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Author Topic: IC thread: The Path of the Claw  (Read 1668 times)

Script Wrecked

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2009, 08:56:16 am »
"At last!"

Argali's head turned at the unfamiliar voice. Her eyes flashed as they alighted upon the large, winged, lizard-like creature. The enemy had arrived.

Everything now changed. It was no longer a matter of whom amongst the group should or should not enter the Path, but rather denying the accursed Green Dragon Cultists the same opportunity. They were here to make their superbeast, to wreak whatever carnage they saw fit across the lands, without any foibles as to the cost to their champion.

No doubt the Cultists would try to parley, would seek to impose their will upon this field of battle. No doubt there would be those amongst the group who would listen to their words, as though this might be some puzzle whereby you only had to give the right response and all would be won. They did not seem to understand by doing this gave control to the enemy; that you would be playing by their rules and thus playing their game. A game they sought to win, by any means, fair or foul, and if you could distract your opponent by proposing terms, then so be.

No, there would only be one way to resolve this, one way that they stood a chance.

Strike first, strike hard, strike now.

She gripped her axe, her target the magicker-looking tall one who had entered the cave close to her...

// And apologies for preempting any other course of action. :) //


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2009, 10:52:12 am »
*Aerimor in dragon form restrains Lance form runing wildly into the circle of the Rune.  And speaking in a deep but calm level voice*

No, that would be most unwise, Paladin of Toran.

*Aerimor focuses his eyes on the circle and Rune before him, casually holding Lance behind his bulk with one large clawed hand.  Aerimor is boxing Lance out from the Rune.  Aerimor keeps his ears alert and focused on the others.  Seemingly to speak to none or all, he speaks at a comfortable level.*

What trouble you cause.  Now what protections have you?  

*Louder to noone in specific without turning his gaze from the circle.*

Look for the Journal.  

*Aerimor prods the edges of the circles, looking for wards or reactions.  He continues to casually keep Lance behind him.*

//Any time Lance wants to break for the Circle/Rune or attack Aerimor, just say so.  Aerimor is causing him no physical pain, just making sure to remain between Lance and the Circle. But Aerimor will attempt to physically stop him if he breaks for it.

*Aerimor continues to move towards rune testing its defenses.*

*When the enemy enters and speaks aloud, Aerimor steals a quick glance at the party, proximity to the Rune, and the enemy before turning back to the rune and any wards.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2009, 12:26:55 pm »
// Er.. Just for clarification I tought Aerimor relased Lance at the end.. So the events that were posted by me up could happen. Since Drexia already used a dust of aragen In him, and hence why he turned back to face the enemy.

Lance did not attacked yet, And if he is olly been hheld and not grab , then thecontinuity is not affected ... heh..

First post Edited for continuity

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2009, 02:13:32 pm »
* Suddenly you become aware of the newcomers. Just as the man with the mask utters the words: "At last!", you turn to regard the strangers... or enemies?

As your minds work to comprehend what is going on and to analyze this new information, the masked man continues... *

Ressourceful, to have gotten this far.  * He pronounces each word carefully, even with respect. *

Now you must choose.

You will be allowed to step aside and make your way out of here.

Go home to your families and loved ones. Do not throw away your lives recklessly... there is nothing for you here.

* He extends his left arm and motions for you to move by him and his group, the woman and the grey skinned dwarf step aside to let you pass them by. *


// The group consists of six members. Below they are described from the left to the right. Also, please note the attached screenshots.

1. The masked man, who was the first to speak. He carries a strange mask that conceals his face. In his right hand he carries what can only be a magic staff. His only other weapon is a large dagger, sheathed to his left. At his right hip you notice a square leather bag or case, decorated and adorned with gems. At first glance it could be a spellbook, but it seems both too large and heavy for much travelling. The man carries what seems to be light armour or reinforced clothing. The man is tall and slim, and does not look like your typical warrior or rogue.

2. Clad in heavy armour, coloured in grey and dark colours, the dwarf seems stout and strong. Nothing of the dwarf's face is visible due to the helmet that covers his face and neck. He or she carries a large and menacing-looking greatsword that gives off a slight glow. Like carved out of a mountain, the dwarf seems solid and unyielding.

3. Clad in thick plate mail, this figure stands very tall - and much taller than your average human. Squareshouldered and bull-chested he looks more like a humanoid bear than a man. The twobladed sword rests easily on his shoulder as he regards you, his posture making him seem at ease.

4. In the back stands a strange creature. At first glance a large lizardman, but then again something else. The creature stands more erect and is wider of chest and taller than a lizardman. The creature has very thick and muscled arms and legs, whereas lizards usually are thin and dexterious this creature seems of incredible strength and durability. Keen black eyes regard you from the back, yellow teeth flashing as it seemingly smiles at you. It's only weapon is a short spear.

5. Cloaked and clad in blackened leather armour, this female stands at ease, but at the same time seems like a coiled spring - ready to jump into action. Like most of the others, her face is concealed by a helmet. Agile and lean, she carries two broad kukris.

6. A strange grey skinned dwarf, clad in a large robe and wielding a staff that seems much too large for him. The runes that adorn his clothes and hood, along with the many rings on his fingers, mark him as a magic user. He has a mad gleam to his bloodshot eyes as he studies each of you carefully.


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2009, 02:42:11 pm »
After dragging Amgine's lifeless body from where he fell to dump it against the cavern wall next to that of Fehriel, Caerwyn looks at the rest of the group, each in turn.  The sight of those enraptured by this lastest portal engender a sad shake of his head; of those, the sight of ones he counts as friends evoke an accompanying, even sadder, sigh.  

"This is a distraction." he mutters. "Most of us have come for something else!", his voice rising to an angry whisper.

At the sound of footsteps approaching from the way they had come, his full attention snaps that direction. Eyes and ears even more alert now, he silently, almost motionlessly, unlimbers his bow.  There is something familiar in that tread, something he heard and perhaps saw earlier, farther back.  He nocks an arrow as he nods to Drexia and Argali, though Argali seems, for the moment at least, lost to the lies of the portal's promise.  

When the footsteps arrive and take on visible shape, Caerwyn eyes the six standing there, riveting his attention on the lizard beast.

"At last!" blurts one of the newcomers. "At last, indeed!" mouths Caerwyn silently. The footprints he followed those many weeks ago in the Silkwood are finally given physical form which now stands before his eyes.  Ignoring the rest of the palaver coming from the masked speaker, Caerwyn looks over to Argali again and smiles, as her grip on her axe and the look in her eye reveal her to be once again among the conscious and conscientious.  He looks to the lizard beast and then back to Argali, giving her a single nod.


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2009, 02:58:39 pm »
Seeing the fight in their eyes, in those around him, Steel takes a step back around the corner, into the chamber, away from the newcomers, the completion of an invisibility ritual on his fingertips.


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2009, 03:31:14 pm »
//Either way you want to play it is fine.  Lance was released when I thought it was a portal and Aerimor was going to step through it.  Aerimor did not want to force/let Lance go through.  The big thing for Aerimor here is only to not allow Lance a chance to rush headlong into the circle/rune.  So consider Lance initially restrained but now merely boxed out.  As long as Lance stays behind Aerimor there is no conflict unless Lance starts it.  Fair enough?  Lance is free to act with party and enemies as long as he does not try to proceed to the rune again.  If he does then we can role play and toss some dice.//

*Aerimor continues to test the circle and move closer.*

Black Cat

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #27 on: July 22, 2009, 03:39:08 pm »
*Grohin slowly turns fully to watch the new comers, his eyes focus for a moment on the leather bag at the side of the masked man. Then he searches his companions and focus on Jennara and raises his eyebrows.

He then just gets hold of his axe, poised for the coming fight.. muttering in his beard...*


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #28 on: July 22, 2009, 03:58:38 pm »
*Drexia does not shift her posture or raise her fists, but gazes at each member of the in turn, her eyes seeming to quickly take each of the strangers in. Her eyes float to the dead bodies of her companions, then to those in the group who are fingering sword hilts, and gripping axe handles.... finally, her gaze rests on Jennara, waiting for her to speak or act, looking for guidance or direction*


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #29 on: July 22, 2009, 05:22:21 pm »
"At last," His tone of one who is at journeys end. Though perhaps the conclusion not completely as anticipated. A voice of confidence though, in the might of those with him and in who he is. In her own thoughts though she smiles softly to herself, perhaps he doesn't realize though that his companions would surely betray him for what lays at the end of this path.
 "Go Home?" At first a thought reminding her of her beloved and her children she longs to protect, that she would give anything to save, who she has given her life before to protect. So close to an unrealized dream that now she can protect them if only she could get beyond the groups to grasp her true calling.
 She continues to observe in silence to see how the others will react to the newcomers, unsure of what will happen, her eyes piercing the backs of their heads with utter disgust and longing as much as the stranger of this group has longed to be here, as if she too has waited a very long time to be close enough to find out what it is they truly want.
 She studies over the group thoughtfully from her place of hiding, trying to prepare herself to react at a moments notice, realizing she has an element of surprise over the others.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2009, 05:58:21 pm »
*Jennara turns and sighs, thinking, "We are in no condition to fend off..."  She stops mid-thought stands a little straighter when she sees the leather case.  Could it be big enough to hold the journal?  She slowly walks toward Grohin and stands next to him, turning to stare at the rune on the floor with her back to the newcomers.  She speaks quietly to him, trying to keep it short.*

I have to ask a terrible thing - that you stay when I run.  If that leather case can be cut loose from the speaker's waist, I can try to escape with it.  Hopefully, it is what we need.

Script Wrecked

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #31 on: July 22, 2009, 09:12:57 pm »
... her axe swinging for his right side, his dulcet words lost in the focus of her attack.

// Arg had (just) previously returned from the vortex, and was at the "entrance" of the cave. She is to the left of picture, forward of the (line made by the) "newcomers"(1). She attacks their right flank (picture-left), attacking the (talking) "masked man". She doesn't stop to buff or prepare. She makes a left handed(2) strike with her axe so the "mountain dwarf"(3) cannot spoil the blow (itself). //

(1) closer to the picture viewer (but not actually in frame)
(2) that is, the blow swings from (her) left to right, left hand leading (her ambidexterity allowing a normal strike)
(3) to the picture-right of the masked man


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2009, 10:48:16 pm »
As Argali swings, Tyra hesitates, looking at the portal, then Argali again..  it's all in slow motion...  Tyra's decision time has come...  does she make for the portal, or fight...


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #33 on: July 23, 2009, 10:53:08 am »
*Hearing Argali start combat, Aerimor speaks seemingly to Lance*

"And so it begins without time for thought or the chance for caution.  Chaos rises and our hand is forced, we must only act and react, Paladin of Toran.  Some or all of your friends will die. Either help them now or chase your dreams of personal fulfillment."

*Aerimor briefly seeks Lance's eyes after his words finish, to gauge him.  Speaking louder so any in the room can hear if they are not distracted*

"Find the Journal. Close the path.  No matter who is on it."

*Aerimor then boldly steps towards the rune, into the light, and into the circle if able.  Said softly as he steps forward so only the closest few could hear the words.*

"I love you Ella, and I will return to you.  Balance..." *Becomes inaudible*

Black Cat

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #34 on: July 23, 2009, 10:56:43 am »
*turns to look at the portal then nods once at Jennara*


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #35 on: July 23, 2009, 01:21:56 pm »
*Jennara turns toward the sound of Argali's charge, and mumbles something.*  Vorax, your valiant followers need your strength.  Lord Protector, shield them with your blessings.  Prunilla, it wouldn't hurt if you could convince your husband to throw a little luck our way.

*She takes three steps forward, watching for an opening.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #36 on: July 23, 2009, 02:25:41 pm »
*Lance looks at Drexia a moment, his doubts are reflecting in his gaze, the concern of the true friend , but the desire and the longing is struggling in his head, he frowns as she speaks of the Stardust of Aragen, raising his shield defensively , as the newcomer speak, he is tempted to turn back when Aerimor speaks , but he does not turn his head, he won't give up an opening for the enemy With perseverance he can finish the trip when the actual threath is dispatched, being dead does not serve his purposes, Amgine and Fehriel are already a test of that, he won't be amoung the dead, he has to live*

*Giving a look at Drexia at the corner of the eye, he mutters mostly for himself, "Aragen would do no good to us"

As the leading man speaks of family and home, his look become fierce, griping his sword even stronger , he regards the enemies, observing and studying them.

-Its for them that I won't leave this place, How they could forgive me , if I fail them again? - his voice pierce to his mind - This war has already taken too much of me, and my family.

 Ell , Argos *the image of his loved ones comes to his mind, giving him a reasured feeling of duty.*

-NO LANCE,- The other voice replied to his own head - Leave them now. They will be busy fighting the others.  Its your chance, Don't you want to be happy? Don't you want to finally have a reward - They will betray you in the end.

*his eyes looks briefly at the scene measuring all the chances and the battle that is already development in his mind, he sees himself falling inumerable times, in a diferent ways, some of those more painful than others, The images polutes his mind, he sees himself dealing a killing blow upon one of his enemies, just to finaly have his own neck snaped by Drexia from behind,  he hurriedly try to shun those toughts, but can't help but to give Drexia a final odd look raising his shield a bit more *

*Then it starts , his atention is caught towards the Battle upcoming as he sees Argali jumps into the Fray, his eyes focused on how the entrace will be. He mutters a small prayer as he looks up to the enemy group *

Honor in your acts you show, But Its for this very cause that I would not leave you, on this, we have our roles set in this conflict, As conflicting forces,  I cannot let you pass.

*His own voice sounds strong in his head*

Be Strong Lance, Be strong and don't fear, dishonor is worse than death, Toran is with you Today, Its time to show him that you are ready for his tests, no more doubts , no more ....

Hand of Virtue watch over my Ell and my son, I leave my fate to your hands... Allow me to serve your goals. In life or death, I am your sword and your shield, your knight!!!!

*After That he start to move forward towards the front of the group *


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #37 on: July 23, 2009, 03:15:40 pm »
Having disengaged from both portal seekers and combatants, Steel recites the series of magical protections he now knows so well he whispers them in his sleep. Strength, endurance, shield after shield after shield to ward the mind and body from harm, and the Sight to see through all illusions. Even through the casting he watches, choosing not to engage, but to seek the right moment, whatever that moment may be.


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2009, 03:20:26 pm »
As Aerimor moves, so does Tyra.  Darting for the Portal, she tries to keep out of Aerimor's sight, and remain in his shadow...  All her mind sees is a Dragon moving toward the power promised to Tyra...  and that's okay...  "Better a Dragon then a fool..."

/If Aerimor is to attempt to stop Tyra, just know she has 11 Ranks in Tumble, and the Feats Evasion, Dodge, Moblity, and Spring Attack.  With that, we can figure out what might happen accordingly...


Re: IC thread: The Path of the Claw
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2009, 04:18:49 pm »
*Tyra and anyone behind him is no longer a concern.  Aerimor simply relies on proximity and steps into/towards the circle. If someone comes along with him, he figures it will be sorted out in due time.*