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Author Topic: A situation arises...  (Read 10548 times)


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #80 on: July 15, 2012, 09:47:48 am »
Once having returned to the base camp and enjoying a small and well-needed break, William approaches Hector and Marion quietly, his hands smelling of an alcohol-herb mixture used by healers to stop spreading wound infections from one patient to the next. He holds a small piece of parchment out to Hector.
"The things I remember," he says calmly, "I suppose it will be invaluable to write down what we have seen, felt and experienced during the battle and how we fought against it. Do you think you can do the writing? I can take your shift, and collect some more statements of others. It should be possible to get more information on this kind of corruption once we are out of here. And even if not, our experiences can be passed on to others, and to Hilm."

The expression in his eyes reinforced the expression, that while his body is battle-weary and still struggling with the exhaustion and trauma, his mind is calm, at ease and focused on the next tasks.

"If you think this has any merit, hand it over to the Commander. I'll be with the wounded and dying." He turns to leave, and before exiting the tent, he turns around and looks at each one of them, carefully studying their faces.
"Let's get this done as soon as possible. Knowledge is power, especially against things like that. I hope the Shining Hand or the libraries can turn up anything that could help us. Nothing ever shall be in vain, so Toran ordains. We fought well. Get some rest, I will be doing your tasks for a while."

Then he leaves the tent and returns to his duties, doing what he can until they either force him to rest or he falls asleep curled up somewhere, dreaming of the Mist and the fight and of Lyn. Please Toran, keep her safe, please, let her be alright...


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #81 on: July 16, 2012, 03:15:07 pm »
"You want me to write?  Will, you want folks be able to read it?"  Incredulous.  "Ain't had Rae around to tutor and been busy so...less Hector wants it, can't help ya there...'sides, I'm on shifts in the healer tents right with ya."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #82 on: July 16, 2012, 03:52:14 pm »
"I want notes. Observation, on what you two saw, experienced and so on while you held the mist at bay. I would do it myself, Marion, but I was not close to the action all the time and indisposed for some time."

He looks straight at her.

"I would do it myself, but I was not there all the time. It was not my idea. I did not witness everything. So maybe you and Hector could figure out some sort of collection of notes on your observations and such. If you don't want to, and think that there are better things to do, then do those things instead. You two could use some time off, I suppose. And unless somebody can convince me that this is no new enemy and we know all that we need to fight it already, I'd like to collect notes and such.

And you don't need to have Raelyn around to write...I'm confident you will do quite fine. You learned fighting with a blade and a shield, too, and are quite confident with it."

He smiles.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #83 on: July 16, 2012, 04:03:09 pm »
Her stride toward the healing tents breaks and she returns his gaze.  "Will, you want notes, you take 'em.  I'll tell you everything I saw but it'll take me hours sussin' out the letters and we ain't got hours to sit around.  Take notes from the soldiers can talk too, mebbe talkin'll help them that came out all wide-eyed and shakin'.

"And uh, Will..."  Pointedly.  "If anyone needs restin', it's you.  I don't stop movin' till the Commander orders me to stop movin' and we got a lotta wounded.  Drag out whatever writin' stuff you got and I'll talk while I bandage."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #84 on: July 16, 2012, 05:01:27 pm »
And there we go again. He could feel his care and emotions falter, quickly retreat, then finally wither away and die once more. Like somebody pulling away a blindfold from his eyes. Would him doing some writing in the tent do any good? Give them a feeling that their pain had a purpose after all?

"Let's forget that, then. I'll see what I have time for." He said and entered the tent.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #85 on: July 19, 2012, 03:18:32 am »
For the next few days the three battlegroups of Ninth, their numbers reduced due to the injured and dead being dispatched back to Siphe Castle, worked to build fortifications along a stretch of group surrounding the faintly glowing red boulders of the fire giants. During the day their glow was barely evident but at night they bathed a large area in a soft dull red glow.

The battle groups worked quickly and effectively during this time, rotating through shifts in work details and sentry duties. Several of the leaders made their way back and forth between the border post and the main castle in that time for various reasons and duties to fulfill.

Finally, after a week two more battlegroups arrived to relieve the initial ones who marched back to the Castle for debriefing. A day after their arrival they were summoned to the main parade ground inside the castle in full uniform. Several of the Ninth were honoured with bravery awards for their deeds during the battle and a number promoted.

Amidst the promotions several of the Toranites serving in the Garra ranks were called forth and honoured as well with both Bravery medals and promotions to the Eighth battlegroups.

Marion MacMurray
William Leox
Hector Bael

Once the ceremony was finished and those promoted reassigned the place returned to business as usual. Everyone eager for the impending return of their Sovereign Lord Jaedon Siphe within the next few days.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #86 on: July 21, 2012, 11:50:09 am »
Having fought in the battle against the mist folk and the hours long fight against the dragon, Gunther watches the promotion and award ceremonies.

Sitting to the side, Gunther grumbles, 'Who was da first one to charge dat dragon.  When it came out of da mist and attacked dose soldiers, everyone stood back, cept for Gunther.  Now peoples get medals and promotions and ceremonies.  Ceptin fer Gunther.  Gunther not even get paid.  Paid would be nice.  Gunther not need no medals.'

Continually grumbling to himself, Gunther proceeds to scour his armor of any defects and rust spots.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #87 on: July 21, 2012, 08:27:33 pm »
A day after the ceremonies take place Acting Sovereign Nijau releases Princess Shay'kar from house arrest along with her General Ni'tok. The members of the Dark Guard who were to remain in the vicinity of the Princess for four years had been housed in a section of the city that had been cordoned off to provide them with some margin of independence.

Princess Shay'kar had returned to her training under her Generals watchful eye and within hours there were problems again with the General mocking the drills and routines the Princess was expected to undertake.

By late afternoon again Nijau and other ranked officers wer summoned to the battelgroups drill area where already a large crowd had gathered. Most of the battlgroup was there along with off duty members of several other groups.

Ninth members stapped back to allow Nijau and his officers, including Lady Daniella Stormhaven and Lady Jillian, a path to the edge of the arena.

In the arena General Ni'tok had a young ninth on his knees, pinned with a long staff. His face was battered and bloody and one arm hung limpy by his side. Nearby the Princess, paced back and forth obviously delighting in the spectacle she was creating. Even as the group stopped at the edge of the arena, a Fourth Rank overseeing the training session was demanding the general release the man, to no avail.

Silence decended over the area and both the general and the princess looked over at Nijau, the Generals face gleaming with obscene joy at the conflict he was causing. The Princess seemed pretty pleased with herself as well.

Nijau took in the scene camly then spoke loudly. "It seems there is only one way to do this General, Princess." He loosened his sword belt and handed it to Lady Daniella beside him. Next he cleared the low fence in a simple movement and strode towards the General who didnt seem sure what was going on. Nijau struck hard and fast, a heel to the Generals knee, the edge of one hand to his elbow holding the staff, another just below his armpit. The general roared in angry pain as his numb arm dropped the staff pinning the ninth and he reached for his sword with his off hand. Nijau struck again in a quick succession of blows, ribs, neck, chin, then around and knee, solar plexus, abdoman.

Within seconds the General was down moaning on the group trying to hold several areas at once. There was a loud shreik and Nijau grunted as the princess launched her own attack on his back. Several blows struck hard before Nijau rolled away and came to his feet and they faced off against each other.

The crowd barely spoke as they watched the spectacle before them. Nijau came in again low and fast, feet and fists moving quickly, the Princess parried, spun, ducked low and backflipped to escape the worst of it. Nijau drove in again, most of his blows were deflected or missed as the smaller faster princess danced and evaded his blows.

For several moments they traded blows, manouvered and tried to gain advantage over each other until finally Nijau caught the princess a glancing blow against her head which sent her reeling. He lunged forward and hit her hard on the chin, her head snapped back and she collapsed on the floor of the arena.

Nijau staggered breathing in deeply then wiped blood from his face from several blows the princess landed. He walked over to the edge of the arena and demanded his sword then walked back to the general and placed it against his neck.

"If you ever threaten one of my people again..." He stood and removed the blade then looked at the Fourth who stood there silently. "See that the general and the Princess are tended to and get back to training, any more problems, let me know."


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #88 on: July 21, 2012, 09:19:03 pm »
Daniella watched silently while Nijau dealt with the situation, her features stern and her brow furrowed.  After Nijau walked away from the fight and retrieved his sword once more, she glanced at him only briefly as he strode past her, but those who know her could see that Nijau had somehow managed to gain more of her respect.  She stood a few moments longer watching the scene, then whispered quietly to one of the Siphe Garra officers nearby.  "Watch them closely in case they decide to enact some sort of retribution on the Acting Sovereign.  We don't need them to start a full fledged war within the city."

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #89 on: July 23, 2012, 04:39:24 pm »
*Upon reading the report in the main camp, Lance frowns upon the news, he is holding a blueish gem on his hand that holds some pale light, as if awaiting something, this has been a common sight for the commander in the last months, he finally puts the gem back into his belt pouch, then start to move out *

- And so the enemy had shown itself -

*Lance moves out among his men, looking at them with a mixture of feelings, brave men Hilm indeed has, and again the politic part of his duties had caught with him, he looks at the men again with a proud look on them. This people are true heroes his thoughts drive him on, he looks upon the wounded and talking alongside the people, then finally he moves out of the encampment to greet the Brave Voraxians that fought alongside his men against the mist and the foes that them hide *

*Spotting Gunther he blinks a bit noticing the unfamiliar sight among the people figthing, he shakes his head a bit and notices the giant of a man and take some mental notes to himself, then moving towards the Voraxian's column he is seen speaking with the dwarves, showing his support and gratitude, if some of them want to know about the threat, he'll be willing to answer their questions.*


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #90 on: July 23, 2012, 09:43:56 pm »
*Vrebel rides by the administrative tent in Sundance and jerks on the reins halting his horse.  He removes his helm revealing a bruised and bloodied face which appears pale in the dim light left in the day.  He turns to the tent and signals for one of the gaurds to come over after whiping his face.

"If the high commander aint too busy I'd like to see him."

*He dismounts his horse slowly a groan from his weary horse.  He makes his way to the commanders tent offering a tired salute to the gaurd out front.  Inside he begins to give the battle report to Lance or his advisor if Lance is elsewhere.*

"Mist was everywhere North of Sundance.  We encountered a force of Voraxians along the way lead by Griff Silversand.  You've heard most of the reports namely about loosin' 91 brave souls out of yer force of 200 but I'd like to give you my take..."

"The mist rolls and fluxuates and appears alive inside.  The creatures seems to get healin from it somehow.  We encounterd shadow creatures of various forms from beholders ta humanoid type critters, Not to mention a shadow dragon."

"We encountered unique problems in the battle once the mist descended.  Our men seemed confused while fightin' with some even attacking eachother.  Others just ran off crying like babies.  In future encounters with the mist I suggest our minds be protected.  Also their keen on fightin in the dark so true seein' or utlravision would also be advised.  We'll need priests as well to offer blessins against the drain'n magics."

"Without the bravery of yer men and the battle prowess of Griff's Voraxians that dragon would have killed many more.  Also I'd like to put in a good word fer the others who spilled blood namely Jil, Sehky and Fehriel fer scoutin' and providin' cover fire, Kurn and Gunther fer takin' point without blinkin an eye, and Raelyn, she deserves extra praise for her healin' and fallin' twice in battle but kept goin'."

"Seems the mist dont like the positive energies comin from yer Clerics and the Voraxians.  You might try that to keep the mist contained."

"Oh and by the way if that big giant Gunther keeps up about not bein payed send him to my tent I got some extra coin if he wants a soldiers wage."

*He takes a swig from his canteen*

"The gods only knows what lies deeper in that stuff."

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #91 on: July 23, 2012, 11:26:38 pm »
*Lance nods listening to Vrebel's report, as he eventually returns to his tent *

And must say that you did a most excelent work i've heard as well, My deepest thanks for taking this task in the name of Hilm, your report is welcomed and apreciated.

*Lance moves towards the map on his table, showing several points on it and covering an area that resembles what the mist covered *

We are indeed facing something that comes from a lower frequency acording to the schollars, Captain, And yes, the positive energy holds a special advantage we hold, sadly its a limited resourse against the size of this threat.

I am still awaiting for the reasons this war is comming, too much mystery is involved on this one, and we may have been caught in the middle of a conflict beetwen dragons. I can't speak more till I got this information confirmed by my sources.

*he nods taking the notes of the names and the report, smiling to Vrebel * I take that you would only give praise to all of them who came alongside you, and yes to fight on this battle was not an easy task *his features darkens a bit* And yet the true heroes are those who fell on defense of their duty here, we'll burn a pyre and will offer a service in their honor if you are still around, you are most welcome to stay.

This is a war that is just starting, just when we are in the middle of other, But if we stand together we'll prosper, please take care to express to the people who was serving under you my congratulations , I will speak with them a bit later.

*Lance looks upon him just before leaving* Feel free to deal with that Gunther however you see fit, I may have some words for him later if he is still around, Its indeed a strange sight upon this lands.

*finally he asks*  Is Griff still among his Brothers? or...  

*he leaves the sentense open awaiting for a reply*


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #92 on: July 24, 2012, 02:13:30 am »
Dragon feud ya say?

He shakes his head his frustration growing as he gazes down at the map that Lance has layed out.  

I've heard the rumors as well but almost didnt want to believe them.  We've already got a full plate as it is with the threat still loomin' inside Kuhl.  I wonder what deals Siphe has made to cause all this.

He crackes the nuckles in his hand making a fist

We saw another of those mist dragons swoop north of us.  I hope Daniella's forces faired well.

Oh and yeah I'll be around fer the pyre most likely.  Seems I'm here for the duration who knows at this rate I might die of old age out on that blasted battle field.  Those men and women deserve more but its the least we can do fer em.

I heard Griff ordering his men to make camp as we were gettin close ta Sundance.  Seems he had some wounded that were to ill to travel and somethin bout keepin an eye on the mist.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #93 on: July 24, 2012, 08:43:31 am »
There is a sudden appearance of a hooded man dressed in muted blue and other dark colors within the outer walls of Hilm Castle.  Based on his pace and posture, he has arrived with a specific purpose.  While not impolite should anyone take notice and greet him, he does not pause for conversation as he heads rather determinedly toward the inner keep.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #94 on: July 24, 2012, 11:31:08 pm »
Though fallen twice and met the soul mother once in her attempts to protect and heal those she could, her own thoughts are of taking care of the wounded, with the other healers that are near the camp, with what supplies they have on hand.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #95 on: July 25, 2012, 05:26:19 am »
After Connor's arrival in Fieroz City, Daniella calls off the guards as quickly as she can once she realizes who it is.  She is seen discussing something with Connor for a few moments before she gives some orders and notifies that she is leaving with Connor for a short while, but will return before the day is out.

After stepping through the portal Connor creates at Hilm, she heads with him towards the inner keep of Hilm Castle, her face impassive.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #96 on: July 25, 2012, 07:21:39 am »
An hour after Daniella was portalled away by the legendary Al'nothist Connor several scouts raced into the castle causing a flurry of activity as their reports were heard and passed up through the chain of command.

Within 20 mins of their report being given to their superiors Acting Sovereign Lord Nijau was in council with the rest of the Firsts high in the operations room of the main tower of Siphe Castle. Deep frowns met his relaying of the report from the scouts. Finally the oldest man present, Saran'gort of the First Rank spoke up.

"So this is how it ends? I have fought most of my life in wars across this land and beyond. We finally find a place to settle and this is how it will end?"

Nijau turns his back on those seated on the table and moves to a slitted window. Gazing through the narrow stone opening at the open courtyard of the castle below, beyond to the wall still in the stages of being rebuild and out to where newly ploughed lands showed how the people of the Siphe Garra had begun to try and make a living from the hard unyeilding ground around the castle. For a moment he felt what it was like for his Lord, Jaedon Siphe, every day after they had carved out the niche for themselves . The land around them was almost as hard and unyeilding as the people who had seized it. Pride swelled in his chest and he turned back to the few gathered.

"We came to this place at the head of an army of malformed creatures and monsters, we fought with blood, tooth and nail for every inch of ground. We lost brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, the list goes on. And in the end, it was our flag that rose above the rubble and stood out. The monsters gone, our path of retreat lost to us. We chose this path, every man and woman here in this nation chose to join Lord Jaedon when he asked them too. All around us are enemies, though there are signs that some...just might be our friends or at least work with us to help establish what we have started." He pauses and nods at Jillian standing near the doorway where he told her to stay when he invited her. She could listen and report to Daniella but could not speak amongst the Firsts.

Saran'gort shifted in his seat slowly then spoke again, "Our Lord has been gone for nigh on three weeks, we have giants on our borders with some foul magics, we have snakes within our city, we have Hilm breathing down our necks just waiting for us to fail, we have a mist filled with shadows waiting to assail us and now this...I cant help wondering if this is to be our fate for our crimes of the past."

Nijau nodded slowly, "I recognise your words honoured First but when have the Siphe Garra been frightened by humanoids before, even in numbers they are no match for our fighting skills."

"Maybe not alone, Acting Sovereign, but we are talking thousands of them."

Nijau crossed to the table again and sank into his chair. "Then we need to make sure our plans are well made."

Within the hour orders were going out to all the Ranks along with the news that the scouts had returned with. The Orsgaunt mountains had come alive.

It seemed that whatever creature ruled the mists to the south, had called to account many of the humanoid clans inhabiting the southern regions of the orsgaunt Mountains. Already at the base of the mountains a day from the borders of the Siphe Principality several thousand kobolds, orcs, goblins, ogres and even some giants had begun assembling under one banner. A grey dragon on a field of black.

Battle companies made up of battlegroups of Fifth through Ninth ranks were given orders to begin drills and intensive training for operations against the humanoids and the shadow creatures alike.

Word quickly spread through the city seeing a number of people who came to the place seeking a new start amongst the Siphe Garra deciding to return to Briardusk of Hilm where they came from initially. The Siphe Garra who lived their however, men, women and children, their faces grim and resigned, prepared to defend their new land to the last of them if necessary.

Amidst the preparations people began to ask...just where was the Sovereign Lord in their hour of need!

Another few hours later Hilm scouts returned to Sundance in a similar fashion reporting directly to Sir lance on the sudden appearance to the north east at the base of the mountains of a huge horde of creatures bearing a banner of a grey dragon on a black background.


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #97 on: July 25, 2012, 01:11:43 pm »
She was supposed to enjoy the ceremony and she had, sort of.  It sounded quiet, strained, each word of congratulations heavy with loss and uncertainty and filtered through her guilt.  So many of those honored had actually fought; she had not.  Her sword work and defense was still lacking.  On the field you have to make fast decisions and hers was not to throw her life away in a futile effort but instead to throw potions and grab the hands of the wounded trying to get out of the mist; to help her brothers and sisters.  But she was one of Toran's paladins and there was a part of her, the little girl who grew up listening to her uncle's wild stories, that thought she should do more, that she should be standing there in a blaze of His light fighting back the shadows to protect those whose paths didn't put swords in their hands.  Like Commander Stormhaven.  Just like that - Daniella's sword had cleaved the shadows and been the beacon leading the ninth across.  Someday, maybe...

Glancing around as she headed back to her new group she thought of how Hector had kept the breach open and how Will had gone down fighting, of Marin - where was he, anyway? - and finally of Rae.  Right then in her funk she remembered her friend's voice, clear and unaccented, helping her learn a Conduct.  It was almost as if Rae was whispering in her ear.

"For valor there is restraint, for conviction there is humility, for honorable combat there is sacrifice.  Remember who grants you strength, the ability to heal, and protect.  Remember that while he is a god, he was a man.  A man who did not stand on a pedestal. A man who did not take for granted others and who did not use his strength to put others under his heel but rather assisted and protected.  Every day, walk in his humble steps."


Yeah, okay Toran, I hear ya.  She grinned, her step lightened.  Funny that - always when she felt down, there was that little something.  So, if she wanted to protect, Humility and...well, practice, right now.  They'd be back on patrol soon, maybe another assignment, she needed a sparring partner - who?

Oh yeah.  Oh, yeah - something she'd meant to do, she'd probably get her butt kicked but it'd be worth it.  No time like the present.  She veered from the Eighth tents toward her old Ninth, nodding and cracking some jokes as she passed those she knew.

"Hey.  Is Ninth Karlgarl outta medical yet?  Where can I find her?"


Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #98 on: July 25, 2012, 02:47:23 pm »
A hulking metal creature stands statue-still on a small bluff. The Roughland sun radiates back its heat from the creature's dull gray skin. This is not one of the old, malfunctioning constructs that wander parts of the Roughlands. It is new, unblemished, and only on Layonara for a short time. Perched on the construct's shoulder is the masked mercenary. His gaze is toward the mountains to the east, then turns toward the mists in the west.

"Well, well, Sparky." He pats the construct on the head. "I suppose it's time to go visit a dragon... or two. You know, I'm really not cut out for this emissary business. You'd think the kingdoms of the world would already have paid someone to be the 'dragon emissary'. Maybe they couldn't find anyone crazy enough to do it..... Oh, wait, I'm going on my own behalf, not the rest of the world's, so I suppose I'm no emissary after all. What? Don't look at me like that."

Steel turns his eyes from west to east and back again. "Decisions, decisions. If only I knew what dragons like to drink..."

Lance Stargazer

Re: A situation arises...
« Reply #99 on: July 25, 2012, 03:18:20 pm »
*Lance listens to what Vrebel had said and nods*  

Indeed, That seems to be the fate from us, Captain *smiles*  But don't think that we could be so fortunate to do it in our terms when the final day comes, still..

Please take care of the things around here, design someone to go to speak to the dwarves led by Griff and welcome them into our campment if their kind needs help and healing.  

I'm being summoned but i'll come back soon. See every men and woman prepared and rested and the walls on watch, take the time to rest since the enemy has shown again, *he marks the new forces that were seen at the Northeast.*

Don't press the attack yet, scouts have been dispatched to learn of their movements, and so we need to take advantage of the information and the fortifications.

*he start to walk then stops before leaving * And I'll speak to Raelyn, about your words, I'll be back soon. Thank you again for the help .

**With that he moves out of the tent being escorted by a Captain that bears the symbol of a lone star over the chest of the plate, just beside the Hilm crest, moving towards a man attaired in muted blue and other dark colors, the men exchanges some words of greetings, to dissapear just a moment after that *

*The grounds of Hilm castle greeting Lance and Connor just some seconds after that *