to name just 2. This is not about flaming anyone, as i was accused of by persons un named. This is a Bard's account . . can someone please look at the title of this thread? Sheesh.   And people, please remember, repeat after me, "this is only a game, this is not Real Life . . . this is only a game this is not real life.)
  So ends the tale . . . so ends the story . . .

