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Author Topic: IC: The Capture of some snakes  (Read 1013 times)


Re: IC: The Capture of some snakes
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2009, 03:20:09 pm »
Thank you everyone for your participation.  I will be scheduling something in relation to this very soon.


Re: IC: The Capture of some snakes
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2009, 09:16:09 am »
//Just checking on this.  Do we have a date yet?  Thanks!


Re: IC: The Capture of some snakes
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2009, 02:25:34 pm »
Looking at the calendar now.


Re: IC: The Capture of some snakes
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2010, 12:17:15 pm »
//Alright, folks, given the late nature of this we're working backwards a bit using a narrative rather than doing an in game session(s) that would likely be lengthy and unnecessary since this technically will have already happened.  Please, your input and actions are important and could have a significant effect on the outcome.//

Champion Daniella Stormhaven set out to travel to Huangjin with a small compliment of volunteers and faithful seeking additional assistance in order to unravel or at least defuse the tattoos that had heretofore thwarted any attempt at extracting information from the very people that might hold the cult's more intimate confidence. The tattoos had seemed inactive when they left but there were layers and wards well beyond the devising of any of those present. All they could be sure of was that they weren't sure what, if anything, would happen during interrogation or tampering. And so the prisoners were restrained, guarded at all times and kept barely conscious by various means in anticipation of Daniella's return.

Barely two week's time had passed since their departure and word began to spread amongst those gathering and present that an official letter had arrived from the queen, spurring animated discussion within Toran's blessed halls. Rumor crept and changed as rumor does but not a word from that parchment was passed beyond or spilled from careless lips. For, on that bit of parchment the Queen's instructions were quite clear.

Many were surprised as to the speed with which the instructions had been sent though few questioned their authenticity. As the cult was now deemed a direct threat to the kingdom the prisoners were to be made available, immediately, not least of all to those with more intimate knowledge of the Al'Noth. Additionally, they were to be moved to a secured and neutral holding area within Fort Llast, designated and acquired by Her Majesty's representatives. Curiosity evaporated as the representatives showed up several days later bearing the official seal and accompanied by a contingent of Trelanian soldiers. Three more days passed and the prisoners were moved. The queen's people not only accepted but made known that the presence and oversight of those from the temple were welcomed.

Two days from that time a number of unremarkable hooded figures entered Fort Llast and approached the building where the prisoners were being held. Words were traded with the guards, sent along the chain, and they were bid enter. Once inside they removed their outer garments and revealed that they, faithful of Lucinda, were answering a request for assistance. And so began a week long, intense study of the tattoos the cultists bore.

Daniella and her troop returned the day before they were to attempt to unravel the first prisoner's tattoo, quietly redirected by the church to their current place of holding. Their mage, informed of what the others had gleaned and allowed her own time to examine the magics at work, joined the study although the trepidation was thick on both sides.

Finally, they were ready to make an attempt. It took some time, seven hours to be exact, but near the end the voices became sharp. Alarm mixed with surprise only to be followed by a hail of derision. Hastily, everyone poured out of the room, nearly tumbling over one another as a green gas billowed from the throat of what was left of the prisoner's wilting corpse. One mage received a great deal more tongue lashing from two others that looked to be many times his elders. Reluctantly, he took a much less active role from that point forward and although disappointed did so with humility.

After rest, recovery and a review of what had gone wrong (next day) the next prisoner was brought in and work was begun. Five hours only did it take that time when quiet cheers and words of congratulation were exchanged. That prisoner's tattoo was only a tattoo when they finished and those that looked upon it said that it no longer possessed the vibrance and clarity it once had. With that prisoner moved to a cell and interrogation preparations under way the third prisoner's tattoo was unraveled. Later, however, after cursing us in several languages she bit off her own tongue in staunch defiance.

Everyone of even slight importance was summoned into a meeting to discuss how to proceed. Some opted for more extreme measures while others followed more conservative philosophies.... The information that they wished to acquire ranged greatly but had to be prioritized in case things took an unexpected turn.

//Additional people will have had the opportunity to join in and be heard but those involved (churches and the kingdom) are very very careful about who gets in or even near the building at this point.  If there's anything you wish to address with me directly please feel free to PM me.  Imagine you're in this building in Fort Llast with a large group of people in a room cementing how to proceed.  Some are subtly supporting torture.. others more persuasive methods... what does your character endorse or offer up?  Thank you.//


Re: IC: The Capture of some snakes
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2010, 10:20:57 pm »
Just bumping this.  Deadline for input or inquiries will be Monday.


Re: IC: The Capture of some snakes
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2010, 08:31:32 am »
*passes by and bumps*
Quote from: Eor
//Alright, folks, given the late nature of this we're working backwards a bit using a narrative rather than doing an in game session(s) that would likely be lengthy and unnecessary since this technically will have already happened. Please, your input and actions are important and could have a significant effect on the outcome.//

Quote from: Eor
[/B]//Additional people will have had the opportunity to join in and be heard but those involved (churches and the kingdom) are very very careful about who gets in or even near the building at this point. If there's anything you wish to address with me directly please feel free to PM me. Imagine you're in this building in Fort Llast with a large group of people in a room cementing how to proceed. Some are subtly supporting torture.. others more persuasive methods... what does your character endorse or offer up? Thank you.//


Re: IC: The Capture of some snakes
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2010, 09:17:50 am »
Daniella remains present to receive any information gathered in order to plan for the next battle.  She speaks with advisors and commanders to compare information and strategy.  She seems to let those around her do what they do best, and utilizes the size and strength of the Toran churchmembers in order to delegate when necessary, but without having to interfere too much in peoples' jobs and what they do best.  

//mostly just waiting on information, if any, and pm sent to Eor.


Second half of report regarding the prisoner.
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2010, 08:19:17 pm »
Through methods not entirely clear but rumored to include illusion and less invasive coercive techniques they were able to acquire some information.  Though the individual was helpful and freely so in the end there is still much left to uncover.

The following is the information they were able to glean from this opportunity.

The location of their main stronghold is still unknown to us but we were able to acquire locations of fortifications, training grounds and defenses on Belinara, primarily with the kingdom of Kuhl.  No information leading to further insight into the corruption was acquired.  Though, they seem to regard the entire process with no small amount of mysticism and faith.  

The center piece of this faith is a great green dragon for which we could not exact any sort of name.  It is, as far as the prisoner is concerned, nameless and said to direct its loyal followers in a righteous effort to bring all of dragon kind together under it in order to avert a calamity.  A calamity not unlike ages past when dragons fought openly and warred with the races of Layonara as their minions and puppets, though much much bloodier. Any statement to the contrary only agitated him and made work more difficult so his views were not countered so long as progress was made.

Those among what we can only assume to be their religious leadership are designated as Drach Ori... or what we have loosely been able to piece together as the Dragon's Eye.  This group is thought to commune directly with the Dragon and has some rapport with the other dragon-like creatures that comprise some of their most fearsome troops.  He called them Myr'Drach and with great reverence.  It seems that those of great faith and skill are sometimes honored by the Dragon to undergo a final test.  Those who possess the strength and resolve survive and are blessed by becoming more like it in form and one of its most sacred of servants.  These creatures usually deal with the more troublesome challenges, such as the demon cullings in Kuhl and its neighboring lands.  Occasionally the prisoner made reference to them in routing fortified positions of resistance.  

These Ori are also the ones who administer the tattoo to those who have proven their unwavering loyalty.  The prisoner had no knowledge of its construction or capabilities save that he believed any who's faith wavered might be struck down or found.

He was also asked about a name that has come up repeatedly: Molvaren.  There is no doubt he is a figure of some kind, very central to their beliefs...  The prisoner referred to him as "most sacred" and "Dragon's Voice" implying that this person's connection with the nameless Dragon may be greater in nature than any others.

The individual acquired was of a sect he called the Drach Garra or Dragon's Claw.  From what we can tell it seems to be the militant arm of the cult which answers to a General by the name of Jaedon Siphe.  Allusions were made to another arm of the organization but he became unresponsive and fearful when pressed.


Re: IC: The Capture of some snakes
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2010, 05:52:54 pm »
*If these prisoners remain, Daniella would return to them and those that questioned them, and asks questions in regards to Drach Tesak or Dragon Fang and Cyn Chen.  Daniella would wait around to hear the results.*