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Author Topic: Fort Hilm  (Read 3344 times)


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2011, 06:51:42 pm »
Over a few days, the remaining troops from the Fort of Last Hope start to arrive via portal.  Last through the portal, Daniella looks around for an officer.  "My troops need food and rest, and then we will report for duty to help in the coming battles.  The Fort of Last Hope is no more, but it served its purpose.  May Toran be with those who are giving their lives to stay and fight to the very last.  May they be honored."  She says most of the last bit softly and to no one in particular, as she walks off to find Lance.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2011, 07:55:02 pm »
*Lance is seen moving amoug the drills , when informed of the arrival of the Lady Commander, he goes to recieve her with a concerned look, but a relief one at the same time *

Greetings Sister, I hope that the conditions of the travel were as less harsh as we could expect, We can only count now on the honor of the General Siphe. We should put into prayer to those souls that bravely stood for the defense.  

**he looks at her* Send your troops with Master Mchogany, for supplies and instructions for the positions.

The dawn is drawing near.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2011, 09:08:53 pm »
"I will, Commander."  She looks at him, a wave of fatigue finally catching up with her.  "As soon as they are settled, I promised Miss Drexia I would try to get a little rest.  At this point I think a mat on the floor would suffice.  There aren't nearly as many of us as there were before.  Adjutant Werrin stayed behind with five hundred men and dwarves to hold the fort to cover our evacuation.  I only pray that their sacrifice is not in vain."


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2011, 10:19:42 pm »
// placeholder for a whiteup detailing the week between the adventurers and troops arriving in Fort Hilm from the abandonded Fort of last Hope.

Essentially Molvaren surrounds the city outside the Fort proper and begins his assault capturing the outer walls easily before fighting through the outer city to the inner city walls.

Plot quest starts with Molvaren trying to overcome the inner city walls before engaging the Fort itself in the centre of the city.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #24 on: May 27, 2011, 10:02:32 pm »
Two days of solid fighting around the massive expanse of Castle Hilm, men, women, giants and other races all locked into a deadly battle with over fifty thousand CUlt soldiers from Kuhl. The biggest army seen assembled in Layonara for some time and perhaps one that had been purpose built for one design. War.

Over the last two days Hilm Castle had seen conflict unheard of in its history and the rulers of Hilm and those who first agreed to its establishment finally got to see the fruits of their labours when everything in Belinara came down to whether the allied forces at Hilm Castle could hold against the aggressive regime of Molvaren and the Cult.

By morning of the third day so much had happened. Sir Lance and a group of adventurers supporting the allies had made a foray into the western city around the castle where Cult troops had overrun the walls and were spreading through the streets. Sir Lance and his company had reached a section of the city where over a hundred citizens had become trapped when they did not evacuate quickly enough. The fighting had been bitter and deadly but their example rallied the retreating defenders who formed a corridor for the adventurers to take the citizens to safety within the Castle itself.

Lord Alexander had reprimanded Sir Lance later for such a risky action but couldn't fault its execution.

So too in a brave but sad note a later foray into the Northern Quarter of the city became a desperate battle as Cult forces broke through the city defences and pockets of allied soldiers became trapped unable to retreat back to the castle. Once again Sir Lance and his company forged into the region followed by soldiers from the castle to try and slwo down the Cult advance through the streets and allow all allied forces time to retreat.

Sir Lance's company reached the main marketplaces where over five hundred Driran archers had become trapped and surrounded. Here the Company fought a violent battle amidst the ruined debris of what was once one of the biggest and grandest market places in all of Castle Hilm and the surrounding city. It was here amidst all the confusion and fighting that Argali and Alton became separated from the main Company as Myr'drachs and Cult soldiers fought hard to make the most of their breach of the northern city.

Alton fought desperately to escape but was torn apart by Myr'drachs and left amongst the debris leaving Argali, stalwart champion and defender fighting a lone battle against impossible odds. The tide of battle and sheer weight of numbers separated Argali from the main company and soon they were forced to turn and withdraw as dozens of Myr'drachs and cult soldiers formed a clear and tightening circle around the Captain. Everything had come down to that moment and Argali's sweeping axe kept the creatures and soldiers at bay long enough that the Main COmpany could escape. Then a Drach Ori arrived on the scene and took over, his spells supporting the Myr'drachs as they brought the Captain down. Leaving her body crushed, battered and broken in the debris they continued their advance towards the main walls of the Castle itself.

Sir Lances company had no time to mourn the loss of Alton and Argali, there were many others dying all around the city outside the castle.

By the end of the second day the Cult and full control of the western city, the northern city and were close to breaking through in the eastern quarter and were being held back by the large Raelian contingent on the southern walls of the city.

Sir Lance made a command decision to take his company to the eastern quarter and arrived just as the walls were breached. During the night it became a desperate street by street, building by building battle. Drach Tesak rogues and assasins, Myr'drachs striking from above out of darkness, Drach ori and all sorts of cult enemies flooded he streets. Sir Lances company worked tirelessly all night hunting down the invading pockets of the enemy.

It was here too within these streets that Alantha and Angela wreaked havoc on the enemy, mercillessly cutting down or killing Myr'drachs in great numbers.

So too another of the sad losses of the war as Chaynce Balda'muur, the dashing and inequitous warrior mage, and partner of the Champion of Torans Divine Will, Lady Daniella Stormhaven fell in battle on the dark streets of the city. His life lost just after aiding the company to clear a street for allied soldiers to retreat safely to the Castle gates. His prohpectic last words to his love 'I'm still here' somewhat prophetic as in the next encounter Drach Tesak Assasins cut him deep enough that he lost his souls grip on the world and fell for the last time.

But a light shone from his sacrifice and many others that night as the allied forces were able to rally and take back the streets in the eastern quarter and as mornings wan light struggled to shine through the dark soot and ash clouds from the volcanic eruptions around the world Sir Lance and the COmpany of Adventurers returned to the main Castle, tired and weary.

In those morning hours of the third day Sir Lance comtemplated letting the company rest or whether to try and retake the western section of the city when a series of massive explosions took place on the western walls of the Castle. Through the thick wall itself one of Molvarens more powerful corrupted dragons tore a hole and exploded great chunks of masonry and stone over the defenders inside the castle. At the same time great flights of Myr'drachs flew into castle squares beyond the breach made by the dragon.

Further along the wall the main gates expoded inwards giving the Cult two large breaches intot he castle on the western wall.

Lance's decisions made, the Company joined with thousands of allied soldiers, other adventurers, Mokaken and his Pheonix Quill members, Jimmam and his Pitstalkers and many others who had come to join the battle against a common foe. Together they fought to stop the flood of Cult soldiers pouring into the castle.

All the while overhead angry clouds of dust and soot, crackling with heat filled electricity from the volcanis eruptions around Belinara provided a somber overtone to the entire battle.

Then just as the Cult threatened to overwhelm the forces inside the Castle their advance faltered and word begain to filter through that Molvaren was leaving with many of his Myr'drach. Seeing an opportunity Lance pushed hard and slowly, inexorably, over the next few hours the allied soldiers began to push the Cult back and by nightfall the mountain of dead was horrific but the last of the Cult were pushed back into the western city and from there by midnight the allies had them leaving the western city as well.

By early morning on the fourth day the allies had retaken the eastern and western city and were systematically searching buildings for hidden cultists. Inside the main Castle dwarven engineers and other stonesmiths were busy trying to shore up the broken western wall and gate botyh standing as a stark reminder to how close the defenders had come to losing the Castle itself.

Thus over the next few days a tense standoff began. The Cult had the castle and the city completely surrounded. The Castle defenders knew that the western area of the Castle was now a very weak point in their defenders and that any assault was likely to come from that direction.

Word had also arrived by portal messenger that a small tsunami had flooded Alhon and left it in disarray just after two ships had arrived from Morholt with 1500 additional soldiers led by Lord Arkolio himself and began moving towards Hilm to help with the mop up.

Notification also arrived that Fort of Last Hope was in the hands of the enemy. A faction of Drach Garra under the leadership of General Jaedon Siphe had taken over the remnants of the Fort and its immediate lands.

Over the next few days lookouts began to report movement in the camps of the tens of thousands of Cult soldiers. Slowly but surely they began to break up and retreat directly towards Kuhl. Several forays that were sent out to harrass them as they left met with swift and deadly reprisals showing that the enemy might be retreating but by no means had lost any of their fight.

However reports soon began to come in as well of armed groups of Drach Garra leaving the force and heading southwards instead.

And so over the next week or so a mop up operation began in Alhon, the dead were collected and buried and the allied leaders began to count the cost of the war to date and what was required next in order to secure Kuhl from a sizable force still with Molvaren seemingly still in control.

And at the end of this time a large force of what was now being called the Siphe Garra held Fort of last Hope and more and more joined them every day fleeing Kuhl's armies. At the end of this time word arrived in Castle Hilm that Ractrafiorez had appeared once again flying with impunity amidst the great black and red clouds of fire and debris erupting from the moutnains in the Orsgaunt mountains and that at last report he had landed once again at the Fort of Last Hope.

Above all this the eruptions throughout Belinara and other continents continued until finally word arrived from Voltrex that it had been more than minor eruptions there, in fact much of the lands there had been affected by a series of powerful eruptions to the north, many elves had been killed and the force of the eruptions had changed the nature and size of the lands in the north. What once had been lush and dense forests were now wastelands or cooling magma, so much in fact that where the lava had poured into the oceans and caused them to boil to the north a whole new landmass had appeared, riddled with lava tubes that initial reports stated led deep into the Deep.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2011, 12:11:33 pm »
//new land mass! whoo hoo


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2011, 08:33:55 pm »
More than a week after Molvarens forces began to retreat from around the Castle aid and supplies has once again began to arrive in fits and starts from Alhon.

A large wagon train was escorted by 1500 Morholt soldiers fresh from Alhon led by Lord Arkolio Salvorre. In a generous gesture upon arriving bread and fine wines from the Salvorre family estates outside Morholt were distributed to soldiers as Lord Salvorres carriage rolled along with the wagon train and his soldiers. Upon arriving at the Castle Arkolio released his soldiers to go and help deal with the dead slowly being gathered from the lands surrounding the Castle and being put into piles for burning if they were unable to be identified or were cult soldiers, or returned to families for burials otherwise.

The loss of life had been staggering on both sides in that short conflict and indeed due to the powerful magics being used by both sides many were simply incinerated or nothing was left to be able to identiy who or what they were previously.

In the halls of the Castle many and varied meetings were taking place, dignataries and notable figures of the war were in and out of different areas of the castle while outside the sounds of rebuilding was already ongoing.

Amidst the hubbub and the comings and goings of various notables, Storold finds himself walking donw a corridor in the castle to attend a meeting with several Luncidites planning to return to Blackford when another figure enters the corridor from a room just ahead of him. Jimman begins walking towards him along the corridor seemingly lost in his thoughts and just as he reaches Storold he glances up and tosses him an onion, utters a short "Good Day Protector" and continues on his way.

Almost directly above them at the same time in the War room of the Castle a large group have assembled to go over situations occuring around Hilm and Kuhl and what was currently underway and what was still to come. A similar discussion had several times a day over the last week.

Sir Lance cut across the chatter amongst those gathered. Iellwen not far from his side, a common enough sight since they were married during the advance by Molvaren on Castle Hilm.

"Lords and ladies, distiguished guests, I'd like to ask Jillseponie to present the intelligence that we have gathered in the last twenty four hours.

Jill smiles at Lance than shuffles a number of documents in her hand, seemingly nervous to speak in front of so many.

"I'll sum up a few things I know you've already heard but Sir Lance told me that its good to keep reminding us of everything thats going on. First of all its going to take several weeks, if not months to clear all the debris lying scattered around the Castle and the city surrounding it. We are finding more and more bodies each time we clear some of the debris.

The last elements of Molvarens army are now crossing into Kuhl and as far as we can tell some seem to be travelling to Sulkin and some to Ash while the bulk of them seem to preparing border defences along the Immer River north of Wallachs crypt.

We are observing several large groups of Drach Garra who are moving south through Hilm more than likely towards the remnants of the Fort of last Hope to join with Jaedon Siphe.

The army units Sir Lance has dispatched to reclaim the lands to the south have been told not to engage them but to observe them and count numbers if possible.

Some of our advance scouts have reached the surrounds of Briardusk and found that the Cult still has a sizable force there that we need to overcome in order to take back the city. At this stage we are estimating anywhere from five to ten thousand. They have built a road already between Tulam and Briardusk and have heavy patrols on it back and forth.

Also we received a missive in this morning from the Queen in Arnax. It seems when the Rofireinites and Toranites were called away to fight near Stormcry Hollows it left the Nesar army short near Amaria. The Lord of Amaria sent his forces out to engage the Nesar army there and defeated them, the remnants retreated.

It also seems that Nesar has a larger second force seiging Zolinar but its been going for weeks now with neither side gaining an advantage. This is where Cyn Chen is located. I'm sure Molvaren will be sending her reinforcements as soon as he can as his armies return to Kuhl.

They have also told us that the smaller army groups in southern Hilm have recaptured territory up until Sundance but have become bogged down literally in a drawn out engagement there as well."

Lance nodded to her and addressed those gathered, "There you have it, the current state of the nation. There is still a lot to be done, and no offence to you Queen Langovale but securing Hilm must be our first priority at the moment."

Lord Alexander then spoke up, "What about the volcanic activity, do we know anymore about that?"

Sir Lance frowned slightly, "I'm afraid not Milord, I am getting word from various sources with conflicting information, some say its Fisterions doing, others say its an announcement of Pyrtechons imminent arrival, others say the Azattans have unleashed some demon in the depths, others its a Dark Elf conspiracy, take your pick. For all we know its just natural activity and while a nuisance it does not affect any of our immediate plans except the cleanupo of Alhon and repairs to the damaged docks there."

"It is not natural by any means." Morakens strong voice added to the conversation.

Seconds later Conner, who had been standing near the back of the room added his voice. "Moraken is right, it is not natural. I still need time to study the phenomenon but I believe someone has opened a portal deep within Layonara and that has caused these eruptions to occur. of course that is just speculation and heresay as yet. I have no definitive proof."

Lady Daniella then spoke, "Well, apart from Alhon it does not directly seemed aimed at us at this time so let us deal with what we can as we can."

Wren, who was also present commented sharply "No, it's only the elves suffering for the most part so nothing really to worry about."

"Thats not what I mean't Wren. We can only deal with whats before us and the Elves have made it clear they don't want our help at this time." She turned back to Jillseponie. "What about Fort of Last Hope, whats the status there? Do we know why Ractrafiorez was there?"

Jill looked back at her "The Siphe Garra have started to clear the debris in the main inner fort, one tower still stands albiet slightly damaged and the General is using that as his command area. Our observers saw Ractrafiorexz land outside what was once the western outer wall and Jaedon stood on a broken remnant of the wall to speak to the dragon. What was said we have no idea but Ractrafiorex left soon after and flew into the Orsgaunt mountains."

"Are there any further questions or comments before we end this meeting?" said Lance.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2011, 09:05:47 pm »
Daniella looks at Lance.  "Perhaps I should find out what was said in the meeting between the General and the dragon.  I can travel there in person if you want, but if you need me here, I'll stay."

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #28 on: June 01, 2011, 10:07:03 pm »
**Lance looks at Daniella for a moment , then to the maps frowning *

As you said then, you'll be in charge of the troops regarding the south towards the lands that goes to the former Fort of Llast hope. Try to find what you can and inspire the troops, to not engage.

If you can get word with the General, then it would be great, just don't compromise yourself, and be back as soon as you can.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2011, 10:27:23 pm »
Daniella nods.  "Yes, Commander.  Hopefully it will be a short mission.  You'll need our forces in Kuhl, and I know what Siphe is capable of should he decide to attack us.  He's given his word that he will not, so I don't want to put him in a position where he feels threatened either.  It's a very tentative situation.  I'll do what I can to make sure that it doesn't escalate.  Toran be with you, Commander.  We'll leave first thing."

With a quick salute, she goes to see to make sure things are ready for her departure at first light.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2011, 11:19:11 pm »
Lord Alexander thinks for a moment before interrupting.

"Lady Daniella, your work in holding the Fort of last Hope against such odds was nothing short of miraculous. I think since you are heading south anyway you should take command of part of the army and take back Briardusk from the enemies hands." He then turns to Lance. "Make it happen, and find a way to get help to those in Sundance. We owe Nesar that much for their losses in Kuhl."

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2011, 11:23:09 pm »
**Lance looks over Alexander then nods*  That was actually my toughts for the future plans,  but if my liege forgives the advice, I was not going to point out that until we learned the situation on Last Hope, its fitting but i would not like to leave the fort flank unattended.  it would show disrespect to an enemy, since neutral or not. that is what he is still .

I hope and pray that situation changes soon .

But I'll heed to your wisdom my liege.


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #32 on: June 01, 2011, 11:25:07 pm »
"Lady Daniella has give her word that Jaedon Siphe will remain nuetral as long as we do not engage him. I am willing to go on a little faith that she knows what she is talking about. See that Briardusk is ours sooner rather than later Sir lance."

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2011, 11:36:38 pm »
It shall be done so then my liege

**Lance orders the maps to be adjusted with the new logistics and looks at Daniella*  May the light shine on your path , and contact me if needed  

**then looks at the rest of the gathered * Is there anything else needed to be discussed ?


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #34 on: June 02, 2011, 12:13:40 am »
Daniella nods to Lord Alexander.  "I'll do what I can sir."

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #35 on: June 02, 2011, 12:38:42 am »
*Jil makes some notes and separates duties/jobs that are required and sends out runners to deliver messages.  She knows folks and places still need to be watched, with minor adjustments.*


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2011, 05:45:03 am »
*Storold ignores Jimman completely as if he didn't even exists and lets the onion bounce of his armor as he walks on*


Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #37 on: June 02, 2011, 12:42:16 pm »
*After the briefing Wren approaches Conner*

The timing of these eruptions and the locations show more then a natural disaster going on. Your words ring very true that there is something sinister afoot. I mean to find out what this is, if it is some movement from Molvaren or if it is some new threat. I am seeking your advise and guidance on this matter. But I will travel where ever it is needed to investigate this and uncover what information I can to help us. I know that the war is far from over but this new threat is knocking at our door and it would be a mistake to let it take root. What are your thoughts?

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #38 on: June 03, 2011, 06:23:50 pm »
**Lance nods at Alexander after realizing the generals there ,* I'll lead a group towards Sundance then my liege, in the mean time the rest of our elements return and the city start to recover, I'll take some of the people here in order to set campment and start to recover what was lost. If you agree with that and have no need of me elsewhere.  My position in the front would be temporal but I'll decide on that once we see the situation itself .

If that is the case I'll take some troops and will start to head to that position *he looks a momnt to Ell which is at his side, then back to Alexander*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Fort Hilm
« Reply #39 on: June 09, 2011, 01:53:20 am »
**Some days after , Lance gathers with the generals and the representative of the kingdoms *

Well Ladies and Gentlemen.

This is where the next part of the war starts, we have survived but there is still lots to do , we still have to recover the kingdom of Kuhl and exterminate the remanants of the cult, its not an easy task but something that is needed.

We'll start to recover our defensive lines , I need the whole troops in movement in one week tops, we'll do a combing on the area, we don't want spies or enemy troops left on our terrain.

You'll be informed in the next day which companies will go where. WE'll stay with one eye set on the territory of the Fort of Last Hope., but we won't attack that, we have a small truce with them and it shall be respected at the moment,  Some troops will march to retake the cities on the borderlines that are still in the cult power.

I will lead myself a company of 20,000 soldiers towards Sundance,

Any doubts ?

**he looks at the generals with a stern look, Ell beside him *

