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Author Topic: //a starting point.  (Read 802 times)


//a starting point.
« on: March 26, 2007, 12:54:59 pm »
//First, thanks for creating this forum. Second, could some official person post something stating what effects, if any, the recent quests have had. Or to put it another way, do those of us who weren't on the plot quest have any reason to start asking questions about what happened. I would love for my PCs to be informed, but I need to have an RP reason to start asking questions, so I'm not metagaming. Would those of us who weren't there have heard anything about what went on?
Thanks :-)


Re: //a starting point.
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2007, 04:33:04 pm »
//This entire message is OOC in hopes to provide insights and clarification to the plot/major quest systems here at Layonara.

Historically, after any major happening or change, there is at least some kind of rumor or other message posted in various inn/IC forums. So if you miss what you think is a major quest, keep your eyes open in those forums.

To answer about the plot quest that occurred yesterday, I don't think most people would have heard or have any reason to know, what happened as it was all fairly mundane. Now any character that was there might talk about it and there were a LOT of characters there. So you may pick up something just in talking with people you play with as they or someone they interact with may have been there and might bring it up.


Re: //a starting point.
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2007, 04:40:53 pm »
*Katrien watches the family move off toward the bank with their escort and turns to head for some quiet time by the Stormcrest fire*

gilshem ironstone

Re: //a starting point.
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2007, 05:38:45 pm »
*Tristan escorts the bereaved family to the bank and aids the matron in her efforts to open a bank account.  As they leave he gives them these parting words*  

Madam if I may say one thing it is that I am sorry that you perceive a divide between the heroes and the common people.  I will not try to excuse or deny anything that you have said.  I will only say that for my part, I will redouble my efforts to make this world a more prosperous place.  I am sorry for your loss and best of luck to you.


Re: //a starting point.
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 02:48:22 pm »
*Starr leaves the group saddened by what he has heard and seen today. He heads to Alindor and makes a trek to the temple of Beryl, running the events of the day over and over in his mind. When he arrives, he seeks audience and speaks with Perabo about the events and ponders if he is still in need on the surface or if he should return home to the underdark. Perabo of course reassures him that the Deep Mother has other plans for him and that he is needed here, especially with all the work to be done with Stone.
He feels better after his talk with her and spends some more meditative time within the temple for reflection, of course this means assisting and training the young greenstones and malachites in gem crafting.*

