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Author Topic: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting  (Read 4152 times)


Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
« on: November 15, 2004, 06:56:00 pm »
I would like to request that people do not go around polymorphed in town nor to buy and/or craft while polymorphed.  Buffed is fine.
  I can hear it now.. But why?
  There are a number of reasons...
  #1)  Keep in mind that the towns are NOT just PC's or the small amount of NPC's that you see but rather many many other peasants.  Seeing trolls and such running around would totally freak them out and you being a hero (for many of the alignments at least) you would not want to do that on such a large scale.  For those that don't care (alignment) I ask that you respect this request as it needs to be the same rules across the board.
  #2)  In a PnP game I and/or the GM's can control things at the table but online we can not simply because we are not there all of the time so again I ask that you respect the request.
  I could go on but hopefully this is enough.

Guardian 452

RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2004, 07:07:00 pm »
Take Hlint for example.... Say you are coming back from the East getting sand, clay, or perhaps a trip from Haven Mines...The Craft hall is just inside the gate so change back to your natural form before going thru the gates.

Want to get to the Smithy? Simple... stay in polymorphed form and go around town to the north. Then come in the North Gate or East gate switching back to normal form just before entering town. If your coming from the West ( red light mine, or seilwood mine) same thing... change back to regular form before entering the West gate.... and if you want to get to the craft house.... swing around town to the north and come in the East gate.

At one time one of my characters made a deal with Garrent that he would tie a red band on his arm when he was in town in polymorph form... it was nice roleplay... but if we all just do as Leanthar requested then you don't have to get upset if Garrent attacks that troll first and asks questions later.  :)




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    RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
    « Reply #2 on: November 15, 2004, 08:49:00 pm »
    Always knew Garrent was prejudiced, ignores ogres and giants and drow but a poor innocent troll wanders into town and there's an uproar, HMPH! No wwonder I left town. Even if I always was polite enough to stay invis while in troll form.


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      RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
      « Reply #3 on: November 15, 2004, 08:53:00 pm »
      Its always a intresting sight to see a Troll running around town or a Umberhulk...

      I get confused when I see them, and have to double check if they are a PC.



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      RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
      « Reply #4 on: November 15, 2004, 09:10:00 pm »
      Does this go for wildshape as well?  I have RP reasons why I ask - ones that even make sense.


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        RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #5 on: November 16, 2004, 02:23:00 am »
        This includes any shape that is not your natural shape.


        RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #6 on: November 16, 2004, 11:41:00 am »
        So what about running around the town with your familiar or summons?  I have seen bear, panthars, dragonkin, skeletons with flaming swords ( I am guilty of this one once in awhile), ect...  If the peasants are going to be frightened by us in polymorphed form wouldn't this apply to having the formentioned creatures?

        Guardian 452

        RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #7 on: November 16, 2004, 11:51:00 am »
        I would treat summons the same way as Polymorph. Release them or un-summon them once you enter town. Seeing a bear running down mainstreet or a Skelleton or a Slaad would all cause anywhere form mild concern to wide spread panic with the common folk of any given town.

        We don't have the DM staff to enforce this so everyone is on their own to respect these things.

        *waits for L's official response*



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        RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #8 on: November 16, 2004, 12:03:00 pm »
        I'm sure you're right guardian.  There's also the components to consider as well, for summon spells.  Simply put, if you know you're going to town shortly and don't want to waist components, don't use summon spells.


        RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #9 on: November 16, 2004, 12:04:00 pm »
        When i return from a ore or sand run i walk into the town as a troll and i will continue to do so ( heh thought i was going to start flaming and arguing ) I am just invisible so it shouldn't be a problem....or is it?

        Trace Nightwind

        RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
        « Reply #10 on: November 16, 2004, 09:47:00 pm »
        Just to throw my two cents in.  I believe the polymorph thing is a good move except for several things.  One, Some polymorph in town is consistent with roleplaying.  if there is a reason to morph (a good one!) then it should be acceptable.  (i.e. an attack occurs and you morph and fight).  And two, If the Morph is something non harmful that is fun to R.P with people.  Like a pixie.  It is fun to flit about and talk in a high pitched voice.  Doesn't hurt or scare anyone...simply makes more RP opportunities.  

        Finally, on the familiar issue.  Everyone in Layonara understands some about wizards.  They know wizards have familiars.  As long as the familiars are not scary....i.e. hellhounds and such...then I think it should be okay.  My familiar talks to other people in Roleplay.  it is a faerie dragon and intelligent.  it provides fun RP.  Just my two cents.

        Highway Man

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          RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
          « Reply #11 on: November 17, 2004, 09:59:00 am »
          I played on a server that wouldn't allow pets in towns and it took away from the role playing greatly. Turns your character pets basically into fighting machines with no real rp value. How do other characters really get to know your character and their pets if the only time they get to see them is outside town and lets face it if you are outside town then 99% of the time your gonna be killing something or getting crafting resources.

          Polymorphing and shapechanging is pretty much the same way. I can understand if you don't want people using it for crafting...that's one thing I can understand and agree with, but to take away a great role playing tool like that...I mean come on. You really can't jump on shapechangers for being monsters in town when you've got orcs, half-orcs, goblins, tieflings, half-giants, ogres, drow, and dark dwarves as PCs running around these very same towns. They would scare the crap out these peasants just as much as a troll or pixie would.

          I honestly don't see why all the sudden you need to change the rules and I honestly don't care about the imaginary peasants...I care more about the interaction between players, the role playing, and taking away these things just hinders roleplaying in general. I say leave things the way they were and just set up a rule that says you can't use polymorphed/shapechanged forms for crafting purposes. A simple rule like that puts everyone on the same playing field as far as crafting goes and let’s face that’s what this is really about.

          Sorry if I sound harsh in anyway that not my intention, but I am passionate about this and really do feel that it makes more problems then it fixes and takes away from certain classes and characters roleplaying.


          RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
          « Reply #12 on: November 17, 2004, 11:37:00 am »
          Alright... I have thought about it some more.  Not quite sure why I said "in town" before but *shrugs* I did so lets fix it.
            I don't want people polymorphed while crafting.  I suppose it is okay to go around town polymorphed and/or with pets.  Though personally I think it is bad RP in certain towns/cities in some cases (undead, trolls etc.) but to each their own.  I am tired of being the big bad police and I am certainly not here to take the fun away from the game (although it seems some people think that is my sole wish), but I am here to keep things balanced and in RP (as best we can).
            Hope this helps in some small way.

          Trace Nightwind

          RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
          « Reply #13 on: November 17, 2004, 12:30:00 pm »
          Leanthar!  *smiles*  You are NEVER the big bad police! haha  You are the glue that holds this most wonderful place together.  Sorry you feel like a gripe magnet sometimes, and I hope that changes.  People will always be unhappy about something and every decision will make someone mad.  Just the way it goes.  I think you do an awesome job balancing all of this.  Thanks for your time!    -Trace


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          RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
          « Reply #14 on: November 17, 2004, 03:17:00 pm »
          Thanks, Leanthar.

          I hope I didn't come off as sounding sassy or nasty in my question, for I just wanted clarity on the situation and added the rest to stop myself from telling the whole community what my RP reasonings were.  Actually I was pretty happy with the timing of the declaration, as the one it pertained to is actually... well, suffice to say, it was good timing.  I'm still not going to broadcast my entire RP to the community.  :)

          I always thought that a bear dipping its paws into the tanning tubs was quite an amusing image; not to mention a badger!  But not a realistic one.

          EDIT:  I agree, we should respect others when RPing.  Expect comments or bad reaction to it if you decide to do this.  As Maedhras I've had all kinds of comments, good and bad, when running through Hlint as a panther, or a bear.  But as I've said I had an RP reasoning for that, and it was actually something that the character needed to slowly become aware of over time, though it made this player cringe at how cheesy it might look to others.  It would take people running away from her and RPing out the consequences of a bear/panther/wolf running unattended through the town for Maedhras to get a clue.

          This was a rare circumstance I'm describing; I wouldn't recommend that everyone start doing that, or else the GMs would be perfectly in their rights to send in polymorphed bad guys that the townspeople wouldn't react to but would stomp everyone in Hlint flat before we could blink.  Or having a mass of "real" bears bashing down the gates, etc.

          Guardian 452

          RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
          « Reply #15 on: November 17, 2004, 04:46:00 pm »
          The problem lies when we have situations where people are actually forced not to play their character....

          Example... a Paladin sees some witless wizard strolling down main street with a summoned skeleton following him...

          Because of PvP the Paladin cannot act as they should ..... smiting the undead creature.

          Because of this and other similar situations... I think it is fair to ask that summons and polymorph  etc.... not be used in towns.

          But of course this is impossible to enforce.... so it falls into the hands of each player to respect each others characters and the world as a whole.



          Highway Man

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            RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
            « Reply #16 on: November 17, 2004, 09:01:00 pm »
            I don’t see why the wizard has to be witless. I mean he could be a necromancer and that undead could be his personal assistant and or bodyguard to protect him from the overly righteous paladin…I think you see the point I’m trying to make there.

            Each character is unique and just as that witless wizard should respect the paladins views that very same overly righteous paladin needs to respect that wizard and his view. Saying that there are situations where people are forced to not play their characters is wrong. In my opinion they choose not to and complain because it is easier then role playing an argument they might not win with said witless wizard. If both sides role play and respect each other then their really won’t be any problems and lets face it there were no problems before this and there really is no need for rules like no pets and no shape changing in towns.

            I think Leanthar has made the right decision. People shouldn’t be using polymorphed forms while crafting and that is where all this came from. As far as bad rp to be shape-changed or polymorphed in town. I don’t think it is at all. Let the player decide what his character would or wouldn’t do with such abilities.

            Besides pets and shape-changing make for some interesting and fun roleplaying for a lot of people out there. Talking it out of the towns where people meet up just takes away from the fun and weird stuff that happens.


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            RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
            « Reply #17 on: November 17, 2004, 10:34:00 pm »
            Highway Man - 11/18/2004  4:01 PM

            Besides pets and shape-changing make for some interesting and fun roleplaying for a lot of people out there. Talking it out of the towns where people meet up just takes away from the fun and weird stuff that happens.

            I still remember the day the half giant met the Umber Hulk that then changed into a pixie.  That was quite amusing to watch.

            I said in another thread and believe it holds here that the majority of Laayonara players are mature enough to conduct their own RP how they see fit.  That being said, I wholeheartedly agree with the thought that you shouldn't craft while wildshaped/polymorphed.  It's a realism question - a troll might have the dexterity to do it a panther doesn't (and who would fish out the badger or pixie from, say, the curing tubs?), but people are going to run and/or go for their weapons when they see them amble into the craft areas.


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              RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
              « Reply #18 on: November 28, 2004, 12:34:00 am »
              Let me just start by stating compliance. I'll abide by Leanthar's decision. Bottom line. I understand the difficulty of running a server and keeping everyone entertained (let's face it, that's what the place is for - and doing *very* well at it, too). You are the cop, but I think you're doing well. Not the "big, bad" cop at all. Heck, I'm addicted to the server already.

              Then my 2 cents (or 3 coppers, whatever) -
              If the ruling is in place to balance the crafting, then the druids that would wildshape need some ability to harvest trees, or collect gems. Katia's followers unable to harvest her bounty? As do bards, for that matter, and wizards/sorcerers should have some way to collect gems/metals. Spending a valuable feat just to harvest the trees to make instruments is unbalancing. Using the characters' abilities (bull's strength, cat's grace, wildshape, polymorph, whatever) to even the odds with other characters' (fighters, half-giants, etc) natural abilities is role-playing.

              If it is for realism (RP purposes), we need to keep in mind that a bear with his paw in the tubs is only unrealistic because we can't really wildshape to do menial tasks in our everyday world. Let's face it - if we could do that, we'd see it everywhere. Construction sites would have people that could shift into a minotaur form as supervisors. Disney would hire druids that could shift into dolphin form to perform and/or train every animal they had at SeaWorld. Those that could take a bird form would be the only messengers/delivery service people you'd see anymore. It would be commonplace. Could you picture a better lifeguard? Not to mention military.

              As far as releasing familiars and/or companions at the gate - that's a bit unbalancing, too. With the rule of not resting more often than every 10 minutes real time (a rule I whole-heartedly agree with), if you're just coming back into town to deposit your loot you end up having to wait entirely too long before you can resummon and go back out into the world.

              Please understand that I'm not trying to get Leanthar to change his mind, only describing the difficulty I've found in the crafting system. I do understand the reasons behind the RP rules, and appreciate the effort put into keeping Layonara a role-play server. Shapeshifters are notoriously hard to balance back into the game.

              Oh, and to get the amplification question answered: does the restriction also apply to hauling 150 logs, or a ton of ore back to town?

              (by the way, this references my question posted before being directed to this thread)


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              RE: Polymorphed in town and/or buy/crafting
              « Reply #19 on: November 28, 2004, 01:33:00 am »
              My comment about the bear with its paws in the tubs came about because I didn't think they'd have the dexterity in their paws to work the leather properly.  All the strength in the world isn't going to help if you can't work your hands to doing it.

