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Author Topic: A situation arises...  (Read 10581 times)


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #100 on: July 26, 2012, 12:36:15 pm »
*Vrebel nods to Lance as leaves with his entourage making note of the new threats to thier north east on the map*

You got it commander we'll be ready.

*After Lance leaves Vrebel takes stock of the Commanders's liquor cabinet and heads outside the tent.  He calls over a nearby sergeant taking a sip from his mug now well seasoned with some of the Commander's special bourbon.*

Sergeant send word to Major Silversand that I want all his forces inside Sundance and to bring his wounded as soon as he is able.  See to it that the Voraxian contingents and the Toranite regiments train tagether.  I'll oversee the trainin as well as Major Silversand as we have knowlege of what we've faced.  A new threat has reared its head and we need to be battle ready as soon as possible.  Were gonna have a breifin on this new threat when Commander Stargazer returns I want all the Voraxian and Toranite officers to be present.

Also see to it that the walls of the city are secured at all times with fresh guards cycled in and out.

*He sends him off taking another sip of his mug as he stares off in the distance to the still roiling mist on the horizon.

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #101 on: July 26, 2012, 12:50:41 pm »
*Vrebel may find an odd surpise as he takes a drink of the bottle to find out that its just Grape juice and not wine , upon inspecting the casquet , he'll find that there will be only more grape juice on the Commander's Cabin*


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #102 on: July 27, 2012, 05:59:37 am »
A day later after Lance and Daniella were whisked off to Hilm Castle for a mysterious meeting with the mysterious mage who seemed able to command the most prominant people of Hilm to his bidding.

Calls go up at the outer edges of Sundance, a cloud of dust on the Roughlands draws closer as scouts race in one horses that have been pushed hard. They draw up near Vrebels tent and rush to the area before being stopped by several Hilmite guards who intercept them.

A loud argument starts up and Acting commander Vrebel steps from the tent followed slowly by Major Griff of the Red Axes.

"At ease men, let them through" Vrebels voice calls above the scuffle.

The guards release the panting scouts and they tumble forward spilling their story.

"Captain, theres.....enemy.....coming.....not far."

"Hold up, get your breath and start again, enemy where and who?" Vrebel straightened the scout up whe took several deep breaths and sipped from a canteen.

"Sir, There is an enemy host made up of non humans heading this way. Probably a hundred of them. They are carrying a banner with a grey dragon on a black background. They are moving fast Sir."

Vrebel nodded then turned to Griff and several senior Hilm officers nearby. "Griff and I will head out and meet them with a small group. They shouldn't pose much threat to us."

Within the hour Vrebel, Griff, several Red Axes and Hilmite cavalry headed out the north quarter of the city towards the dust cloud in the distance. As they drew closer the non human force stopped and fanned out slightly. Vrebel slowed and ordered Griff and Sergeant Gorth of Hilm to join him in riding forward. The rest of the host came to a halt and stood their ground.

As Vrebel continued forward the huge dragon banner unfurled in the wind and from within the enemy group a wide shouldered, heavy browed orc strode forward flanked by several more orcs in heavy, dark grey plate armour. Behind him stood another orc, perhaps the ugliest orc Vrebel had seen before wearing around its neck a necklace of shrunken human skulls and bearing a staff set with the tooth of a dragon.

Vrebel pulled up just before the odd looking group of orcs and dismounted along with Griff and the Sergeant who kept a wary distance and held the reigns of their mounts.

The orc spoke in suprisingly good common once Vrebel had handed over his reigns to the sergeant.

"I be Chief Warleader of Mountain clans, Argemek. You speak for humans of city?"

Almost amused Vrebel nodded, "Yeah, I guess I do, until Sir Lance returns anyway."

"You waiting for Commander Lance Stargazer?"

Vrebel blinked suprised and Griffs hand drifted towards his axe. "Yes, he should return today or tomorrow."

The orc turned to the friekish one behind him and muttered several words in orcish before turning back.

"You tell him then, the armies of the Great Shadow not want war with Hilm. Only here to fight Green Dragon men in north. You tell him Clan Warleader Argemek want treaty with Hilm for no fighting with Hilm. You tell him it be a good idea to agree to treaty with Mountain clans."

Vrebel noticed Griff about to draw his axe and realised the dwarf had shown a good deal of restraint so far and decided to withdraw as soon as possible. He reached over and gripped Griffs wrist, his muscles corded with teh strength required to keep the dwarf from drawing his axe.

"Not now Griff, save it for later." Vrebel almost physically dragged Griff back to where the sergeant held the reigns of their mounts. "Lets back."

They rode back to Sundance while the small enemy force set up camp to await a response.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #103 on: July 28, 2012, 03:10:04 am »
The very next morning several guards arrive outside Vrebels tent to report another incident.

Vrebel emerges, one of Sir Lances finest glasses in his hand filled with a dark purplish liquid most assume is wine. "What is it this time? Is Sir lance back?"

The guards look at each other before a corporal acts as spokesperson for the group. "Captain there is something erm....strange..that you need to see."

Vrebel grinned "Strange? I assure you I've seen all kinds of strange, would you care to define this one?"

"Yes Sir, of course Sir. Over the last few days we've noticed some new faces arriving in town, some from Nesar some from some outlying villages and towns that are, well, pretty backwards compared to the city. But there are others too who seem to have come from further afield..some pretty concerning. I've seen at least one of two adventurers from Dreger and even a mercenary company from Sederra we exiled several members of a few years ago."

"I guess thats strange," mused Vrebel.

"Sorry Captain, thats not the strange bit. They have all converged on a spot to the north several miles from the mist and are...well sir...they seem to be"

"They're what?" Vrebel almost snorted out his wine in amusement. "Oh this I got to see!" He looked around for Griff and several others, picking and choosing a mixed collection of people from the area.

Before long they were on the road north towards the mist that clouded the horizon like a cloudy stain on the reddish land of the Roughlands.

By late afternoon after some hard riding they could see what the guards reported and Vrebel slowed to a halt seeing just how many had gathered over the last few days.

"How many you figure Griff?" Vrebel asked.

"Oi dunno fer sure, dere beh a lot of em, dats a fact." Griff scanned the area ahead carefully.

"Several hundred I figure. See that big guy down on the right, big sword poking above his back?"

Griff nodded as Vrebel continued.

"I faced him in battle several years back near Lor when that mess was all going on. He led a mercenary company hired by agents of Rael. Real mean *curse* he was good with a blade too. At the time he almost had me but the battle pulled us apart and I didnt get to confront him again."

"Den whats eh doin' ere?" Muttered Griff.

"I'm not sure Major, but he ain't sightseeing I can tell you that. Looks like he brought some of his people with him too. I'd love to know how they got here, who let them in. Lets grab one or two and ask them a few questions."

Hours later, in the dark of a campsite back from where the odd horde had assembled in the Roughlands Vrebel and Griff and those with them gathered around a campfire. Nearby two captives remained heavily trussed and gagged.

Vrebel spoke quietly to those assembled, "So these guys have come from all over the place, some sort of Cult serving Shaddy. Sir Lance is going to love this when he gets back. They've come to join the great battle apparently. Bunch of nutbags if you ask me. We'll leave them here for now with some scouts to watch over them and go back and let Lance deal with this headache."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #104 on: August 03, 2012, 06:51:59 pm »
In the dark of night following the arrival of the Cult of Shadows sentries on various rooftops of Sundance see a darker shape blot out the stars above as a monstrous shadowy form drifts over the city. It circles twice, its huge extended shadow cloaked wings making barely a whisper before turning north once more.

After that large bonfire towers are erected around the outside of the city and a number of priests are instructed to create permanent light sources to cast more light into the dark of night.

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #105 on: August 07, 2012, 03:21:58 pm »
*One more day passes when Lance's figure appers into the campsite, being escorted by his wife Ell, and other members of the company of the Star, as they arrive Lance recieves the news of the Humanoids and the group of demihumans that come to pilgrimage in favor of the Dragon ... Lance frowns openly to the developments, and noticiing that the missing bottles of juice, he takes just one bottle to serve for him and his wife, then moves calling upon a briefing *

Good people of Hilm, noble Voraxians, and in general to all who has helped us to stand against the abominations that strike us today .

I've heard of the information given on my absence and we are at war, as usual i know you are hardened people who are used to deal with difficult situations, death doesn't scare us, in honor and virtue we stand and grow to defend that we believe.  

Our enemy this time comes partially from other pits of existance, I am deploying priests alongside each divission for the figth to them, The gods will be with us today but we mortals are the ones who have to wield the blades with their guidance, as My Lord guides mine.

The orcs, servants of the Dragon as they claim, come with a plea for truce, they speak that their master doesn't want to wage war with us, but speaking with this their master claws drips blood from our very brothers in battle, they attacked us first, and they are entering our territory. Are we waiting for them to do their nefarious purpose and then turn their heads towards our homes asn families?  No, we won't, Hilm won't offer any truce unless they withdraw from where they come, only then they will be spared. An alliance to use our territory for crossing the country an attacking other territory? That is not the honorable thing to do .

Reinforcements are on the way, as we have once again to defend our lands, and once again with the guidance of the gods, we'll succeed.

*Lance ends the speech and then start to give orders for the groups and pulling the scarse resources he has, he places some clerics to observe the activitities of the "cultists" or "pilgrims" that are on the outside of the city.

*The man looks at the city his people has to defend, and he gestures towards his own Captains, and the representatives of Voraxians ( aka Griff ) and to Vrebel to met with him, Lance awaits with Ell standing beside him *

*Once there he explains, that the fight will have to be taken to diferent fronts, and that he'll leave for Briardusk to coordinate the defenses over there, he can't help but to offer a toast with Grape juice *


*He gives instruction of careful aproach on it though, and to use the city defenses for the advantage on the situation*


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #106 on: August 07, 2012, 08:28:09 pm »
Within hours of Lances decree to the people of Sundance and his scouts deliver the message to the non human force camped in the Roughlands north of Sundance the host abandons their temporary camp and hurry back to the mountains to the east.

The scouts return to Sundance after delivering Lance's message with a further missive from the leader of the host.

"To the leader of the Hilmite forces, know that your fate is sealed. The shadows will be unleashed on your lands as well as the lands of the Siphe Garra. Many of your people will die and you will know their deaths could have been avoided by staying out of our business. The Deepening Dark calls to the servants of Grand and others and we answer.

The Night will become your enemy."

Soon after Lance is looking at maps of Hilm and where allied units reside, numbers and deployment options when a mage is brought to him from Briardusk. The man bows then speaks.

"My Lord Commander, Lord Amaric of Briardusk asked me to personally update you of our situation. We have four divisions of infantry we are able to field Sir and deploy to the south at your request as well as one division of cavalry, approximately five thousand men and woman Sir. However, Lord Amaric wanted me to point out the fact that Molvaen has moved even more troops to his border west of Briardusk. Lord Amaric begs that you reconsider this action as it will leave our western border with Kuhl largely undefended."

He pauses a moment to let the finality of his words sink in. "Lord Amaric believes this may be a ploy by the Deepening Dark, that it actually never stopped working with Molvaren and the plan is to draw most of our armies to the south and leave Hilm Castle weakened and provide Molvaren the opportunity to capture it."

Various people present at the briefing glance at each other with worried faces. Could it be an elaborate plan by Molvaren and the Deepening Dark to destroy Hilm once and for all?  Sensing the disquiet his news brings the mage speaks again.

"My Lord Commander, Lord Amaric suggests another alternative Sir. There is a major encampment of Raelite soldiers north of Briardusk, over ten thousand of them sir. They have been there since the end of the war waiting from orders from Rael to invade Kuhl. Lord Amaric suggests that perhaps they can be persuaded to support us in some way."

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #107 on: August 08, 2012, 09:05:17 am »
*Lance weights in the options and the numbers, the expression of hardened general lost for a moment after hearing the report of the mage*

I'll be departing towards Briardusk soon, If it can be helped I'll speak with the Raelites, If they are so eager to invade Khul, maybe the defense and the promise to lower the number of attackers may serve if not we'll see what the Raelites say.

*he looks upon the map again and then finishes with the defense instructions *

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #108 on: August 08, 2012, 09:28:24 am »
*Scout Commander Jil Kendall walks up alongside Lance and looks over the map as well, deep concern etched into her face.*

He is right Lance.  We could use the help if we are to thin our numbers. The people have worked hard to keep a hold on what they have and it would be just like the enemy to pull such a maneuver.  Rael's forces have been sitting there on their thumbs for quite some time, I'm sure they are quite eager for battle.  But that is just my 2 True.

*She looks at the map quietly, studying the markings and placements, waiting for instructions.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #109 on: August 08, 2012, 10:32:17 am »
*Lance nods * I am not naive to think that only the promise of battle will be enough to make the Realites to join the efforts, the sitaution with Rael has been tricky since the start of the war, and yet the war is not over, but i am willing to negotiate with them.

And its not the same to face an army of 5000 than one of 15000, still its a dangerous battle, On the brighter side we have the fort and its defenses will help us to stand the attack, But we have to plan our movements well .

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #110 on: August 08, 2012, 11:44:55 am »
Tell me what you require and I will send out scouts or runners to accomplish such.  And if need be, I will go myself.  Perhaps an invitation to the commander of Rael's Troops, or do you wish to approach them yourself?

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #111 on: August 08, 2012, 01:36:29 pm »
*he smiles at her , apparently not having lost his confidence on the matter* Stand ready that is all we could posibly want, we need to be ready in order to maybe use this chance to gain some advantage on our own war.

Lets be patient, and yes your scouts would be needed once the skirmshes start.

So lets save our energies for then shall we?  and yes, Speaking with the raelites and knowing of their stance and situations first would be the best before deciding what to do or how to present our proposal . Once we arrive to Briardusk that is it.

For now see that a couple of scouts are assigned to the Voraxians there in case they don't have such resources, I'd like to have eyes everywhere as we stand here.  We may at least try to make it a bit easier for our allies in the south. And hoping that once the threat is done we'll be able to tighten those alliances and drive back the enemy.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #112 on: August 08, 2012, 01:51:47 pm »
*Jil steps outside the tent and speaks with someone, who feet then are heard running off with new orders.  Stepping back inside ...*

Scouts sent to the Voraxians has been implemented.  If there is nothing more required of me, I will see to the Archers, see that the supplies are well distributed, repairs made, and other such things I'm sure you have no interest in now *Grinning at him* and just send a runner for me if you need anything.

*She stiffens and salutes and disappears out the tent flap, only to have her head reappear inside*

Oh, and Lance ... *When he looks to her* ... thanks so much for the bow, *Gives him a big smile and a wink and in a flash, is gone again*

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #113 on: August 08, 2012, 02:02:09 pm »
*Lance shakes his head at something and waves dismisively before returning to the organizing duties *


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #114 on: August 10, 2012, 07:38:21 am »
While waiting for official orders to come, she takes the time to get to know those she could be assigned to help as a healer by spending some time with them in their off duty hours.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #115 on: August 16, 2012, 04:25:37 pm »
*Almost a week later, Jil come trotting into the camp, looking tired, sweaty and anxious.  *She nods her thanks wit ha tired smile as the guards let her pass into the camp.  She weaves through the tents and the people, avoiding any mishaps with ease.  She does not slow or falter in her steps and keeps a steady pace while along the way she will call out to someone she knows ahead of her to ask if Lance is in his tent.   When she reaches his tents.  She takes a deep breath, straightens and she knocks on the on the wooden pole holding up the tent with the handle of her skinning knife and awaits his call to enter.  Upon his word, she strolls into the tent, walks up beside him and looks him in the eye to be sure she has his attention. When he nods, she speaks, slowly and wit hsurety.*

"I followed the numerous tracks along this route, *She runs her fingers along the path she took on the map on the table before them, ending at the base of the Orsgaunt mountains, northeast of Sundance* ending here.  I found a secure place from prying eyes and for as far as my eyes can see, there at the foot of the mountain are numerous orcs,  goblins, ogres, giants and even some trolls. *She shakes her head at the enormity and array of such foul creatures* Odd and macabre standards  and poles were raised in many places. Lance, *She looks really concerned at this point* there had to be close to fifty or sixty thousand of them. *She repeats the numbers again slowly.  She slides her fingers showing the area encompassed by the huge army on the map.*

Not long after  I arrived and while assessing the situation, Deep horns were being blown.  They started preparing to move the horde.  The preparation consisted of giants pushing huge battering rams and at least a large number of war  elephants, mountain beasts and chained war gorillas the size of ogres  were among the host.   And Lance, leading them, was the Orc that delivered that first message here and that Priest of Grand, Segemek who stood with him.  It took me just a few days to get back, moving a group that large will take a little longer, but not much more.  

*She takes a deep breath and exhales, and looks to Lance, watching the emotions in his face as he assesses the situation.  She says nothing more, but waits patiently for his new orders.*


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #116 on: August 17, 2012, 05:35:13 am »
At roughly the same time of Jil's report to Lance, two weeks travel by horse to the north, Siphe Castle is abuzz with activity. The Sovereign Lord is due back within the next 24 hours and acting lord Nijau is determined that Jaedon Siphe will find everything in order for his return.

As the sun reaches directly overhead Siphe Garra of the ninth on eastern wall duty hear an odd sound. A low dull rumble that someone eventually realises is coming from the eastern passage. The castle superiors are summoned to the wall and gaze out into the narrow passage.  Nijau turns to Daniella, "This may be it, our Lords return. He then moves to the edge of the battlement and bellows into the courtyard below. "SOUND THE HORNS, I WANT ALL EIGHTH AND NINTH IN FIELD PARADE AND ALL OFFICERS PRESENT."

Within minutes horns sound around the fort and into the city beyond it. Workers rebuilding parts of the castle stop their work and make their way towards the eastern wall, eager to see the return of their leader. Soldiers pour from every corner of the fort onto the parade grounds, each man and woman finding their place as if it is as familiar to them as an evening meal.

By the time the several thousand soldiers and their officers are assembled the low rumble in the passage has grown louder. Nijau and others stood on the battlements gazing into the area beyond the wall. Visibility along the passage was only good for about fifteen hundred feet before it curved away and cut any chance of seeing further.

Suddenly their attention was drawn upwards as a dark shadow fell over them. Seconds later a huge roar filled the air as the mighty red dragon Ractrafiorez descended from on high, his huge wings extended to allow him to glide slowly towards the battlements. Upon his back sat what could only be Jaedon Siphe wearing an ancient set of red plate mail with numerous spikes protruding from various parts of the armor. His helm resembled the head of a dragon and bore tall horns that curled upwards.

As Ractrafiorez massive bulk descended, guards of the ninth on the wall scattered just as the dragons long, deadly claws gripped the wall tightly causing rock to crack beneath the strength of its grip. The dragon clutched onto the wall, twice the height of the wall its head suddenly lowered to allow Jaedon to step off its back and onto the wall.  

From this close it was clear to see the damaged wing of the dragon and a great black scar across its back and side and down one powerful hind leg from the battle over a year ago at Briardusk against the Drach Ori's defensive magic.

Jaedon Siphe removed the dragon helm, his face was drawn and tight as he shouted to the gate guards below. "OPEN THE GATES."

Soldiers rushed to fulfill his command and just as the gates swung open the first fire giants emerged around the corner of the passage. They were followed by many more until over a hundred fire giants, all decked out in war gear and carrying monstrous weapons had entered the castle and marched through to the Fire giant camp beyond the western walls. Many also noted that amongst the fire giant host was an elf who sauntered along beside a man wearing an odd helmet. They were later identified as Razeriem and the infamous mercenary Steel.

The entire time Jaedon Siphe and Ractrafiorez stood motionless watching as the host marched through and when they were finally done Siphe turned to his commanders for the first time.

Nijau stepped forward briskly and saluted in the Garra fashion. "Sovereign Lord, everything is in order for our campiagn to the south."

Jaedon Siphe regarded him for several moments, his face stern and unyielding. "Very Good First Rank, I'll have your report in my quarters within the hour. I'll address the council an hour after that. See to it that the Lady Eliza and Princess Shay'lar are brought to my chambers after that and in the meantime I want eighty percent of our battle groups fully equipped and ready to march south by tomorrow morning. I want the mercenary Steel in my war room within the hour as well. See to it."

He looked past Nijau and for a moment locked eyes on Daniella. It appeared he was about to say something but then he looked at the dragon and back to Nijau. "That will be all First, see to it that my orders are carried out." With that he turned to the dragon and stood looking at it for several moments before he nodded as if the dragon had said something. Seconds later the dragon raised its wings and favouring its undamaged one lifted off the battlement sending several large blocks of stone crashing into the passage beyond the wall.

Once the dragon had lifted into the air Jaedon Siphe made for the stairs down to the courtyard below.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #117 on: August 17, 2012, 06:21:32 am »
Daniella stood silent and resolute as Jaedon Siphe landed with Ractrafieroz, watching the dragon more than anything else with a high degree of suspicion and distrust.  For just a brief moment, she locked eyes with Siphe, but her expression was stone.  As the dragon flew away, she once again turned her expression to its massive form, assessing the damage the dragon still carried.  She then made a passing glance over the Sovereign Lord before turning on her heel and heading back to see about her own duties, heading in a direction away from where Jaedon Siphe had gone.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #118 on: August 17, 2012, 10:49:43 am »
Deciding to stay near the fire giants, Steel also watches Ractra fly away. With the dragon out of sight, he turns to Razeriem, assuming the elf hasn't already started fraternizing with the nearest fair maiden.

"You were right. I see a forced march coming, and that means field battle again."

He sniffs, turning about to survey the city surrounding him.

"This place is really popular. Maybe we should open a tavern here."

After a few more minutes of looking at the giants with whom he entered the city, "Perhaps we should go find the Champion... or at least comfortable lodgings."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #119 on: August 18, 2012, 09:52:41 am »
*After helping a toranatite soldier to her feet he hands her sword back brushing the dirt out of her hair and offering a sweaty smile and then turns to the rest of the training regiment*

Good work everyone just keep in mind them orcs aint gonna play nice.  Watch yer flanks and as well as yer commrades.

*With that he whips his training sword around handing it to a nearby soldier hilt first and makes his way to the Commander's tent having seen Jil heading in that direction.  Once at the tent he hovers outside bracing his hands on the doorway listening to her dire report.*

I guess they weren't bluffin'.  *He smirks to himself a bit*  So from what I'm gatherin' the entire circus is comin' our way and not movin' on Fieroz City?

We got what looks like a horde of mongrels to our North East comin' our way, a shadow storm to our North with dragons in it and some loony worshipers ta boot, and to our West Kuhl is rattling their sabers and potentially mountin' an offensive inta Hilm proper.  Swell.  Good news is we dont got anything to our South. *He smirks* least not yet.

Seems we have a bit of time to prepare before the battle monkies get here.  I got some suggestions but I'd wait to defer ta the Commander.

*He glances toward Lance with an appologetic smile after his short outburst*

