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Author Topic: Clarifying note on regeneration  (Read 5834 times)


Re: Clarifying note on regeneration
« Reply #40 on: December 10, 2009, 06:49:21 am »
Quote from: EdTheKet

Steering this back on track, regeneration is the re-growth of something that was damaged or lost or damaged, like a limb for example. It is not the continuously keeping your body and organs in prime condition[/u] and preventing the effects of ageing.

Actually that is precisely what regeneration does.
Regeneration from items are always active (as long as the item is on) its not waiting for cut, but it is constantly pumping healing energy into the characters body regardless of wounds.


Re: Clarifying note on regeneration
« Reply #41 on: December 10, 2009, 06:53:47 am »
@akata Do you get the healed 0 points message every round when wearing regen items while you are at full hit points?


Re: Clarifying note on regeneration
« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2009, 07:06:25 am »
I tried it with some pipeweed and did indeed get the "heald 0 points" :)
 So since herbal pipeweed gives a x points of regeneration for x duration, depending on the pipe and weed, does smoking on layo make you live longer :P


Re: Clarifying note on regeneration
« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2009, 08:45:54 am »
Quote from: EdTheKet

However, your character has probably been healed (by potions, magic, whatever) so often, that it may have slowed it down or something. And there's of course the bindstone thing, which I can easily argue for that it would hasten the ageing process :) so I'm more in favor of the healing magic/potion thing.

Since it seems our loremaster is in favor of healing energy prolonging lifespan then yes in Layo smoking does indeed make you live longer ;)
Quote from: jrizz
I tried it with some pipeweed and did indeed get the "heald 0 points" :)
 So since herbal pipeweed gives a x points of regeneration for x duration, depending on the pipe and weed, does smoking on layo make you live longer :P

My point is; if hearling in any rate slows the ageing process (and from Ed's own post it seems its so) then regeneration which is 24/7 constant pumping healing energy into your body would make your character live longer

however if healing don't, then nor regeneration or smoking effects your ageing


Re: Clarifying note on regeneration
« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2009, 09:17:15 am »
Quote from: EdTheKet
Ah right, I didn't recall me saying "it's like this", certainly not in the recent past. Reading my own words from 3 years ago, I see I also left it not completely defined at that time. I left it intentionally vague, because we don't want to sacrifice gameplay on the altar of realism all the time (meaning, we are not going to say "Your human character is technically over the age limit of humans, is therefore technically dead and cannot be played anymore." While a small minority of you may like that, the vast majority will not. So we're not doing that.

Steering this back on track, regeneration is the re-growth of something that was damaged or lost or damaged, like a limb for example. It is not the continuously keeping your body and organs in prime condition and preventing the effects of ageing.

And as a side note, over time people have come to realize that people who've bound to a bindstone seem to live longer than people of the same race who have not. Unless they perm of course.

In case it was not clear (and it looks like it wasn't), I was saying that it is in fact the bindstones that seem the cause of that bit of longer life, not the healing magic.

My post that you've been quoting was from 2006, prior to the release of the new cosmology and therefore when we still actually had D&D's positive and negative energy.
Since D&D cosmology went out the window, and the negative/positive energy with it, the quoted post is no longer valid.

Should that have been clarified? Sure. Did I miss it? You betcha. Would I have clarified it earlier if anyone noticed it before this week? Most definitely!

So, I've explained what regeneration does with regards to the aging process (nothing):

Regeneration is the re-growth of something that was damaged or lost or damaged, like a limb for example. It is not the continuously keeping your body and organs in prime condition and preventing the effects of ageing.

The fact that due to something quirky there's a message "healed 0 points" every now and then does not change that definition.

So there you go :)


Re: Clarifying note on regeneration
« Reply #45 on: December 11, 2009, 05:06:04 pm »
Quote from: akata
Actually that is precisely what regeneration does.
Regeneration from items are always active (as long as the item is on) its not waiting for cut, but it is constantly pumping healing energy into the characters body regardless of wounds.

However, I believe all items, even a ring, have to be activated to work. Simple commands or even conditions can activate them, such as being wounded, a ring of regeneration would then activate.

In the D&D setting, which layo could change that however they deem, a regeneration ring only heals when damaged. A ring of Regen is not an everlasting, never aging, never dying.


Re: Clarifying note on regeneration
« Reply #46 on: December 11, 2009, 06:37:12 pm »
While I still believe that constant healing and exposure to the energies involved in healing are as much a factor as anything (my first choice was the bindstones which was at the time advised to be more likely to do the opposite), I agree items with permanent regeneration are not ceaselessly functioning.

Even if the usual terms still applied, that much positive energy (as I said, if the usual terms applied), over a constant period of time working beyond capacity would eventually be dangerous, going beyond the realm of temporary hit points and into the exploding you for fun range... Using a Heal spell on a minor wound still only applies just what is needed, not every point available.


Re: Clarifying note on regeneration
« Reply #47 on: December 12, 2009, 08:29:03 am »
As Ed have already cleared up regeneration and ageing then it hardly matters, but I'll comment on Drizzlin and Aceaca's posts regardless.  Just bear in mind that this is my opinion if healing had any effect on ageing as it (seemed to have) prior to the release of the new cosmology.

Quote from: Drizzlin
However, I believe all items, even a ring, have to be activated to work. Simple commands or even conditions can activate them, such as being wounded, a ring of regeneration would then activate.

In the D&D setting, which layo could change that however they deem, a regeneration ring only heals when damaged. A ring of Regen is not an everlasting, never aging, never dying.

Sure I'll agree to all of that, but in order for healing energy to have had any effect in regards to ageing then ageing would have to be considered damage to the body, If so then activating of a regeneration ring when on full health would slow down a characters ageing, if you want to use the trigger effect then again the ring would be working constantly in an effect to overcome the damage ageing was doing to your body.
I can't really find where I or anyone else for that matter claimed that regeneration was never aging never dying?  I claimed and still do even under the new rules that regeneration keeps a characters body in prime condition, what else would you call being constant at 100% health?  Yes of course you can still die from age it would just be later than other people of the same race, and yes you could still be killed from massive damage (read anything that drops you below -10 hp)

Quote from: Acacea
While I still believe that constant healing and exposure to the energies involved in healing are as much a factor as anything (my first choice was the bindstones which was at the time advised to be more likely to do the opposite), I agree items with permanent regeneration are not ceaselessly functioning.

Even if the usual terms still applied, that much positive energy (as I said, if the usual terms applied), over a constant period of time working beyond capacity would eventually be dangerous, going beyond the realm of temporary hit points and into the exploding you for fun range... Using a Heal spell on a minor wound still only applies just what is needed, not every point available.

My view on healing on a character;

Imagine our character being a bucket full of water (yes yes laugh it up :P ) when you take damage some of the water pours out, a healing spell is simply adding water and the power of the spell determine how much water you add. That can't make the bucket blow up, the left over water/healing are simply wasted. Now again if healing had any effect on age, then the left over healing would instead of being wasted undo some of the damage your body had taken from age.

This is my opinion/understanding of healing, you're free to believe otherwise.
*grins slightly* as a little side note, it's actually just as easy to claim that regeneration would accelerate the age process as slow it down


Re: Clarifying note on regeneration
« Reply #48 on: December 12, 2009, 12:49:10 pm »

I see your points, but no where in D&D or Layo is an item with Regeneration ever healed aging cells. Aging cells are not the same as being wounded. By your rational, you wouldn't even grow hair while wearing a regen item, because it would revert your hair cells back to their original state when the item was first put on. The growing of a hair cell, is in fact the aging of that cell as it multiplies.

In fact, your last statement actually makes more sense. The growing and splitting of cells would be excellerated, causing your hair to grow at an increased rate and your cells to replicate over and over to the point that you would never stop growing.

I don't want to break down an entire cell biology course here, it would bring up great debates between fantasy items of regen vs the natural aging process!! Would be fun, but pointless. My point is, if a regen item prevented the aging process, it would also prevent the growing of any cell, preventing any change in it, which would prevent the growing of a person body, hair ect. Infact, it would by that rational prevent the regeneration of a limb, because a cell couldn't grow and multiple into other cells and the die.