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Author Topic: Requesting an Audience....  (Read 160 times)


Requesting an Audience....
« on: July 13, 2008, 05:34:16 pm »
* After recent events in the town of Tulam, and the arrival of a group of refugees from said town into Westgate, a group of adventurer's pester and poke and request repeatedly for an audience with the Council or Queen to discuss or be apprised on the situation in the north.

Although unwilling to give detailed reasons for the request, they would appear to know much of current situations to at least stir some curiousness in those they tell.*

Requesting a try to get an audience with Queen Alise Langovale or the Council in Westgate, following various rumours from Kuhl, the mobilisation of their armies, the situation with Phall and Ash ( and possibly soon Amaria) and the events occuring in Tulam and other northern towns.
