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Author Topic: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*  (Read 8516 times)


Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #40 on: June 19, 2012, 05:10:33 pm »
"I do not believe that Lt Allan would particularly approve of your nosing around his desk Myla, if that is your name." Offering a polite smile. "However, I will be happy to check on your behalf for both and return shortly."

Turning to make her way to Lt Allan's desk to check the names of the wounded and where they are.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #41 on: June 19, 2012, 05:14:56 pm »
*Myla look at her curiously as she moves towards the desk , with that challenging smile, so sure of her, the kind of smile of a girl that always have gotten what she wanted, and yet the polite gestures of a lady of society, her hair tied on a single pony tail that traps her blonde hair, awaiting almost amused at the whole situation her curiosity drifted away of the wounded for a moment to look causally towards where the names are being checked*


Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #42 on: June 19, 2012, 05:21:22 pm »
When she sees the name there, she looks over any notes made about him then heads to the location where they are, making her way to Sgt Brandon, taking note about his condition in which he was brought in, and if he is awake and able to accept visitors.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #43 on: June 19, 2012, 05:30:51 pm »
*Suddenly as if out of nowhere the blonde girl walks from one side of the bed, and bits her lip looking down at the Sargeant in bed, she of course appeared there totally unexpected, she takes his hand and looks down at the man * Oh poor you, *She kneels diligently and removes some burned hair of his face with showing some regret on seeing the man that way, then he whispers something private to his ear, then pulling a handkerchief around his arm, the man smiles briefly, not really being able to speak, and with uttermost effort he speaks or tries to speak her name* .... Myla

*She returns the smile to him and says* From now on i do want you to forget that fight with Marhier, you have to get focused on getting better, if you want my father to keep considering you that promotion, you have to live Brandon .. you hear me? *the woman speaks with authoritative voice looking at him with joyous and energetic expression,, the man just nods slowly and speaks in low voice * Yes Myla... *then passes out to a deep sleep *

*She looks up*  where is the Marthier then miss ?*Said as if all was happening just as she planned it to go *


Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #44 on: June 19, 2012, 05:40:02 pm »
She looks clearly puzzled and a little upset that the lady could not respect her wishes, taking another look at their records for awhile before she even opens her mouth, determined to keep her wits about her and taking note of their interaction with a keen eye. "If you can not respect my request Miss Myla, and protocol. I will request you to be escorted from the tents." Taking an even closer mental note of her features. "I trust I make myself clear this time?"
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #45 on: June 19, 2012, 05:47:31 pm »
*She looks up to her with a winning smile then giving her an inocent look*  Miss , its there not any rule to prevent me to walk around here, and there is no rule that forbids me to follow you is it there? and you never expressed in your wishes that you couldn't be followed.

I did not intended you to get upset but if you would be on my place you may have done the same.. *as she is already walking away of the man, so he can't hear* I owe to visit to him, i simply had to . *She bits her lips a bit,dropping the security mask she wore for him just some seconds before *


Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #46 on: June 19, 2012, 06:09:29 pm »
"Miss my duty here is to them, My duty is to make sure that they are able to receive visitors. It is to protect them from harm. And the fact you did not give me your real name when I asked leaves little room for trust."

She softens watching Myla's expression. "I know you need to visit them and they need those around them they care about. Please just I ask you to understand my position is to protect and care for those that come into these tents. It is my commitment to those you care for and if it were you laying there would you wish someone who is unwelcome compromising your recovery?"
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #47 on: June 19, 2012, 06:19:21 pm »
*She tilt her head at her again that amusement look* I didn't gave you my real name?  what are you talking about? and you still haven't told me where Marthier is, *She looks at her again with that big and pretty deep eyes of blue of her, apparently oblivious to any malice on her actions*

See?  you have your duties and you expressed them perfectly,  so you must understand then why is that i need to see this couple of men, would be good enough for you if i give my word that i won't compromise their recovery?
*Asked again with sweet and without malice*


Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #48 on: June 19, 2012, 06:25:55 pm »
"I never said I would tell you where he is either. I had planned to do so once I checked on his condition to make sure he is able to receive visitors." She offers shaking her head at the ladies attempt to get her way.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #49 on: June 19, 2012, 06:31:10 pm »
Then my word is not enough *Sighs*  what can be trusted this days if the word of honor of a decent lady its not enough *she shakes her head herself a bit perhaps overdramatic at her own gesture, then she looks up and met her gaze * I am sorry to had troubled you milady, i won't do it so more,

*She start to walk over the east part of the tent*


Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #50 on: June 19, 2012, 07:34:07 pm »
"Miss Myla, I will not apologize for my caution, not given where we are, not with what I have seen. But please come with me and I will show you to where Marthier is? You may be able to occupy him while I tend his wounds?" Clearly an attempt to smooth over any hurt feelings.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #51 on: June 19, 2012, 08:02:54 pm »
*She stops on her tracks and turns around* Alright miss *giving her that same inocent smile to her*  Please lead the way if you may *rocking on her toes awaiting her to move forward*


Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #52 on: June 19, 2012, 08:10:58 pm »
Moving between the tents she leads her to where Marthier is, stopping along the way to gather the supplies she needs tend his wounds. She kneels down beside him, "Sgt Mathier, You have a visitor, A Miss Myla. If you feel up to a visitor?" She looks back at her to move closer.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #53 on: June 19, 2012, 09:02:30 pm »
*As she is speaking she is already sitting beside the Sargeant and repeating the very same attitude that had with the previous man, her caring touches and whispers*  Now you had me worried *she smiles at the man and a soft caress on the beard ( with the banded cheek of him ) then places another handkerchief on the arm of the sick one * Now, you don't have to die , you would not be able to keep persuing that goal you told me a month ago if you do so.. this is not funny you know? I've been really worried about you. and I know you don't want to see me worried. . so get better and no fights in the mean time alright?  

*the man sighs at that and smiles barely * Yes, Myla, i won't *coughs*  die,I'll live for you *coughs a bit more till he falls asleep as well *


Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #54 on: June 19, 2012, 10:35:59 pm »
Softens as she reaches up to wipe his forehead and readjust his sheets so he is more comfortable. "You are welcome back here Milady, I believe it would be good for them both."
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #55 on: June 20, 2012, 10:26:53 am »
*She stands giggling a bit at that, her mood changed totally from the caring woman who spoke to the solider to an amused almost delighted expression*

-Oh, thank you, yes i am sure i am -

*She pulls out a fan that seem to have appeared out of nowhere, and start to fan herself in ladylike way as she start to move away fanning her face*

- Yet i don't think it would be good for them to see me again - *She says softly*  Not here, not yet though.

*She looks at her* Would you mind to let me give a look to those records?  


Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #56 on: June 20, 2012, 10:57:31 am »
"No ma'am I can not. Not without approval of Lt Allen. If he agrees then that is his decision, but I will have to discuss this with him first."
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #57 on: June 20, 2012, 11:41:12 am »
*She smiles*  So.. let me get this straight .. you were able to get his papers from his desk without asking him, but was wrong for me to go "nosey" in them on my own? *looks at her with an innocent smile*

Well.. ok.. ok.. Fine that was unfair, you work here.. I can't help it myself at times, well, but could you tell me if there is any Sargeant or captain hurt that may be healthy soon then?  i mean .. not by me looking at the paper, but you telling me , that would cover the rules no?  


// And merlin and ystrday .. still awaiting for you ;)


Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #58 on: June 20, 2012, 02:37:39 pm »
"Milady Myla, they each take their own time to heal. How about this. I will ask them when I do my rounds, how they feel about company? And if you wish to come back later this evening. I will still be here and I can let you know?"
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Lance Stargazer

Re: *The Hilm healers and their work on the front lines*
« Reply #59 on: June 20, 2012, 03:05:44 pm »
To be honest i don't have intrests in visiting them here , *She ponders* But maybe a good idea anyway, But its something that you may have on those pages already no? *She looks at her again with the eternal innocent smile*