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Author Topic: Fort of Last Hope  (Read 5377 times)


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #160 on: May 03, 2011, 04:02:29 pm »
Quote from: Alatriel
Afterwards she turns and listens to Vrebel.  She stays quiet for a few moments before she responds.

"I'll consider it, Captain.  For now, just continue as you are."

He offers a salute canteen in hand

"Thats all I'm askin' fer Commander thank you"

Later that day he notices Gel'larian and Ferrit being led in through the south wall by Adjuntant Werrin and heads over to see what the situation is.  He hovers around relieved when they appear uninjured giving them their space from what looks like a grueling ordeal.  He waits to speak until there is a lull in their initial report to Daniella

"Glad ya'll made it back alive and in one piece"

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #161 on: May 03, 2011, 04:05:39 pm »
Quote from: willhoff
He offers a salute canteen in hand

"Thats all I'm askin' fer Commander thank you"

Later that day he notices Gel'larian and Ferrit being led in through the south wall by Adjuntant Werrin and heads over to see what the situation is.  He hovers around relieved when they appear uninjured giving them their space from what looks like a grueling ordeal.  He waits to speak until there is a lull in their initial report to Daniella

"Glad ya'll made it back alive and in one piece"

As he is lead along, Gel'larian looks over to Vrebel and gives a nod in thanks.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #162 on: May 03, 2011, 07:05:40 pm »
*Griff nods to Daniella while gripping a fist in his glove*

Aye den tank ye Lady Commander.  Oi'l wait fer deh ot'er mages tah beh sent over den we'll let'em try tah blast dat ting.  Let meh go see where Thane Kobal is at n Oi'll see wat he say bout meh wall oidear.

Ye want meh tah report back tah ye loike aft'a talk'n tah Kobal or jus get 'er done?

*Griff sniffles and runs his glove across his stubby nose leaving a streak where the dust is cleaned off*

//pm sent to Kobal


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #163 on: May 04, 2011, 09:24:56 am »
When found, Connor is with the other mages constructing the portal, which is seemingly near completion even to the untrained eye. He breaks away from the work when Daniella and the others approach, and he comes to stand before them.

"Good day,"  he says to Daniella, nodding a greeting to the other two. "Something I can do for you?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #164 on: May 04, 2011, 10:51:05 am »
Daniella looks over the portal crew and then looks seriously at Connor.  "We have a problem, sir  Mister Windsbreath here can fill you in."  She looks at Gel'larian and waits for him to explain.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #165 on: May 04, 2011, 11:24:11 am »
He drinks the last of Daniel's canteen, the little bit of water going a long way to reviving him.  The weary look in his eyes gives way to trepidation as he looks to Connor, the portal crew and then finally the portal.

When I was looking for soft targets in the Cult camp... I got close enough to overhear two Drach Ori talking about Connor's arrival... They talked of how Master Garvill's success must not be allowed... They said... He focuses as he tries to recall their words .."Their structure would intercept the portal from Hilm"... Anyone entering that He points to the portal would end up in the hands.. of the Ori... They said it would be ready in.. a few days.. that was about two days ago.

He looks up as food is brought in and hungrily sets upon a crust of bread as the others digest his story..


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #166 on: May 04, 2011, 12:48:16 pm »
Connor listens closely, his expression remaining fixed but attentive as Gel'larian gives his account. At the end of it, he cracks a sort of odd grin.

"'Master' is it now?" he asks with some amusement to no one in particular. "I'm not sure if that's praise from the enemy or what."

Before anyone can respond, his expression shifts back to seriousness, and he gives a nod of acknowledgement to Gel'larian and addresses them both.

"Very well, we will verify these claims once the portal is complete, which should be..." He turns at the waist and looks behind him for a few moments before facing them again.  "...tomorrow sometime."

His expression turns thoughtful for a few moments and then looks squarely at Daniella.

"Commander, how are we stocked for things like...explosives?"

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #167 on: May 04, 2011, 12:55:34 pm »
He smiles at Connor as he munches on his bread.

Any superlatives are my own.  Story-tellers license.  If I can fire arrows through the portal, I can make those explode.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #168 on: May 04, 2011, 01:07:38 pm »
Connor looks at Gel'larian and nods.

"Portals do not usually care what they carry," he says. "and we will see if we can find the limits to their device and their tolerance."

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #169 on: May 04, 2011, 01:10:34 pm »
Good then, unless you need anything else, I am in dear need of a bath and some rest.  -Master- Garvill, you will let me know if you want to send an arrow of mine through your portal?  It should be fun.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #170 on: May 04, 2011, 01:17:01 pm »
He got a glimpse of Gel and Ferrit being led inside.  Curious, burningly so, but not enough to chase them - he'd seen how bedraggled they were.  Let them rest and recover.  The word would get out eventually and half the bards in the fort were still inactive, which meant back to work.  There was a renewed assault happening and he spun toward the sounds of wings and yelling, metal and claws on flesh, not even noting which wall; he was singing as soon as they could hear him over the din, firing his bow at the myrdrachs as he went.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #171 on: May 04, 2011, 01:24:52 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath

"Commander, how are we stocked for things like...explosives?"

Daniella furrows her brow slightly.  "We have the exploding anti-dragon ballista bolts if that's what you mean, sir.  But firing one of those through the portal... I'm not sure if it would work.  From my understanding they explode on impact, or slightly thereafter.  If it were to go through the portal and not explode, it would simply be giving the enemy an example of what we have to use against them."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #172 on: May 04, 2011, 02:28:22 pm »
Connor nods to Gel'larian understandingly.

"Enjoy both and thank you," he says. "but out of curiosity, did they specifically say from Hilm or just any use of the portal?" He soon waves off his own question with a hand gesture. "Nevermind, we'll check it both ways."

He turns to Daniella again and takes a breath to speak.

"It has to impact at some point," he says. "And we could just throw the exploding part through without firing the bolt. I wouldn't want to waste them, however, if we only have a few."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #173 on: May 04, 2011, 03:26:50 pm »
"Not only that, sir, but we do not want to send an exploding device and have it actually end up in Hilm," Daniella says seriously.  "We have to be able to test it without putting someone's life at risk, and without tipping them off that we know what we know."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #174 on: May 04, 2011, 05:54:03 pm »
At some point around this time it comes to light through scattered reports to Daniella that soldiers are being sent to different leaders to report to them or on errands while they should have been on duty by people they seem to recognise. However the people who supposedly sent them on the errands away from their posts believe they did no such thing. it mostly seems to be occuring on the western wall and is brought to light when Kobal appears before Daniella demanding to know what was so urgent that he had to report to her while there was another assualt going on on the wall in question.



Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #175 on: May 04, 2011, 05:54:54 pm »
Despite the gravity of the situation, Connor nearly laughs.

"I did not mean to test the portal with an explosive, Commander," he says, somewhere between amused and offended. "I was thinking of ways to turn their little ploy to our advantage if it works like they hope."

He waves a hand with a slightly dismissive gesture.

"Regardless, we need to finish it first, and this information will give us cause for additional safeguards."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #176 on: May 04, 2011, 05:59:13 pm »
Daniella turns from Connor to Kobal with a perplexed expression.  "I didn't send for you, Thane, who told you I did?  If there is an assault on the wall, then get back out there!  Something is going on, and I want to know what, but this is not the first time I've heard of this misinformation being spread and I want it stopped immediately!  If they're attacking the Western Wall, it's most likely a device by the Cult to lure people away from their posts.  Get back there quickly.  I'll join you."

And with that, she heads off briskly towards the Western Wall without another word to Connor for the time being.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #177 on: May 04, 2011, 11:37:41 pm »
* Kobal utters an uncharacteristic curse about messengers and the pits of hell and marches back to his post on the wall. *

Script Wrecked

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #178 on: May 05, 2011, 01:56:39 am »
Quote from: Script Wrecked
Quote from: Dezza
Quote from: Script Wrecked
Quote from: Dezza
... the Cult had brought up a monster of a trebuchet that sat deep in the Cult lines and heavily protected by Myr'drachs and had started using it to send huge boulders against the heavily damaged western wall. The wounded dragon was being used to life the massive boulders and debris being used in the trebuchet.

... it was slow to wind, slow to prepare but its projectiles did massive damage when they hit.

"Turn ourr trebuchet against theirr trebuchet. Make zurre ourr trebuchet still has the coverr behind the building. The ballistae will do theirr best to ensurre the drragons arre not destrroying it."

A grizzled dwarven artillery veteren of the Fort braves a look over the western wall with a few instruments for measuring distance then ducks back behind a ruined crenellation.

"Oi dunnae loike our chances of reachin dat far Captin Argali. We'd ave teh move deh trebucket roight up behind dis wall and dat will take days. Asides from dat dere bloomin dragons and dere catapults will have more chance of hittin our trebuchet..."

Argali purses her lips a moment in thought.

"Mmm... What arre chances of making trebuchet arrm longerr orr putting morre weight in the trebuchet bucket to be making it fling furrtherr, without brreaking the trebuchet?

"What about using the lighter boulderrs zo they can be flung furtherr? It iz only the trebuchet we arre trrying to be hitting. They arre not the robust like the wall."

Between the various attacks on the Fort walls, Argali works with the trebuchet crew, launching projectiles of lighter and lighter weight, trying to target the Cult's monster trebuchet.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #179 on: May 05, 2011, 02:40:09 am »
* Taking a break from the fighting to get some food, Kobal seeks out Argali at one of the launchers. *

Argali. * He blinks as another missile is loosened with an audible TWANG! *

Coul' ye ask one of yer goiants ter pray fer some rattlin' an quakin' of tha' ground near our walls? Especially tha' west wall.

We got a feelin' 'em sappers be busy tunnelin' an' a good shake will loikely bring tha' soil dauwn on their heads. *he grins*

T'wont do much ter tha' Fort is mah judgement. Nay worse than wha's already goin' on 'ere.