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Author Topic: Nesar-Hilm  (Read 2545 times)


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2011, 11:29:13 am »
Raz responds to Steel.

See ya Big Blue.  Watch out for those bogs.  I don't have the faintest idea what to do about that taint.  Have 'em send a druid or something.  I have a few people I need to talk to before heading to Briardusk.  Can't just desert those that followed me for all that time without a good bye.  I'll be on my way to Briardusk in the morning with whoever wants to go.  Or better yet I'll be catching up with whoever already left, in the morning.

Raz spends the night in Sundance talking to select members of his former command and then making some mass orations before departing Sun' for 'Dusk.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2011, 05:03:50 pm »
*Vrebel looks up from cleaning his greatsword and nods to Steel*  Take care Steel.  We'll see ya at Briardusk hopefully no bogs around there to fall inta.  Maybe the council can make one of them cures so you can spread it into the river or somethin *shrugs*

Heck at least Sundance didnt go as bad as Zolinar did *slight smirk to Raz*

Be good!

*He waves Steel off and continues cleaning his gear from the taint*


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2011, 09:41:04 pm »
*After the final battle Wren listens to the conversation. He waves goodbye to Steel and wishes him luck. He then turns to the others* Does anyone know where that water leads and how many people down stream it will affect? Are they being warned? Are we going to end up with monster corrupted catfish? That would not be good at all.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #23 on: July 08, 2011, 04:20:21 am »
*Vrebel nods to Wren and gets up grabbing his gear*  

The water seems ta be headin' west into the roughlands putin' it on a collision course with the Kuhl Forest I reckon which won't be good fer anyone.

*He scratches his sideburn*

Maybe if we can re-establish them dams up in the mountains it will ease the flow of the taint.  We also gotta warn people in Sundance and downstream of that taint.  Guess I'll go talk ta Killian.

*Vrebel speaks with Killian about the taint spreading under the city through the old pump channels and the dangers of using the water.  He also recommends that the army rebuild the dams in the mountains that were broken by Lord Gork.  He asks Killian to send men on quick horses to warn those downstream of the pending taint comming their way.*


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2011, 07:14:21 am »
Within a week of securing Sundance the following information comes to light for those present;

- The Cult transported several large caravans of slaves; both women and girl children captured in southern Hilm and northern Nesar, out of Sundance not long before the first Nesar armies arrived with Gork, Raz, Hardragh and Tralek.

- The poison from the dead corrupted bear was diluted by the river but the struggling plantlife for a further 10 miles downriver on both sides has been corrupted and died as has much of the fish and other river denizens.  A patrol even found several dead slaadi who had drunk from the river several miles south of the city. The poison entered the water systems of the city at its southern end and caused several deaths before the incoming forces could get word to the emerging remaining town populace not to drink the water or use it in any fashion. Within days the system was flushed by the river and the offending poison washed away.

- Sir Lance arrived at the end of the week with several thousand Hilmite soliders to take charge of the city. At this point in time the occupying Captain from Nesar handed over the city to the Hilmites and informed Sir lance that he will lead the Nesar soldiers back south to Fort Miritrix and await orders from Nesar in consultation with Hurm as to when the push on Kuhl will begin.

- A unit of 1000 Heavy Arnax Infantry under Sergeant Brank Far of Arnax is to travel with Sir Lance and some of the Hilm forces back to Briardusk to aid in the recapture of the stolen Nesar citizens.

- Word has reached Sundance of an attack on the Siphe Garra by a sect of Toranites who believe an alliance with the former General of Kuhl is an affront to their beliefs and what they are fighting for.

- Several notable Toranites in Castle Hilm itself have been seen talking up their resentment of the treatment the former Cult General is receiving after all the lives he and his men took in many theatres of the war with the Cult.

- Lady Daniella Stormhaven is on the brink of meeting with the former General of Kuhl after the attack on his forces which he insists is a breach of their agreement after the assault on Castle Hilm to try and restore some sort of peace.

- The Siphe Garra have formed some sort of temporary agreement with Ractrafiorez at the remnants of Fort of last Hope and rumours of this arrive with Sir Lances army.

- Forces at Briardusk have taken and held the northern edge of the lands near the city but have discovered that Molvaren has ordered the armies within the city to hold at all costs and to fight to the last man or Myr'drach. Initial reports claim the enemy has fortified the city and surrounds and have several creatures including two corrupted dragons they plan to use against any assaulting the city. It is also reported a specialised unit of Drach Ori have set up some magical defense around the city although this has yet to be verified. Allied forces are currently holding pending more intell from scouts and word from Lady Daniella from Fort of Last Hope and also the return of Sir Lance and any further troops from Sundance.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2011, 11:11:37 am »
Jil investigates the reports and goes to see about organizing the scouts to get more reliable information.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2011, 12:38:46 pm »
SehKy and Keela accompanies Lieutenant Kendall serving as scouts.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2011, 01:04:36 pm »
Arriving at Briardusk, Raz sets up his tent in a prime location, and refers to it as Allied Command.  He sends invitations to any other forces that arrive after him to meet at Allied Command for the most recent information.  Raz then goes about collecting what information there is available and sharing it with those that choose to confer with him.  Raz is noticeably without forces but does not let this interfere with his pomp or circumstance.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #28 on: July 12, 2011, 02:58:16 pm »
*Wren arrives at Briardusk with Raz he surveys the situation as best he can. He reports in to Commander Stormhaven, if she is about, to see if he is needed for anything. After that he sets up camp near Raz and waits to see what will happen next*


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2011, 03:28:53 pm »
Commander Stormhaven is not at Briardusk at this time.

//as posted 5 posts previously


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2011, 09:54:12 pm »
Quote from: Alatriel
Commander Stormhaven is not at Briardusk at this time.
//as posted 5 posts previously

//I know but Wren did not know until he got there ;)

gilshem ironstone

Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2011, 10:51:57 pm »
Gel'larian finds Lt Kendall and asks if she needs another set of eyes in the field.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #32 on: July 13, 2011, 05:50:26 am »
*Tralek rides up to Briardusk and helps some soldiers errect his tent.  He then proceeds to walk the Allied camp to smell the air and have a good look around at status of the army and supplies.  Later he would take a ride around the outskirts of camp to see the landscape and surrounds.  Once back, a full glass of Xeenite wine and head to the camp fire to find friends and comrades to discuss the next step.*


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #33 on: July 13, 2011, 05:52:57 am »
Fresh from Sundance, Vrebel arrives at the Northern encampment at Briardusk.  He takes special precautions to find the safest place for his steed before setting her to pasture.  He sets up camp with a clear view to the East before making his rounds to the various tents to gather information.  He lends his expertise were he can in setting up the seige weapons and defending against dragon attacks.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2011, 01:33:50 pm »
**Lance looks over the armies, preparing and organizing with the other officers to measure the numbers on the campsite.

The knight speaks with Jilsephonie to coordinate the scout works and the sweeps , he will instruct to prepare scouts patrols around Sundance in order to secure the city.

The tension is evident beetwen the Nessarian and the Hilmite General , yet they seems to work together into the order of the day , preparing to march.*

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #35 on: July 13, 2011, 03:40:25 pm »
*Jil stands in a small tent, a single piece of furniture fills the room.  Upon that table is a map with markers and scattered notes of parchment pieces along the outer edges.  Those willing to scout are given locations and she marks who has gone where upon the map.  As she pours over the map, she talks with Lance and points out what she has going on, who is to be expected back and when, and tells him of what she has already learned.  She listens to lances discussions of troop placement and movement to better organize the scouting parties.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #36 on: July 13, 2011, 04:11:06 pm »
*Lance listens to the exchange and nods *

We are departing soon Jill, I need you and some of your scouts to get ready for moving with the main troops , we'll need your help there, I trust your judgement on how many scouts we leave behind to take care of the stability of this city, so take this in account for the next rounds of scouting, give them enough time to rest for when we departs. Ell must be around with some healers, if they are wounded or ill make sure they go with them so they are ready for travel.


Re: Nesar-Hilm
« Reply #37 on: July 13, 2011, 04:29:08 pm »
*Wren walks into Raz's tent, without announcing himself.*

Well Raz, what is the next move? We need to find out about those people were taken here as slaves. With all these big battles going on I will be surprised if he has kept them alive. If he has I shudder to think what he is doing to them. Time, once again is not on our side I fear.

