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Author Topic: Fort of Last Hope  (Read 5360 times)


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #200 on: May 09, 2011, 09:25:28 am »
// 2 days after Gel and Ferrit return, 1 day after the main food stores are almost totally destroyed.

A tired but determined group meet in a building of the inner compound where in a room below the stone structure Conner and several other Lucindites are monitoring the now operational portal. The first news for days had already arrived from Fort Hilm of Molvaren's armies overruning the second lines of Defence for Fort Hilm, of the arrival of the giants and also of Moraken. Even now the last lines of defence outside Fort Hilm were preparing to face the vast horde of Molvaren.

To the south word arrived of small but fast moving Nesar armies moving towards Sundance while in Kuhl Nesar armies were trying to capture Vilsna and Amaria.

Word also arrived of the arrival of fleets of ships in Nith and the unloading of thousands of Toranites and Rofireinites, their mounts, equipment and support staff. A new, fresh army that would move north and enter Kuhl to support the Nesar armies as they marched on Westgate.

Daniella, Argali, Vrebel, Wren, Drexia, Griff, Kobal, the two giants Herjak and Morgrin and some of the senior officers helping maintain the western wall were in attendance discussing the current situation of the western wall. A grizzled veteran who had lived his entire life in the fort had been brought to the meeting by Kobal and stood now explaining what was happening.

"an as deh matter stands, wif deh gionts 'elp weh figure weh bin able teh foind where dey got teh under deh wall. Deh beh near deh southern end loike and dere beh a problem wit dat."

"Problem? What problem?" Daniella glanced between the grizzled dwarf and Kobal. The dwarf coughed and continued.

"Well yea see Commander, deh fort beh built on a natural rock slip and dat sout'westen corner beh deh lowest point an its on deh weakest part. Oi guess dem Cult sappers know dere stuff and picked it roihgt fer sure."

"So? What does that mean?" Daniella was trying to hold her temper in check.

The dwarf glanced at Argali and Kobal as if he was dealing with children who knew nothing about stone.

"Well ifn deh giont or deh priest brings down deh tunnel loike, it beh more dan loikly bringing down deh entire corner of deh fort. Oi reckon deh Cult nay beh stupid an dey knauw dat we ave teh give up deh wall to stop em in dere tracks. Eider way dey win yea see."

Grim faces met the dwarves solemn revelations until Argali, who had been thinking furiously through the entire exchange spoke up.

"She is thinking of an oidea." She turns to Morgrin and Herjak. "Ifn yea know where derrr tunnel is den can yea open a hole to it? Den we can drop down and get to em."

Griff nodded enthusiastically at the idea and all eyes turned to the giants.

Morgrin spoke first, as usual his words short and brief, his deep voice rumbling "We can open a path."

Almost as he finished speaking Daniella interjected.

"Thats good enough for me, the western walls taken a hammering over the last few days. They know they are close to doing it more damage than we can recover from and I believe it will be the next target of their attacks. Argali I want you back on the ballista, I know only a few are left but there are still dragons out there that need dealing with. I want you directing things there if they try to use the dragons to stop us killing their sappers.

Griff, I want you to personally pick twenty trusted soldiers and be ready to enter the hole once the giants open it up. Thane Kobal I need you to take control of the forces on the western wall again. I'm going to transfer some of the last few reserves near the southern wall to you in case the Cult come hard at the wall when they discover our actions.

Vrebel, Wren, if you are still up for a mission outside, I want you to start planning how we are going to take out those Drach Ori to the south.

Drexia, you're with me, we're going with Kobal to see about the west wall."

Just as they were about to disperse Conner emerged from the stairs from below his face in deep thought. After a moment or so he spoke to Daniella as if no one else was in the room and as if he'd been talking to her for some time even though he just arrived.

"It's curious, I do not get a sense as yet that the Drach Ori are interfering in any way with the portal but there is something. Typically I can sense the energies and Al'noth that form part of a portal, it is part of how I know whether a portal is sound or being tampered with in some way. I'm not getting that but I am getting slight fluctuations. Nothing that in anyway impedes the use of the portal but they are there nonetheless. The portal itself is working, and working well by my reckoning. I am currently working on what those fluctuations actually mean and if they represent any threat. In the meantime use the portal sparingly I would suggest. I will keep working on it."

Daniella merely nodded as the man turned and walked back down the stone steps.

An hour later, mid afternoon, Griff and his selected soldiers stood at a point just inside the western walls southern corner. The narrow street between the wall and the first row of buildings was littered with debris, scorch marks, supplies for the men on the walls and in many places resting soldiers or wounded, although the latter had been moved from the immediate vicinity.

The two giants walked the area first at times touching the ground and talking to each other in giantish until both selected a spot near one of the massive wooden braces supporting the wall. There were dozens of them up and down the back of the western wall now trying to hold it against the massive trebuchet of the Cult.

The giants knelt on the ground, placing their hands over the selected area while nearby Griff and his men waited. On the wall above Daniella, Kobal and Drexia looked down at the goings on while nearby Andrew sidled up with his men Portlie and Arfur trying desperately to see for themselves what was happening.

Several moments passed and nothing seemed to happen, then there was a sharp whooshing sound and an area of earth roughly the size of a cart disappeared under the giants hands, turning into mud and dropping down into the tunnel below. Several muffled screams were heard that were sharply cut off as the mud hit the bottom enveloping the diggers. The giants stepped back and soldiers rushed forward with heavy ladders dropping them into the hole to allow Griffs soldiers a means to climb down. Seconds later the chosen group flew down the ladders and then the killing started in the tunnels.

Daniella watched from the wall hearing the screams and battle cries from those in the tunnels now below the wall. Suddenly Drexia grabbed her shoulder and pointed out into the area outside the western wall.

"They are about to release the trebuchet."

Daniella nodded and as the word passed along the wall many of those in the projected trajectory path temporarily moved out of the area. They waited for what felt like hours until the telltale whump of the massive trebuchet was heard, seconds later a soft whistling sound was heard and then CRUNCH! The wall under Daniella's feet trembled and protested at the abuse, several more blocks from the broken corner tower tumbled down far below. Everyone rose again and took their positions and Daniella risked a glance over the wall.

The ground below was littered with broken parts of the wall, catapult boulders, dead and dying in the muck and mud and beyond them almost two bowshots away the front edge of the main Cult camp. Even as she watched there was confusion in the camps southern edge and the Cults horns began to sound. Several standards began to move, ones she recognised now from the many days spent fighting the Cult. Noting the ones moving know she realised that Jeadon was mobilising a large number of infantry units and Myr'drachs. Not unusual but there was a new banner moving on the field. One that had until now remained stationary overseeing the entire Cult camp.

"Is dat who Oi tink it beh?" Kobal stood near her shoulder peering out as well.

Daniella nodded. "Jaedons mobilising his elite and it looks like he is going to lead them for the first time. They know what we have done, sound the horns, we're going to have a lot of incoming shortly. Call up the reserves, everyone available to this wall. Get Griff and his men out of the tunnel and tell the giants to be ready to collapse it."

Kobal looked at her, "Yeah know what dat means?"

Daniella glanced at him, "I do, do you see any other way?"

Kobal sighed,  "Nay Lass."

"If it comes to that we signal the retreat, archers take up position on the inner compound wall. We collapse the buildings to the north and south of the inner wall and they will provide some measure of defence. We knew this was going to come, with our dwindling numbers we can't hold the entire fort effectively anymore anyway. This will allow them a small portion of the fort but then they have to get through the inner walls and they are higher than these and easier to defend."

Kobal grumbled, "Aye, alright, But Oi nay beh givin dem it witout a foight."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. They will pay in blood for every step they take."

The next few hours saw some of the bloodiest fighting the Fort had seen to date. Reserves were rushed from every quarter of the Fort to hold the broken remnants of the western wall. Vrebel and Wren were pulled from their duties to join Griff in trying to hold back the hordes trying to force their way into the fort through the tunnel the giants had opened up. Fighting in the close quarters was hard and dangerous.

Argali's ballista rose and fired at opportune moments trying to take out Myr'drachs that keep trying to fly over the wall. Mages and clerics, worn out as it was did what they could in the ensuring melee. Then just as dusk was falling the Cult sent in a dragon, the creature circled low outside the western wall carrying a heavy net in its claws full of drachs. Dozens of Myr'drachs surrounded it as it flew towards the wall lighting when near it. Argali's ballista were waiting for it and let fly but the Myr'drachs flew interference, sacrificing their lives to allow the dragon killing bolts to kill them instead of hitting the dragon. Moments later the net was dropped over the wall and dozens of Drachs untangled themselves from the net even as allied soldiers fell on them with gusto. Many Drachs died but some managed to get to their feet and draw weapons just as dozens of Myr'drachs joined them. Soldiers came from everywhere to engage the enemies now inside the fort. On the wall above the cult had at least a dozen ladders on the wall and in some places Cult soldiers were fighting desperately to hold the small amount of ground they had gained on the wall.

By this stage Daniella realised the Cult meant business this time, they were making a huge push and she had very little left to hold them. All around her were he sounds of combat and down in the street below things were getting desperate. Some of the Drachs dropped by the dragon and the Myr'drachs were cutting their way to the hole where the giants waited to collapse it. If they made it to the hole while Griff, Wren and Vrebel and their soldiers were still down there they would be taken from behind and the Cult would secure the tunnel for themselves. It could not be allowed to happen.

She turned to see Hayley and Kylie in the street below casting spells at Cult soldiers on the wall and in the street. Fending off a slash from a Cult soldier trying to get onto the wall from a ladder she stepped back from the fighting and shouted down below over the edge.

Hayley looked up, dirt, blood and grime on her face and clothes to see Daniella waving frantically at the Cult soldiers trying to reach the tunnel entrance. Hayley grabbed Kylie and pointed then together they ran towards the battle to help.

Further down the line Kobal used a longpole to push away yet another Cult ladder, a pile of dead bodies near his feet. Not far from him Portlie and Arfur were protecting Andrew from several Cult soldiers who had made it onto the battlements. Allied soldiers flooded around them to aid them in protecting the Bard whose voice carried high and strong giving the allies hope and courage.

Soon enough the Dragon rose up again another large net in its claws and deposited its cargo in the street below but this time as it rose up and out Argali's bolt hit it fair and square in the shoulder and as it cleared the wall it exploded sending blood and broken scales onto the defenders below. The creature screamed and plummeted to the ground outside the wall crushing a large number of Cult soldiers before clumsily lumbering away out of range of allied crossbows and archers.

All afternoon Jaedon Siphes Banner had drifted back and forth at the back of the host attacking the wall and just as darkness was falling it moved forward, through the ranks and towards the wall.

Daniella gazed around helplessly. Almost everyone she could commit to the western wall was committed, they had been fighting for hours on their first day of rations, there was a breach under the wall they were desperately trying to plug, there were Drachs and Myr'drachs on the wall and in the street below and now the enemy General Jaedon Siphe himself was entering the battle. For a moment she almost let out a hopeless giggle then she remembered. She glanced down at her glowing sword, at the men and women around her dying to save Hilm and in her heart she knew that Toran was with her and she knew what she had to do. She moved along the wall as best she could aiding soldiers as she passed moving towards where Jaedon Siphe was about to reach the wall. Lights flashed around her as mages let fly with different spells. A soldier suddenly disintgrated in a ball of flame from a Drach Ori fireball near her and for a moment she glances Ferrit moved in and out of enemy soldiers on the wall, using the shadows cast by flames and flickering lights in the darkening sky to her advantage. Moments later she passed Gel'larian, blood covered him from a number of wounds but he still stood.

For a moment she womdered how Daniel was faring on teh North wall and Kromlek on the south but she had only a moment for a passing thought as she progressed further.

Another bright flash and she moved past the ruin of yet another tower and saw ahead that the Cult had breached the wall and Jaedons elite were flowing up hastily raised ramparts directly onto the walls en masse.

A sudden blast rocked the wall and knocked her from her feet and she rolled towards the inner edge of the wall. A hand gripped her hard and Draxia dragged her back helping her to stand. Cuts covered both of them from shards of stone from the explosions. Daniella nodded and grimly pressed on.

The Cult Elite Drachs poured onto the wall and amidst them in silver and black armour Jaedon Siphe flowed like water over a ducks back. Allied soldiers were cut down left, right and centre as the renowned bladesmith and his best soldiers first breached the wall, then held it, then began to exploit it. Within moments allied soldiers were falling back under the onslaught.

Then Kobal was there emerging from teh press of soldiers and engaging Jaedon Siphe directly. Sparks flew and the sound of steel on steel rang loudly over the roar of the battle. Jaedon and Kobal exchanged numerous blows before the press of battle tore them apart. Kobal was roaring challenges whil trying to stop the blood flowing from a deep cut Jaedon had given him in his left shoulder when Daniella finally reached him. The enemy was everywhere and her men were breaking and retreating under the assault.

Daniella yelled into Kobals hear over the din of battle. "Its over, its time, we need to take it down!"

Angrily Kobal shrugged her off then pushed two Cult soldiers from the wall sending them screaming to their deaths below before yelling to the men and women left alive around him to fall back to the inner wall.

They needed no urging and soon men and women were fleeing or limping back to the gate to the inner compound. Archers took up positions on the higher wall sending murderous volleys of arrows and bolts into any Cult soldier foolish enough to pursue the defenders across the streets and mostly flattened buildings in between the western wall and the inner wall of the main keep of the fort.

A huge explosion ripped through the night followed by several more and to the north Daniel oversaw the demolition of several buildings to prevent the enemy accessing the area and the south Kromlek did the same.

Once all her soldiers were clear of the western wall Daniella gave the order.

Griff, Vrebel and Wren and those left alive emerged from the tunnel, pursuers close on their heels, they were covered in mud, dirt, blood and carried numerous injuries. Myr'drachs and Drachs leapt onto them even as the giants finished their spells and the earth cracked and heaved.

There was a groaning shudder that seemed to travel along the entire western wall, then slowly the wall at the southern end sank into the ground, the action causing a rippling in the great stone wall. The broken southern town began to lean forward, further and further until it could be contained no longer and it fell forward crashing through the darkness into the ground below taking almost a hundred metres of the western walls southern section with it as well. Men screamed outside as massive blocks of stone crushed them utterly.

As all this went on Jaedon Siphe and his Elite Drachs reached the fleeing defenders cutting them down in droves and pushing to gain the main gates to the inner compound before they were closed. Sadly, with men and women still trapped outside Daniella ordered the gates closed or they risked losing the fort.

As the inner gates clunked shut and heavy bars and bolts were dropped into place these remaining outside turned to face their opponents to be cut down mercilessly and almost defiantly by Jaedon Siphe and his men.

Faced with the new challenge of the inner wall on the western side of the Fort the Cult signalled a retreat falling back to the western wall. There, within sight of all those gathered on the inner wall Jaedon personally planted his flag and the flag of Kuhl alongside it in the one remaining tower of the wall.

Over the next two days as the Allied forces within the fort took stock of what they did and didnt have, Wren and Vrebel planned how to attack the Drach Ori, Conner continued to work on the fluctuations in the Portal and Jaedon Sihpe continued his attacks on the northern and to a lesser degree the southern walls while he moved his armies up to the western wall of the fort and began to move the pondorous trebuchet up to use against the inner wall of the main fort.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #201 on: May 09, 2011, 10:02:01 am »
Inside the inner walls the fort was smaller and yet not cramped.  So many lives lost.  He lay stretched out along a battlement wall facing the occupied outer fort, still bleeding from the fight and coughing as quietly as he could in the thick dust oozing like airborne mud from the collapsed walls.  A whispered song to sharpen his eyesight with a pinch of incense, and he watched*.  Watched for any sign of a soldier still alive, anyone hiding from Cult forces; he should be down singing to the survivors  but he had to do this.  Their men and women still out there and if he saw even one and his song could reach, he would sing them invisible.  It was not much but it was at least a chance and any chance to escape was better than none.  And so he watched and waited and prayed to Ilsare that he could help even one person escape...

*//pm sent


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #202 on: May 09, 2011, 10:06:54 am »
The towers and buildings fell per the Commander's orders and Daniel turned quickly to his men, "Go to your mounts and prepare for our final charge, my brothers and sisters. We will buy our comrades some time. " Grim faced knowing these were his final moments in the defense Daniel mounted his horse and set his lance. "Great Dragon, hear your servant, make our sacrifice worthy." He prayed as he fastened the compass pennant to the end of his lance. Lowering his visor, Daniel gave the order to hold and waited for the right moment, waiting for the orders he knew were coming.
 As he sat there, Daniel looked at the Knights with him.  Ragged armor, multiple wounds, but fierce looks were returned.  Worse were the horses, what few there were, only some dozen or so.  The lack of food had been felt most keenly by the larger animals.  Daniel's gaze stretched out, taking in the grounds as a whole and he understood why the order had not come.  There would be no last charge in the cluttered and debris filled fort, the horses would not make it twenty feet in the rubble.  With a sigh, Daniel dismounted to the stunned looks of his men. "Turn your mounts over to the grooms good sirs and form ranks.  We stick to the Commander's plan and withdraw when the order is given."  With a heavy heart, Daniel took his place in the line.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #203 on: May 10, 2011, 08:44:18 am »
After more testing, verification and searching, Connor leaves the portal chamber and makes a request of one of the guards posted outside.

"Please tell the Commander I need to speak with her and the elf Gel'larian as well,"  he says, waiting outside for response and hopefully the eventual appearance of Daniella and Gel'larian.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #204 on: May 10, 2011, 08:56:40 am »
Daniella arrives a while later, the guards apparently looking for Gel'larian separately.  She looks worn and tired, both emotionally and physically, but she puts on a mask of professionalism before she enters the room to see Connor.

"Please tell me you have good news, sir."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #205 on: May 10, 2011, 09:37:02 am »
Connor's expression changes little, other than to greet her. He nods slightly, but not in agreement.

"I have...more complete information, and perhaps a suggestion or two," he says simply. "As I mentioned before, the portal is active, functional and seems to be working quite well.  There is still the matter of these...fluctuations, which is why I have not yet sent through anything living.  However, I have been able to verify the direction from which these fluctuations seem to originate, and that is to the south, which fits with Gel'larian's information. What I want to speak with you and him about is the possibility of a strike on the Ori camp."

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #206 on: May 10, 2011, 03:10:52 pm »
Gel'larian, receiving his summons in the infirmary where he was forced to tend to himself because of a lack of staff, says a short goodbye to the man lying next to him, knowing the injuries the poor soldier suffered would likely take him from this world before Gel'larian could return.

Nodding to the guard who sent for him, he set off towards the portal chamber, feeling trepidatious at all the reports of dopplegangers and treachery.

"I need to talk to Wren after this."

He was remiss in that duty.  But Wren could wait to hear nothing of value another few hours.  He forsaw another scouting mission in his future, either to find a target they could hit or a way out of this Pit and towards Stromcry Hollow; he was not sure which yet.

As he arrived at the portal chamber and was brought before Connor and Daniella, he smoothed out his clothes and did his best to hide the bloodstains.

"You sent for me?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #207 on: May 10, 2011, 05:57:10 pm »
Connor nods at Gel'larian, seemingly ignoring or unconcerned with any slights of appearance.

"As I just told the Commander here, I've been able to confirm some...activity to the south that could potentially interfere with the portal. In short, there's enough to give serious weight to what you heard.  The question is...what do you feel are the chances of a focused strike on the Ori camp?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #208 on: May 10, 2011, 07:29:16 pm »
"We had two Ori in our fort, sir, and look at what damage they caused.  To put our people into their hands when we know they are planning an ambush would be completely irresponsible.  The chances of success... I'll consider it, sir, but at this point, from the information and experience that I see here, I don't like the probabilities."  Daniella runs her hands through her hair and looks at Connor.  "Is there anything at all that would give us the upper hand if we attempted such a maneuver?"


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #209 on: May 10, 2011, 07:50:48 pm »
"With respect Commander," he says in a calm tone after pursing his lips slightly. "if you take a chance on nothing, the Drach will slowly whittle away at your defenses and stores, and you might as well surrender now.  They are expecting you to be defensive. They have superior numbers and they have this fort boxed in.  This portal and the Ori's potential to interfere with it is a simple matter of practicality and survival. They know this and they seek to remove this lifeline, just as they attacked your stores and continue to undermine this fort's defenses.  If the fort cannot be defended, then it should be evacuated, Commander.  The question is, what are you willing to risk to do that? What are you willing to risk to ensure the safety and survival of as many as you can?"

He pauses just to take a moderate breath through his nose.

"As for an advantage...give me some time to consider this further. I have already considered the notion of sending a strike team through the portal, seizing the element of surprise. The problem would be getting them back, of course. There may yet be something that brings less risk, but we should plan for all contingencies."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #210 on: May 10, 2011, 08:27:14 pm »
"Don't you think I've considered that, Mister Garvill?  I know that we're boxed in.  I know that our people will either die out there or die in here.  I'm not exactly thrilled about it either way.  I said I would consider it.  If you can make it so that our people are more prepared with spell protections...."  
She sighs, rubbing her temples, obviously not thrilled with either prospect at hand.
"I'll consider it.  Get me our strongest warriors and our mages that can protect everyone," she says to an officer nearby.  "If we're going through that portal and into the awaiting arms of the Drach Ori I want us to be as prepared as we possibly can.  And I want them to know what they're getting into."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #211 on: May 10, 2011, 08:31:09 pm »
He simply nods, then looks at Gel'larian, awaiting his answer.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #212 on: May 10, 2011, 08:38:38 pm »
He saw some dragged off.  Some made a break for it before dying and some were killed as they stood.  The feeling was one he'd never forget - survivor's guilt, desperation to help, horror, relief it wasn't him.  And still he watched.

He didn't know the name of the soldier and didn't remember seeing him anywhere before, but he'd not seen many of those who'd fought in the breaches.  The man had been hiding under rubble near the wall and hiding well, away from prying eyes, and was scrambling to climb while attentions were focused elsewhere.  There, he'd been spotted, bows were turning...

Not if the bard could help it.  He couldn't catch the man's eye as he was invisible himself and so he sang his song and prayed Ilsare would carry it down, along with the rope he slipped out; being in contact with him provided the lifeline some cover.  

Please, my Muse.  Please.

He flicked the rope, slapping the man with it; the soldier skittered, then tugged, yelped as an arrow grazed his leg.  Andrew gave a tug up and the man wrapped his arms around the rope and climbed while he pulled, using the crenellation as a brace.  Ilsare was listening; the arrows flew wide and with Andrew's song-enhanced speed and strength the soldier made it over the battlement.  

He breathed a prayer.  The man looked around wildly for someone to thank but he didn't bother dispelling his song.
 "Go, get some healing.  I'll keep looking."

The infantryman zoned in on the sound.  "Toran bless you, my friend.  More than I can say."  And he limped down the stairs of the inner wall.

Not likely.  But Ilsare did, and that was all that mattered.  He slid left a few tens of feet as arrows topped the wall, and kept looking.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #213 on: May 10, 2011, 11:33:11 pm »
*Wren Speaking with Vre* We need to to drop in on those Ori somehow. I heard what Ferrit and Gel said. Why dont we use it to our advantage? The Ori dont know that we know they can intercept the portal. I say we get every ward, blessing, and song bestowed upon us that we can and we go through that portal. No way we are going to make it back, but we can take a hell of a lot of them with us. What say you?


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #214 on: May 10, 2011, 11:35:17 pm »
Vrebel was one of the last to enter the inner walls of the fort before the gates were coldly shut.  He swung his large greatsword left, right and in large arcs at the Mydrachs surrounding him keeping his stance as best he could.  He was a muddy and bloody mess his face caked in dirt and dibrie.  His vision completely blurred exept for one eye he could painfully open to a slit to see his enemy.  

If he could distract the Mydrachs after him long enough hopefully other soldiers could escape into the inner gates to fight another day.  As he heard the heavy chains thumbing that operate the gate he begrudingly backed into the inner wall watching as a young soldier desperately raced to the ever closing gate.  

Just as the he entered the gate the soldier stopped dead in his tracks a look of utter desperation on his face. Huge Mycdrach claws wrapped around the young soldiers waste drawing fresh blood were they peirced his leather armor.  The young soldier looked to almost faint from the shock.  A gruesome thud and then the crashing sound of metal slicing flesh and cleaving bone and the mydrachs claws went limp.  Vrebel kept his greatsword jammed in the Mydrach's mouth long enough for the young soldier to limp through the gate before releasing and ducking in himself.

As Vrebel limped to the top of the inner wall to assess the situation he opened his one good eye to see Jaedon cutting down soldiers near the newly planted flag of Kuhl on the rubble of the west wall.  He couldnt help but to admire his fluidity in battle.  He wiped his eyes and slowly limped toward the portal room to figure out what next.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #215 on: May 10, 2011, 11:47:05 pm »
He listens to Connor and Daniella calmly, aware that this release of emotion might be a good thing if they are to make more important decisions in the days to come. Once Connor looks to him he considers the situation before answering.

"I'd be lying if I said they had any weakness from a positional standpoint, but I would say that we could surprise them. I did not see where they are supposedly redirecting the portal. If you can at least determine that there is not some devious trap already in place, then I think an attack like this would do wonders for the belief that this army can actually do some damage. To be honest, after the beating we just took, I think we need that far more than we need a dozen soldiers. If we can't keep our hearts in the battle, we may as well hand the Cult the keys to the Fort."

He looks at Connor and smiles and then looks to Daniella his mood lighter than when he first was summoned.


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #216 on: May 10, 2011, 11:54:25 pm »
Vrebel blows out some snot from his nose and enters the portal room to find Wren, Daniella, Gel and Connor.  He whipes his nose and smiles tiredly to Wren, Gel and Daniella

Glad to see ya made it Wren.  I've heard Gel's report too about them tampering with our portals.  I say we send em Ori a care package first.  Load up a chest full a firebombs and send it ta Hilm through our portal.  I know Lance and you Commander *nods to Daniella* got them talkin stones.  Give Lance a message were sendin' the package through ta Hilm.  Once we send it Lance says they got it then they can disarm it there at Hilm.  If not, then we blow it sky high.

Then we enter the Portal and finish off whats left.  You think that explosion will damage the Ori portal on their end?  *He looks to Connor for the first time for his response*  If so, we might have ta be waitin' on the outside and rush in from a spot Gel thinks is safe.

He looks to all four for their responses


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #217 on: May 11, 2011, 12:08:02 am »
*Griff goes to an empty room on one of the lower levels of the fort.  It is dark and the old dwarven stone walls of the room seem to ache as the earth tremors from the assaults outside.  The heavy walls drown out most noise except for the low drum sound when the enemy trebuchet's payload hits the outside wall.  Griff's large and rough hands finger over the smooth rounds of the wall stones.  He smiles just a bit as he admires the master stonemason's work.  His axe is in his sheild hand as he slowly moves around the room's perimiter in deep thought.  He has laid his shield on the center of the floor with Vorax's symbol facing up and shining just a bit as the low candle light reflects off of it.  He is in full armor, the silver and red quite a contrast to the dark walls.

He thinks to himself.  Tomorrow they will enter the pits under the Fort.  The demons beneath lay in wait, but to save them all, a way through must be made.

Griff kneels next to his shield, his knee pads clanking as they hit the stone.  He closes his eyes and lowers his head.

"Vorax deh Eternally Vigilant, Oi humble mehself ta Ye.  Fatha' the enemy is many n deh are stong in battle.  *he pauses and sighs softly* Oi ask Ye fergiveness fer meh let'n dem under meh wall; twas my watch.  Oi ask Ye fergiveness fer meh shortcummin's n battle.  *his voice a little stronger now* Aye, but Oi praise Ye fer bring'n meh tah dis 'ere Fort.  Oi know dat Ye done it fer a purpose n dat Oim one ov ye blessed childr'n.  Fatha Oi know Oi have more tah give.  Fatha Oi trust n Ye wit all meh heart.  Vorax tomorrow, let meh walk wit Ye n deh pits ov deh demons n let us raise axes tagetha.  Hand meh Ye strenth n Bless meh axe so dat weh can carve a way through deh evil.  *He grips his axe tightly* Yes Fatha, let meh beh clos'a ta Ye than eva befer.  Let deh name of Vorax beh heard by deh enemy, but let meh axe make it so its deh last ting deh hear!"

*Griff straps on his shield and stands.  He beams with a focus in his eyes not there before.  He spins his axe in his hand once and nods to himself looking reassured.  He exits the room and goes to war hall where the fort leaders are planning the descent into the pits.*

gilshem ironstone

Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #218 on: May 11, 2011, 12:09:21 am »
"I think when we go through that portal, we need to be fully aware and adaptable, try and stop any Ori trap from being sprung. Living breathing people, heavily armed, fully warded. Take out any magical threat fast."


Re: Fort of Last Hope
« Reply #219 on: May 11, 2011, 12:09:56 am »
"I can guarantee nothing," says Connor in a simple tone. "I can't be sure their attempt will work.  I can't be sure there isn't a trap. It is a strong risk regardless. To be clear, the purpose would be to disrupt their device, not necessarily kill the Ori....though I won't discourage that either."