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Author Topic: Player initiated investigation sessions  (Read 4127 times)


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2008, 12:45:44 pm »
Lin'da would like to request a audience with Xora. She have been investigating the effect of the poison, and the various samples that have been gathered around the lands from the corropt dragons.

This would be open to anyone who would know why Lin'da is asking Xora for advice, these person could approach her, and ask to come along. Besides Lin'da does also extend her invitation out to those people who in the past have had many dealings with Xora. If your one of those people, you can presume you have already been sent a letter, about your presence there.


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2008, 12:57:05 pm »
Wren and Berak were confronted by a woman that exuded power. She questioned him about the place where Blood fell and how the crater was formed. He told her the story as he knows it and she told him that he needed to get his facts straight. She seemed to hint that maybe the blood pool was not destroyed or that it was not the cause of the destruction. Then she called on some man that told us to leave. We left he seemed like a serious guy. Wren wants to investigate this over all the other things he has heard about. He has spoken about it with a few folks but none that could shed any light on it. He would like to form an investigation team and go down into the crater to see if there is anything to help shed some light on this.

I am PST, Monday nights are good starting at 9 but really any weeknight Mon to Thurs starting at 9PM PST.


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2008, 01:48:47 pm »
Quote from: jrizz
Wren and Berak were confronted by a woman that exuded power. She questioned him about the place where Blood fell and how the crater was formed. He told her the story as he knows it and she told him that he needed to get his facts straight. She seemed to hint that maybe the blood pool was not destroyed or that it was not the cause of the destruction. Then she called on some man that told us to leave. We left he seemed like a serious guy. Wren wants to investigate this over all the other things he has heard about. He has spoken about it with a few folks but none that could shed any light on it. He would like to form an investigation team and go down into the crater to see if there is anything to help shed some light on this.

I am PST, Monday nights are good starting at 9 but really any weeknight Mon to Thurs starting at 9PM PST.

Most of the information you are looking for is already available in game. Without further specification on what you are looking for (see item #1 in my post, the clues/rumors/info part) this is not approved at the moment.

Remember, it needs to be pretty specific as it'll only be one-two hours.


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2008, 05:05:45 pm »
*looks up and frowns* As that is all that was said to him that is all he has to go on. Wren has asked around IG and came up with nothing. And in the thread that pointed me here of all the posted information there we nothing about this.  Have any suggestions? I suppose Wren can repeat the above story to everyone he meets in hopes that someone knows something but then again since a lot of this stuff is being kept secret by those that know it then he may never be able to find it out. And since the info is already in the hands of some players no one else can investigate the same thing. Rock...hard place :)

But maybe I was not clear. When Wren told her the story of the final days of the war with Blood he did not get his "facts" wrong as they have been told in history and by those that were there. Yet still she indicated that maybe we were wrong about that history. does that help?


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2008, 05:52:36 pm »
Ok new request based on last nights plot quest.

1) Wren wants to investigate why the dragon Ractrafieroz is working with humans in the fighting in the kingdom of Kuhl. Here is the information he has:
1. Ractrafieroz is a legendary beast described as being nearly six hundred feet long
2. A corroding armour of rusty metal covers it's massive body, making it nearly impervious to harm.
3. the dragon is unchallenged.
4. It disappeared during the reign of Bloodstone. Whether it went into hiding or simply 'left' like so many others is unknown.
5. Its back and is working with the dragon stealers and apparently of its own accord.
6. It does not seem to be under the influence of the poison.
7. thus far no one has been able to come up with a reason for such a beast to join a faction of humans.
8. Said by Alexander Fortain "Perhaps that is something for you to look into. Why does this beast join our enemy?"
9. I would imagine that you might even compare Ractrafieroz to Fisterion

2) I am in PST but EDT and Hawaii time both work as well.

3) Yep i know this can be deadly but he is not looking to fight just gather information.

4) Should be open to all.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2008, 07:20:34 am »
Alrighty. Before we start working on a date and time I would like to know how and where you wish to investigate this matter.

What does Wren do? Where does he start? Whom does he seek out?

You are free to post an answer here, or you can PM me once you have made up your mind about this. Also, please discuss this with other players who you might ask for advice and who might participate in the event.

I ask this of you not because I wish to discourage you - on the contrary. I would like to see players on these quests that are well informed and know what they set out to do. This way no time is wasted and the maximum output may be gained.


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2008, 02:59:25 pm »
Thanks, give me a little time as I am trying to gather information IG and spread the tale as much as I can. Initially Wren will return to the camp of Alexander Fortain to seek an audience with him and with his councilor. He hopes to bring some people smarter then himself with him. He has discussed this with Abiorn, Emie, and Elgon already. If he can get some time with Alexander Fortain Then he will try to get as much information about the enemy movements, guard posts, scouts, camps, and make up as possible. Also if they have any information on movements of the Dragon? Have they seen or heard of any other dragons besides Ractrafieroz being with the enemy? Are there elves in the make up of the enemies forces? is one important question. Wren is thinking that maybe to gain information he will go "enlist" with the enemy. But that is just his first thought. He knows that this is not an effort of battle but one of subterfuge and stealth and as such he will try to bring in people of those skills. Wren is not skilled in stealth but he knows that sometimes the best place to hide is right out in the open. Thus joining the enemy ranks could be a good way for him to go.


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2008, 04:01:48 am »
I know you have just finished the last one but the Marked are now in a state of limbo..they fulfilled Fisterions geas and now it seems we are still marked...we need to go see him and find out why!


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2008, 07:21:33 am »
Quote from: Dezza
I know you have just finished the last one but the Marked are now in a state of limbo..they fulfilled Fisterions geas and now it seems we are still marked...we need to go see him and find out why!

*grins the GM grin*

Marked, Marked and Shadowed, or just shadowed, we shall get back to you, rest assured!


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #29 on: March 30, 2009, 11:23:43 am »
I would like to request a session to investigate Storans tomb carefully for anything hidden as per Demisa request.


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #30 on: March 30, 2009, 01:32:15 pm »
Thanks for this request Pibemanden, we'll get back to you shortly.


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #31 on: March 31, 2009, 02:38:20 pm »
Quote from: Pibemanden
I would like to request a session to investigate Storans tomb carefully for anything hidden as per Demisa request.

What does Storold do beforehand (if anything)? Where does he start? Whom does he seek out beforehand (if anyone)?


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2009, 04:28:58 pm »
Quote from: EdTheKet
What does Storold do beforehand (if anything)? Where does he start? Whom does he seek out beforehand (if anyone)?

Thanks for PM, planning for this Saturday evening (GMT time).


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #33 on: April 13, 2009, 06:14:53 pm »
Storold would like to request a meeting with Racie Shelly and/or Jimman Ebbers in castle Imjam when possible, this involves the group from the Storan trip plus the ones Storold has spoken to about the issue.


Travel to the Great Library on Voltrex
« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2009, 07:25:22 pm »
Having received the answer to a number of questions, some of the things Darthirâe intends to investigate have changed.   Also, since she now knows that the portal to the Great Library on Voltrex is open to all, there are no specific party requirements.

- - - - -

Darthirâe intends to use the teleportation portal out of Blackford castle to go to the Great Library on Voltrex.   She intends to pursue a number of lines of investigation while there.

This is driven by information she has gleaned from in-game knowledge from various PCs, and also from things that have been posted in many public taverns.

She is looking for the answers to a number of questions:

1] She has learned the earthquakes are being caused by the large scale mining of Mithril and titanium.  She also knows that the sun elves in Voltrex are requesting those metals.   She would like to know to what purpose?

2] Are the elves on Voltrex aware of the songs being sung on seaside taverns as a warning/threat to stop building Ov'dear.   Do they know who is spreading them and what purpose they may have?

3] That song specifically mentions that "those who play with fire get burned".   Is there great magical significance associated with the site?

4] How, and more importantly, why, was Ov'dear destroyed originally?

5] What has become common knowledge in the Great Library about the Green Dragon cult?   This knowledge may not be so common on Mistrone.

6]  What do they know about any miner who is collecting Mithril?

7] What are the dragons of note who still remain in the world?   This new phenomena seem to be intricately tied up with Dragons - Dragon cults, undead Dragons from crypts, other Dragons.

8] Darthirâe is also interested in researching stories related to the ancient conflicts of the Dragons, specifically because she believes that the trigger of the current unsettled situation was the death of Bloodstone.  One possible explanation is that having lost their common enemy, some ancient dragons may have decided to rekindle an old war.

9] As general research, but also potentially to gain clues, Darthirâe would also be researching all knowledge of "lost" (or hidden) Gods.   She would again be focusing largely on the Draconic ones.

10] She would also be quietly listening to learn any other information being discussed on the closed continent.

There are other things Darthirâe would be looking to find out, but they more properly, belong as a CDQ.

I am in the US Pacific TZ, and am generally available evenings, and days on weekends.

Party restrictions: Darthirâe would be happy to form a team to perform this research.  It appears that so long as one is within the Library, one is welcome there.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Travel to the Great Library on Voltrex
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2009, 01:02:25 pm »
Sorry for the late respons, but the GMs working on the plot are currently experiencing months of business and RL pulls us away from time to time.

Now for your request. Many of your questions (miner, titanium, earthquakes, etc.) do not concern the plot, but a WLDQ that is currently being ran for a player and his group of friends. The events influence the world at large and I can see why you thought they were related to the campaign. My best advice is to seek more information in game, until you stumble upon someone who is actually partaking in the quest or the prospective world leader himself. :)

The Ovdear question is probably not something you can research in a library. Information may be sought from players though, who attended the quests.

Regarding your general research towards the green dragon cult, much information can be gained from players who have participated in one or more of the numerous plot quests and who have followed the rumours posted on our forums.

Most of your questions are very good, but they are far apart because they concern various different matters. If you focus your questions and narrow it down towards the current dragon storm plot, we will be more than happy to run an investigation session in the Great Library on Voltrex. What I ask of you beforehand is to gather information - perhaps through arranging a meeting, calling upon those who have knowledge to share on current matters. In fact, there are many pieces of the puzzle out there. Some know some, some know others. It would serve all if information was shared between all parties involved.

I hope that helps.


Quote from: SteveMaurer
Having received the answer to a number of questions, some of the things Darthirâe intends to investigate have changed.   Also, since she now knows that the portal to the Great Library on Voltrex is open to all, there are no specific party requirements.

- - - - -

Darthirâe intends to use the teleportation portal out of Blackford castle to go to the Great Library on Voltrex.   She intends to pursue a number of lines of investigation while there.

This is driven by information she has gleaned from in-game knowledge from various PCs, and also from things that have been posted in many public taverns.

She is looking for the answers to a number of questions:

1] She has learned the earthquakes are being caused by the large scale mining of Mithril and titanium.  She also knows that the sun elves in Voltrex are requesting those metals.   She would like to know to what purpose?

2] Are the elves on Voltrex aware of the songs being sung on seaside taverns as a warning/threat to stop building Ov'dear.   Do they know who is spreading them and what purpose they may have?

3] That song specifically mentions that "those who play with fire get burned".   Is there great magical significance associated with the site?

4] How, and more importantly, why, was Ov'dear destroyed originally?

5] What has become common knowledge in the Great Library about the Green Dragon cult?   This knowledge may not be so common on Mistrone.

6]  What do they know about any miner who is collecting Mithril?

7] What are the dragons of note who still remain in the world?   This new phenomena seem to be intricately tied up with Dragons - Dragon cults, undead Dragons from crypts, other Dragons.

8] Darthirâe is also interested in researching stories related to the ancient conflicts of the Dragons, specifically because she believes that the trigger of the current unsettled situation was the death of Bloodstone.  One possible explanation is that having lost their common enemy, some ancient dragons may have decided to rekindle an old war.

9] As general research, but also potentially to gain clues, Darthirâe would also be researching all knowledge of "lost" (or hidden) Gods.   She would again be focusing largely on the Draconic ones.

10] She would also be quietly listening to learn any other information being discussed on the closed continent.

There are other things Darthirâe would be looking to find out, but they more properly, belong as a CDQ.

I am in the US Pacific TZ, and am generally available evenings, and days on weekends.

Party restrictions: Darthirâe would be happy to form a team to perform this research.  It appears that so long as one is within the Library, one is welcome there.


Re: Travel to the Great Library on Voltrex
« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2009, 12:32:33 pm »
Quote from: Harlas Ravelkione

Most of your questions are very good, but they are far apart because they concern various different matters. If you focus your questions and narrow it down towards the current dragon storm plot, we will be more than happy to run an investigation session in the Great Library on Voltrex. What I ask of you beforehand is to gather information - perhaps through arranging a meeting, calling upon those who have knowledge to share on current matters. In fact, there are many pieces of the puzzle out there. Some know some, some know others. It would serve all if information was shared between all parties involved.

I hope that helps.


Based on the advice above, I've revised  Darthirâe's list of questions specifically to addressing the Green Dragon cult.   This isn't because she doesn't have other questions, but simply because GMs don't have time to do multiple simlutaneous campaigns.  Instead of a "time bubble", call it a "campaign focus bubble".

She has also had several in-game conversations.   However, there seems to be extreme reticence among the leaders of the investigation to divulge any information at all, at least not to people they haven't more than a decade of in-game companionship with.  These may be entirely reasonable in-character behaviors, but it also makes putting the puzzle pieces together - and advancing the plot - very difficult.

So let me point out that while the GMs have given this information out to other players, this should not block Darthirâe from asking again - especially if those players are either never around, or are unwilling to talk to anyone about it.

This is the revised set of questions, based entirely on conversations she's had, public information stated to be widely available in the Rumors section, her own deductive powers, high Gather Info skill, and natural INT of 22.   (She's a regular Sherlock Elf.)[LIST=1]
  • Are there any other known huge Green Dragons other than the one reputed to have been slain in 1384?
  • Does anyone know what precisely happened to the Green Dragon that was slain?  Could he or she have been turned into some undead?   She will consult the Clerics of Aerdin, as they are the most pure anti-undead cult there is out there.  (The reasons for her suspicion is listed in the question below.)
  • Were there any identifiable marks on the Green Dragon that might allow someone to determine whether the skeletal undead dragon that was seen flying from the Krondor Crypts are both the same?   A missing claw, or something like that?
  • What do alchemical researchers know about potions or poisons that would allow one to control or "steal" anyone, much less a living dragon?  Are there similar potions of lesser effects?   Do they, as with most potions, require periodic reapplication to maintain their effects?
  • What are the ingredients needed to make this class of potion or poison?   Are these, as it is for most things of great power, made of rare and potent ingredients?
  • Where would those ingredients exist?   Killing cultists harvesting these ingredients would end the practice, especially if any remaining stash could be attacked and destroyed.
  • [strike]If the effects of such a potion or poison is known, do alchemists know of any antidote?[/strike]
  • Assuming that the Dragon Stealers are still in the business of stealing dragons, Darthirâe will also be going to Storolds (where they were reputably found last) to carefully search for any secret passages leading to a hidden Dragon lair.
  • She also wishes to seek an audience with Fisterion, to tell him what she knows by that time, and learn of what he knows about the fate of his subjects.  (This means she also wishes to learn how to find him.)
  • The Dragon Stealers seem to be very anti-Dragon, which gives Darthirâe the idea that they might be connected to some remnant of Sinthar Bloodstone's retinue.   Do the librarians know anything about the origins of this so-called "cult", where they first surfaced, and who was leading them?
  • She wants to "follow the truths".  Rare magics, ships, and armies do not come cheap, and are expensive to maintain.    Who is trading supplies to this "cult"?   Who is bankrolling them?
  • What is known about these "giant flying sharks" that these cultists possess.  Where do their originate from, how are they controlled (by the same poison or potion that is controlling the dragons perhaps?), what are their known weaknesses, if any?
  • The term "cult" implies worship of a God.   Green Dragons are typically not considered Gods, nor are undead.   So does anyone with knowledge of necromancy know if it is possible for a spirit to possess the body of the undead of another?   Darthirâe specifically fears that some portion of Sinthar Bloodstone's spirit might have been recovered and bound into the bones of the slain Green Dragon.   Or something similar.  Anything less would simply not be worthy of worship.
- - - -
Having spoken to Ferrit Pandorn, Darthirâe has had several of her questions answered.  However, this only brings up more:
  • For creating an antidote, are there any known cairns where a Unicorn who died of natural causes was entombed?
  • What species is the closest relative of Unicorns?   (Are there Sea Unicorns, for instance?)  These might be able to serve as a source of an alternate - perhaps less effective?
  • Is clipping Unicorn hair something that harms it?
  • Insofar as the poison is concerned, the draconic nature of its effects leads Darthirâe to the supposition that one of the ingredients is closely associated with Dragons.   Perhaps the flesh of the Green Dragon was used to that purpose.   Who is known for doing research into that kind of extremely ancient alchemy?
  • How is the Green Dragon cult recruiting people?   What's their pitch?
  • Are there any refugees out of Kuhl or Nesar who can explain what is happening inside those conquered lands.  Are the peasants now working for them willingly, or is the land being emptied of people and useful hands to do work for them?
  • Are there any known rifts in Al'Noth around?   Based on its effects, this poison is clearly highly magical.   She wonders if tying someone afflicted by it down in a zone of dead magic for an extended period might sap it of its power and allow them to heal.
- - - -

Those are her initial questions.   Its up to you to decide if they're worthy of running a game around them.  (I must note that Darthirâe, who does not do OOC things to start fights just for the XP, has only just reached level 9, so does not qualify for a CDQ; that may affect your decision.)


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #37 on: May 09, 2009, 05:02:17 pm »
Hello SteveMaurer,

As to 'CDQ' rules, plot related events instigated by players do not fall under the CDQ rules, so don't worry about level in that regard.

Quick question here. Are you still planning on seeking your answers via the Great Library or was there some other method you wished to employ?

Thank you,


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #38 on: May 14, 2009, 07:33:40 pm »
Quote from: Rowana
Hello SteveMaurer,

As to 'CDQ' rules, plot related events instigated by players do not fall under the CDQ rules, so don't worry about level in that regard.

Quick question here. Are you still planning on seeking your answers via the Great Library or was there some other method you wished to employ?

Thank you,

Darthirâe would not see it as either/or.  The Great Library is a necessary stop, because she believes it has a good chance at having at least some of the information she needs, but it is by no means the last one.

Because of her in-game investigations, she has already obtained partial answers to some of her questions.   This has led her to consider other activities for either herself, or more powerful people, to accomplish:[LIST=1]
  • In looking for refugees out of Kuhl, she will be looking around all the port cities. A coin here or there for people to keep their eyes and ears open.
  • At the same time, she would start looking for rogues, rangers, and brave spies to infiltrate Green Dragon country to report on what they see. (She probably wouldn't go there herself.)
  • Have a powerful group capture a group of cultists, and see exactly what happens if they are kept imprisoned.  Reason Why: A leading theory about the cult is that to humans, the Dragon Poison is more like a drug that cultists are addicted to (this would explain why the Cult hasn't had a single leak or betrayer, because the Cult is the only supplier).  If that is the case, the poison would always be on their person.   Does withdrawal lead to death?
  • As part of the above, this might presumably lead to the capture of more poison.  If this was the case, she would want a second expedition to head into the rift with it.   Reason Why: To test if this might provide an alternate cure, at least for humans that could be tied down for an extended time in the zone (Dragons would have to use the Unicorn cure - they're simply too big to restrain).
  • Get the actual name of the nobleman who is a Green Dragon cultist spy (she does not know who it is right now) and find a master thief to attempt to pickpocket him.   If the Cult itself has no shipment, having his "fix" would provide leverage over him.  If the zone of dead magic was successful in neutralizing the poison, it might even be possible to cure him, and thus "flip" him to our side.
  • Part of the Library quest would be to attempt to find out specific information on Shadrixkayl, the Shadow Dragon.    Is his rivalry with Fisterion so great that the two will not ally against this mutual danger?
  • She will be specifically looking up all information on Unicorns that she can.  Both types.   In whatever libraries she can reach.
  • She will probably travel to the Krondor Crypts, presumably with a powerful party, to investigate specifically what is going on there.   This may not have anything to do with the Green Dragon cult.  It may be related to a Lich.   But if the undead Dragon was one of the ones whose flesh was used in the creation of the Dragon Poison, it, or its revifier, might have useful information.  (This would be an exceedingly tricky and dangerous quest.)
  • She would be seeking audiences with any major player that might have information.  (One, in particular, whose name escapes me.)
  • Of course going to the Deep is a possibility.   To do so herself, even accompanied by the most powerful of people, would be foolish.  But that would not mean she would not consider it.  (She might even possibly survive, if aided by a combination of distance from the main party, stealth, and invisibility.)


Re: Player initiated investigation sessions
« Reply #39 on: May 15, 2009, 10:52:33 am »
Alright your IG researching is great and seems you are doing well with contacting others and gathering information. The issue is we need to break these things down into one request at a time because no player initiated plot quest is going to be able to encompass so much. Please select a few items and one general target location/event to start with and we will see where it goes from there.
