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Author Topic: Wren starts to put things together  (Read 548 times)


Wren starts to put things together
« on: September 20, 2008, 12:26:35 am »
Wren has heard of the demon issues in Kuhl and has even had a run in with a half demon just trying to find a safe place to live. He has heard of some dragon cult trying to capture or kill dragons. He had heard of some kind of ancient poison that can be used to kill dragons and that maybe had some strange effects on people touched by it. And lastly he was confronted by a woman that exuded power. She questioned him about the place where Blood fell and how the crater was formed. He told her the story as he knows it and she told him that he needed to get his facts straight. She seemed to hint that maybe the blood pool was not destroyed or that it was not the cause of the destruction. Then she called on some man that told us to leave. We left he seemed like a serious guy. Wren wants to investigate this over all the other things he has heard about. He has spoken about it with a few folks but none that could shed any light on it. He would like to form an investigation team and go down into the crater to see if there is anything to help shed some light on this.
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Re: Wren starts to put things together
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2008, 08:12:05 am »
When word reaches Barion that Wren is investigating , he sends him a note asking him to meet up .

Master Wren ,

Maybe i can help shed some light into the questions you have .

I was part off the group that went to Sinthar Bloodstones hide-out and can probably tell you some more on what has happened there .

More important : I know off a way to find those that went on that trip , due to the participants receiving a piece off gear that no one else can get its hands on . ( plot-quest reward that was prohibited to be sold / traded or in any other way ending up on characters not on the quest itself by Leanthar himself )

If you are interested then please contact me .

Friendly regards , Barion Firesteed .


Re: Wren starts to put things together
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2008, 09:29:02 am »
//FYI, the sash is a character trait item. A belt didn't appear on them upon his death or anything, but is a mechanical representation of exposure and growth. The other gear that some received after rolls was loot, but the one everyone got was not. This is floating around in a few forum threads about it but I guess it can't reach everyone. ;)


Re: Wren starts to put things together
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2008, 11:42:33 am »
*note is sent to Barion*

My thanks for your offer I will find you.

Wren Thendor

//cant send you a PM so let me know your play times.


Re: Wren starts to put things together
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2008, 02:23:22 pm »
Quote from: Acacea
//FYI, the sash is a character trait item. A belt didn't appear on them upon his death or anything, but is a mechanical representation of exposure and growth. The other gear that some received after rolls was loot, but the one everyone got was not. This is floating around in a few forum threads about it but I guess it can't reach everyone. ;)

// I play it as-if the belts were made from some remnants of Bloods gear :)
  It is probably the only way to truly find out who was there and who was not since it was given with the restriction mentioned in my first post here ;)
Since this quest was run more then a year ago and at a time i should be in bed , it gets foggy to who was there so i use the belts as referring point for that .
If that's not allowed then i would love to hear it so i can think something else up to find the others :p


Re: Wren starts to put things together
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2008, 12:02:53 pm »
*a note is delivered to Wren *

Master Wren ,

Unfortunately i am too busy with other things to seem to find the time to meet up with you .

To try and help you out , i will give you a list off names of those i know for sure that were there so you can try to contact them .

At the Blood-pool :

Kobal Bluntaxe : Daeron Stormcloud : Talan V'lash ( sp ? ) : Connor ( not sure bit think he was there )

With Blood in his last moments :

Ozzy ( no further introduction needed ) : Lalath V'Lash ( sp ? )  : Accacea Thissletongue ( sp ? ) : Triba Guess .

Unfortunately i'm beginning to become an old man and these are the only names that spring to mind that i think were there , i am sure there were more but my tired brain cant remember their names .

I wish you luck in finding the information you seek .

friendly regards , Barion Firesteed .

// wished i could find the time to meet up and get involved , but RL decides otherwise . Good luck and i hope the information helps . Jan A.K.A. Barion .


Re: Wren starts to put things together
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2008, 06:28:19 pm »
Dear Wren,

It has come to my attention that you've been seeking some knowledge to the events that took place at the time of Sinthar's demise.  I was particular about detailing all of those moments.  Some seemingly unimportant at the time may very well have consequences I hadn't considered. I recall dragon statues, disintegrating as we ran past them moments before the catclysmic explosion.

I'm now wondering if this is more important but my memory of dealing with them fails me, perhaps someone else will recall.  I will try to recollect with Connor.

Katia's embrace,
Plenarius Ashaley


Re: Wren starts to put things together
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2008, 04:13:39 am »
*wren reads Plens note and sets out to find him* If anyone can shed some light on this Plenarius can.


Re: Wren starts to put things together
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2008, 07:04:14 pm »
After having met with Plenarius Wren knows that the woman that spoke with him and her companion were Selian and Milara. He also has a better understanding of what Selian was talking about. There were assumptions that may be best left to better minds then his. He feels his next course of action is to focus on deeper information about the great red dragon called the Tarnished Death.

