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Author Topic: Retaking Hilm  (Read 5664 times)


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #40 on: August 05, 2011, 02:09:53 am »
After conferring with the dwarven engineers about how they think the oil would be refilling the trenches and what she should look for Abi prepares to head out. Going over the maps with the engineers to plot her course, they decide on a few places that would most likely be the source of the oil.

There is alot of ground to cover and not alot of time. ABi informs Jil, showing her the most likely areas to look according to the dwarves. She then indicates to jil where she is planning to start her investigation and hopefully be able to report back soon with good news.

She disappears into the shadow of darkness, heading towards her objective.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2011, 06:26:03 am »
I probably got enough titanium to make yer rod at me house in Lor.

*Vrebel nods to Raz as he appears out of a dark corner of the tent were he was sitting listening to their discussion*

Its all yer Raz.  Guess we can get Connor or someone to bring it over if you think it will work on redirectin' them energies comin' off them buildin's.

Another thing though,  I remember that mage type *looks around for the Liwich mage* talkin' bout Gel's arrows and how its the same energy comin' off them towers.  Maybe what we need to do is strike them towers with arrows from an arcane archer like Gel.  The towers are tall enough, sixty foot tall, that you dont have ta get that close to em and I hear that the truly skilled archers can aim their arrows with precision.  I'd say strike at least two towers at the same time with as many arcane archers we can muster.  It might be that since the energy from the towers is the same as the arcane arrows that it could short out the towers.

Or we can try and forcibly take one of them buildin's and ground it like Raz was sayin'.  If we do, we'll need to stop up them oil trenches and bring some mages before we assualt their lines again.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2011, 02:07:52 pm »
*Responding to Vrebel*

Send for it, don't trouble Annalee's brother with transporting it, just get it heading our way now. It'll take us a while to figure out those trenches, and plan out attack strategy.

*Sighs* Your plan to take out the towers is to shoot arrows at them?

We appreciate you seeing to the titanium.

*Speaking to the rest.*

We are NOT grounding out the field, we want to harvest that energy and use it against them.  

*Looking to Steel and then others*  Yesterday you had to take an entire town.  Today I ask you to take but one of its towers.  

How do we get there?

We can spill blood and fight our way up to it.

We can employee a dragon and fly up to it.

We can perform a ritual of teleportation and teleport on top of it.

We can use my captured Kuhl uniforms from Sundance and dress as Kuhl military and figure out a way to sneak in.  

It does not really matter to me how we decide to take a tower, but take one we must.

We need to get a small group into a tower and hold the tower long enough to attach my rod.  Once that is done, the fields will be nullified and a traditional attack can commence.  We then can turn the weapon against the enemy to cover our forces while they gain the city.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #43 on: August 05, 2011, 02:59:33 pm »
"We could take half of Kuhl with the forces we'll lose trying to take Briardusk."

Steel sighs.

"Alright, look here. If you want to take the tower, you won't be able to do it by flying in on a creature- you'd get shot down by magic arcs of energy and mundane arrows. We can't teleport to it, because the magical interference could very well mean we get shunted out of the attempt and into mid-air or inside of a wall, or worse. We don't have any ways of sneaking inside, or of getting inside without attempting to break down or scale a wall at this point. Going underground will take weeks. A direct attack to reach one is impossible. Either you wait, build a huge number of siege engines, as well as tunnel underground to start sapping the walls, or...."

He shakes his head.

"You may have a chance with the right kind of diversion. And what I mean by 'right kind,' I mean the kind that is very, very costly. The kind that Fort Hope was for the effort to destroy the Broken One. Are you willing to sacrifice that much again?"


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #44 on: August 05, 2011, 06:29:11 pm »
*Vrebel smiles at Raz's dismissal of his brilliant idea*  

I thought it was better than challengin' Undrok ta chess.  Anyways, there not ordinary arrows and I'd say it always better tryin' the easy way first then goin up from there.  I'll send word for your ingots.  

Only reason I mentioned Connor is I thought there was a time issue.  He's also got expertise in portal magics which may have helped us in figurin' out how their gettin food in there and maybe contaminatin' it like they did to us in Hope.

*He turns to Steel*

Agreed on what ya said Steel.  I think we do have a shot at one of them buildin's though if we can take out a section of the trenches.  Commandeer a few of these golems we got wandering around or summon a few more and have them fill in a section with dirt.  We know they use boulders and their range so we go in and let them launch and fall back to a safe distance.  We then assault on of the buildin's with a strong group adventurer's with mage assistance.  I'd say leave the infantry out this time as they will take too much casaulties and thier more important for containment.  Also we wont all be able to squeeze in the building to set up Raz's rod.

I'll let you know if I got any more ideas *nods and sits down*

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #45 on: August 05, 2011, 09:31:49 pm »
*Gel and Abi return with news that they have found the source of the oil.  Jil calls the others together in the tent where the map of the area is and she points out the locations of the two sinkholes filled with bubbling oil, the trail they followed to near the allied lines, to a nearby trench.  There amongst the thick oily smoke and piled debris is a heavily camouflaged low building about 100 meters past the trench, a pipe leading into the building.*

Our many thanks to Gel'larien and Abi in their fine scouting skills. We now have our respective targets, lets get some plans formulated to make this work to our best advantage ... *She looks to the others*


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #46 on: August 06, 2011, 05:13:06 pm »
After reporting to JIl, ABi heads over to the dwarven engineers and starts giving them very specific details on what she and gel discovered,

After conferring with them on this, she 'borrows' a couple of bottles of their beer and looks around for Gel. After finding him, she 'encourages' him to have a quick toast to a job well done and to get ready for the next step. "This was the easy part," she grins as he imbibes the beer, "the next step is gonna be a bit tougher so enjoy this while you can."

She then offers him a grub or two as she pops one into her mouth and munches happily. O.o


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #47 on: August 06, 2011, 07:15:59 pm »
In the midst of the preparations for the assault Lord Alexander himself had called for days ago another messenger arrives. The mage approaches Lady Daniella and Sir Lance as they are conferring with several of their command staff over the recent find of the location where the oil is being pumped into the trenches.

The Lucindite nods to them both briefly and hands them a sealed scroll tube before backing away. Lance takes it and opens it scanning the contents. His face goes ashen and he passes the note to Daniella who reads it her frown deepening as she does.

Sir lance turns to the Mage. "Get me one of yours here who can take me back to Hilm, immediately." He begins to gather his equipment and looks to Daniella. "You can handle the assault to disable that oil pumping station. I will return to the Castle and see about Lord Alexander. I may or may not be back in time. Toran's Light guide you and keep you safe."

Daniella nodded firmly, "We will do what needs to be done. Toran be with you."

As Lance marches out of the command area with a mage Vrebel nearby pipes up. "Whats going on Commander?"

Daniella glances to where him, Az'ka, Gundar and Kromlek are standing in a group. "Lord Alexander has collapsed and been taken ill. Nesar have delivered a message and it seems Jaedon Siphe is going to get what he wants. Things are about to get a whole lot more complicated it seems."

A hubbub of talk ripples around the compound and Siphe Garra Ka'Troth walks over to Daniella. "I will send two of my men back to Last Hope to ask for the Generals orders."

Daniella suddenly tired and sensitive to all that was going on merely nodded. "It seems fate has dealt the General a beneficent hand. Send your men and I will pray that the General decides to move his backside and get over here to help us out. Even at a forced march it will be up to two weeks before he will get here if he is going to join us. The way the enemy is dug in here it's going to take a very big shovel to dig them out."

Ka'troth, Of the Second Rank of the Siphe Garra saluted Daniella respectfully then also left the compound to see about his men.

Daniella turned back to the rest gathered and took a deep breath, whispered a prayer to Toran for strength and with that providing an inner light for her she approached the next task.

"Come closer everyone, we need to crack this nut open." She points to Traleks scale model of the city and to a spot near the south western area where just inside a black line indicating the burning trench someone had placed a piece of rectangular flattish wood to represent the buried oil pumping building. "This is our primary objective, it is the key to unlocking the trench and giving us access to their outer earthern wall barrier. We cannot assault the city directly until we can clear that trench and to do that we must deal with this." She grabbed a spear leaning against a rack nearby to stab the piece of wood. "Lets hear your ideas."


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #48 on: August 06, 2011, 07:23:26 pm »
Even as the conversation began a rider galloped up to the compound and fairly lept of his horse racing across the area to where everyone was gathered looking at Traleks scale model.

The young scout skidded to a halt and dropped to one knee. "Lady Daniella!" He fairly shouted his excitement evident in his dusty face.

Daniella stepped from the group and approached him. "Speak your message."

He young man stood quickly, his movements excited and animated, his speech rapid as he spoke. "My Lady, thousands of them! Marching this way!" He drew in a deep breath as worried faces glanced at each other.

"Who? Who is marching this way?" Quizzed Daniella almost fearful of the answer.

"Toranites, Rofireinites, Voraxians, everyone!" The young scout beamed his excitement. "The ones that helped at Stormcrest Hollows. They sailed around to Horn and have marched all the way south past Castle Hilm to join us here! They are about half a day away."

Daniella felt tears come unbidden to her eyes at the news, brusquely she gathered her wits and looked skyward for a moment praising Toran for his gifts.

"Bring their commanders to us as soon as they arrive and make sure they are well received."

As the scout rushed off again, Daniella turned back to those gathered in the compound trying hard to wipe the smile from her face and focus on the task at hand.

"Everyone, we have an assault to plan!"

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #49 on: August 06, 2011, 08:33:40 pm »
*Jil speaks to lady Daniella and others that are there to plan the attack*  

According to the reports is that our problem is that to get to the building that is barely visible above the surface of the ground, we need to cross the blazing trench and cross 400 feet of open terrain on the other side with no cover whatsoever, which is behind a wall of thick burning oil smoke so its difficult to get any clear glimpses. They were lucky to have seen it at all it is so well camouflaged. Just before dark they were able to catch a glimpse before it goes of a dozen Drach Garra marching down in front of the building until only their heads were visible above the ground then they too had disappeared. Moments later another squad marches up out of the ground (must be a descending entrance to the building below ground level) and they march up and out and into the earthwork barrier about 100 feet behind the back of the building. Then when darkness fell it was almost impossible to see anything through the thick black smoke. So the place is going to be extremely well defended.

*She turns back to her papers and the map, marking locations, making changes and looking over more scouting reports.*

*She Turns to scouts still in attendance* I need a few to go out and meet the oncoming help.  Look for any trouble or spies along the way and report to the advancing commanders.  Then help provide escort on the way back.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #50 on: August 07, 2011, 12:40:04 am »
As the discussion of tactics unfolds Jil is forced to leave before any decisions have been reached and about an hour later soldiers from the allied camps nearby gather on the road leading into the area to welcome the combined host coming down the road.

Rank upon rank of infantry followed by hundreds of cavalry in formation. many appear tired and worn from their long march but are in good spirits as they arrive to the applause and welcome of the hundreds of soldiers that have gathered to greet them.

Jil escorts a small unit of mounted men and women and a group of three dwarves who are on war ponies towards the command compound where soldiers take their mounts to tend and care for them.

Jil then takes them to where Lady Daniella and many others are making their plans. As they approach Daniella turns to greet them.

"Knight Commander Talian For of Westerngate Milady." A Rofireinite Knight of the Wyrm wearing armour that has shown signs of combat and then been repaired. "I've fifteen hundred infantry and five hundred and forty cavalry ready for duty."

"Field Captain Kellie Orgreste of Huanjgin, Chosen of Toran." She bows deeply to Daniella obviously in some awe. "We have just under two thousand foot soldiers and several hundred cavalry including fifty Elite Toranite Shock cavalry."

"General Mournmalk of deh Voraxian Council lass, we figured yeh moight beh needin' a hand out here. Oi've brought wit meh about fifteen hunnard sturdy Voraxian's ready teh foight deh gud foight. Give em a day or so teh catch dere breaths an dey beh gud. Deh odders moight need a day more."

All around the clearing faces are beaming as the newcomers are welcomed and its not long before General Mournmalk crosses the space and greets Argali personally, hugging her firmly and congratulating her on her accomplishments to date. He then shakes hands firmly with Azka, Kromlek and Gundar before requesting they introduce him to some of the other dwarves in the army gathered.

Not long after the group reconvenes in the compound with the newcomers and get down to some serious planning, their spirits boyed by the new companions.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #51 on: August 07, 2011, 12:54:43 am »
Daniella greets each of the newcomers, thanking them for joining them.  Once the meeting reconvenes she outlines the challenges to date, the information that they've gathered, and the possible plans presented by the mages.  She explains the difficulties in getting close enough to the fort in order to take even the one tower, and goes over each of the previously discussed possible tactics.  (She leaves out the one that was suggesting putting Razeriem in a catapult and firing him at the tower.)


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #52 on: August 07, 2011, 01:03:26 am »
*abi looks over the maps with JIl when things quiet down for abit. After hearing about some of the ideas that have been thrown around she chimes in.

"SO, the team that wants to take a tower needs a distraction. And we need to take out the oil flow. Do you think we could do both at the same time? Use the oil pump as the distraction." She taps her chin thoughtfully. "We know we can cut it off at the source, by either of those 2 wells without much difficulty." She indicates the two source wells, " But we dont know how long before whats left int he pipe runs out at the pumping station."

She purses her lips as her thought continues. "Maybe we send a small task force to take out the pumping station directly. We attack at night, use a  golem or summon or something to throw a slab of rock across the trench to give us a way across easily and quickly. We assault the garrison as hard and fast as we can. Disable it or destroy it as best we can and fall back across the trench." Her her voice goes a bit low as if thinking to herself, but loud enough to be heard easily as she continues on. "Also, what if we send a few thousand troops behind us, enough to make an excellent and legitimate show of force into the area as if our next assault will come from there (which i suppose ultimately it could too). They will cut off the oil flow from the 2 pits directly no matter what as they travel towards the garrison. And from there move towards the pumping station as if that's where we are going to launch our attack. No matter what the oil stops, and the trenches are open. Ideally with as little loss of life as possible." She continues on a little faster now. "After we launch our attack on the garrison all eyes should be on us, that will give Raz and his people time to try their plan and assault one of those buildings that they choose. "

"So, a team takes out the pumping station first. The army follows us, disabling the oil at the source along the way. The enemy sees the army and decides they have no time to repair the pumps, the fire goes out. The army can then cross the trenches at that point if thats what you want to do because the fires should be done there first anyway. The assault at the pump station, feigned or otherwise provides the distraction raz needs for his team to try their plan."

She scratches her head as if all that thinking has given her a headache. "Hows that sound?"


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #53 on: August 07, 2011, 01:11:29 am »
*Griff beams as he sees Fourth General Mourmalk entering the camp and makes his way over to the General as he's meeting some of the dwarves*

Aye General *he salutes* tis a grand soite see'n ye, n all deh kin ye bring.  Vorax has blessed us wit ye com'n 'ere.  Oi'm Griff Silversand, Holy Warrior serv'n deh Fatha *he offers to shake his hand*.  Let meh know where ye want meh General.  Tis an hona tah serve ye n deh name a Vorax.  Lets show des drach cult toypes a proper Voraxian welcome.  *raises his axe and grins*


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #54 on: August 07, 2011, 06:26:01 am »
The discussions run long into the afternoon with several breaks for meals in between. Then just before evening three scouts ride into the area first reporting to Jil who then turns and races over to where the meeting was about to reconvene.

"Lady Daniella the outlying scouts have picked up a large dust cloud to the north on the main road from Castle Hilm. I've dispatched riders to get word to us as soon as they know what it means."

Daniella nodded to Jil then sent orders for two companies of archers and infantry to begin equiping themselves and moving to the road just in case. Those in the compound make their way to the northern edge of the compound where it is now clearly evident the large dustcloud further out across the flat land of the Withered Lands.

Within minutes riders are coming fast towards the compound from different directions. Jil races out to meet each one nodding and talking to them before turning them around and sending them off again. ONce the last one turns about she runs back to the group who are waiting. Jil has an odd expression on her face.

"Lady Daniella the scouts report...they report. Well, there is an army of giants heading this way. Three or four hundred of them if the scouts reports are accurate. They carry a standard bearing the symbol of Grannoch."

Immediately Daniella turned to Argali standing near the Voraxian General and Griff. "Captain Argali, front and centre. I want you to go out and meet them, I'll stand down the soldiers and prepare an area where the giants can set up their camp."  Daniella couldn't help starting to feel like they just might pull this thing off.

Script Wrecked

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #55 on: August 07, 2011, 07:01:24 am »
Argali head bows to the Lady Commander.

"Fourrth Generral, Rhaznaztar(1), captains." She takes her leave, and heads out to meet the giants.

(1) Paladin


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #56 on: August 12, 2011, 06:15:18 am »
Within hours plans were made and the gathered army regulars, their leaders and the volunteer adventurers to the Allied cause moved around the allied seige lines to the south western edge. A disassembled catapult was already waiting, its metal and hevy timber frame supported by timber and steel rims.

At a signal from Daniella; Vrebel, Gorm, Kromlek and Argali each grabbed a protruding bar from each corner of the frame and pushed forward. The hard flat ground giving little resistance as they moved, masked by the thick pall of dark smoke rising into the darkness of the night ahead of them and blotting out the stars.

As they drew closer to the raging fires in the trench around Briardusk the heat intensified and caused sweat to break out on them. They covered their faces with whatever they could against the heavy fumes billowing into the air.

Nerves were tense as Daniella tapped Argali on the shoulder and with a sharp word the crew pushing the frame increased their pace, muscles bulging with the effort. Their speed increased and as they reached the edge of the trench they gave a mighty push. The frame burst over the edge and protruded out over the fire below before Gorm leapt onto its back edge to tilt the front up long enough that it struck just below the lip of the other side and wedged into the dirt wall of the trench.

Thick black oily smoke and flames licked up and through the base but already Jil was flying across to the other side rolling onto the ground just beyond and crawling on her belly across the open area scanning for enemy scouts. She was quickly followed seconds later by the halfling Dogboy, Angela and Arkolio who quickly took what little cover their was in the open terrain hoping the enemy had not seen their breach.

Seconds later, covered in dark stains from the oil fire the others appeared one by one and fell flat to the ground. Vrebel, Gorm, Argali and Kromlek discarded the heavy sheets of metal they had carried to get back across after the incursion onto the ground near the edge of the trench.

Jil turned to guage if their intrusion had yet been noticed by sentries on the earthernwork walls five hundred feet distant when out of the shadows nearby a Tesak appeared and stabbed Dogboy, almost slicing his throat completely before leaping onto Kromlek and stabbing viciously then ducking and weaving amongst those lying on the ground trying to catch their breath. The Tesak attack was short lived but nasty, and Arkolio managed to close the wound and heal the halfling before his life's blood threatened to coat the ground in a red stain.

Sweat pouring off them, breaths held, cloths held over faces, the group stayed low while Jil checked to make sure there were no more suprises and that the wall sentries hadn't noticed the brief but bloody skirmish.

Jil slithered back to the others removing her cloth mask to speak and almost gagging, "We havent been seen yet, but that sentry is going to be missed soon. We need to move." Many faces nodded in response in the flickering light caused by the raging fires behind them that had by now consumed the catapult base they had used to cross with. Jil crouched low and ran across the open terrain keeping to shadows and low mounds as best she could leading the group to the low structure not far from the earthernwork defensive wall behind it.

Upon reaching the area they dropped down into the descending ramp that led to a set of heavy doors. Fearful of discovery at any minute they waited anxiously as the halfling Dogboy tended to the mechanism to open the doors. Moments later they were in and it wasnt until they were inside and the door closed again that they realised Arkolio was no longer with them.

Unable to waste time looking for him the group entered the fume filled and claustrophobic underground oil pumping station where they encountered mishappen giants working large furnaces and pumps to keep the natural oil entering the defensive trench day and night. The group penetrated the complex defeating all those who came at them, a few Drachs and Ori were caught and dealt with until they reached the turbine room where the oil was drawn up and funneled out to the trench through a series of pipes.

Dealing with those present the group set to deal with the mechanism. It was here that the powerful barbaric dwarf Gorm attacked a steam pipe which resulted in super heated air melting most of the skin on his face and head requiring intensive healing to try and repair. Even so it would take weeks for him to regrow his hair and beard again.

As the group worked to disable the turbine and pumps Argali set about destroying the furnaces creating the steam to run the pumps to the turbine. Steel and Tralek began to investigate an unusual door leading from the back of the area but were called back to the main group when Angela transformed into a giant with a huge maul and began smashing equipment anywhere she could find it. The turbine whirred to a halt but the damage was done and the seals broken allowing the oil to continue flowing up and out of the pits and into the complex slowly flooding it.

The group reformed and fled back through the short corridors to the entrance but not before on the way the halfling Dogboy threw a firebomb over his shoulder. Reaching the exit he began screaming at them to run. The door was yanked open where Arkolio was standing ready and hissing at them to hurry because another patrol was on its way.

As a group they bolted across the open terrain and were spotted by many of the archers on the walls. Arrows sailed into the night and within moments the first catapults unleashed their cargo that crashed down around them.

Steel was the first to reach the trench and began trying to drag the metal plates into plate so he could cross. Vrebel wasnt far behind and together they got one into position and charged across followed soon after by the rest. As Gorm struggled across half led half dragged by Argali a boulder crashed down onto the board sending it spinning into the fiery trench beneath them just as their feet touched ground on the other side.

The filthy, oily smoke stained group were halfway back to the allied lines when a massive detonation lit up the night sky. Dirt and clumps of debris flew hundreds of feet into the air, several more explosions ripped through the ground throwing great clods of earth skywards before settling and a huge maelstrom of fire raged high into the night sky well above the highest buildings in Briardusk.

The group was welcomed heroically by allied soldiers as they reached the safety of their own lines and turned to survey their handywork.

Daniella seemed pleased with their results and even more so as dawn arrived when they had a better picture of what had happened.

Where the building had once been in the earth was a massive rubble filled crater. Almost two hundred feet of the outer earthernwork wall had been destroyed causing a wide breach in the enemy lines. Jil had reported early that no more oil seemed to be entering the trench and on the far side already it seemed the fires in the trenches were dimming. In a matter of days the fires in the trenches would be dead.

However Daniella didnt have that long to wait and got things moving straight away. By midday the next day the giants had been moved to the south west to throw boulders to try and fill the trench for an assault in a few days. A task which they set to eagerly. They too had lost a lot of kin in the battles against Molvarens forces in Castle Hilm months before and were eager for revenge.

Already the enemy were working to build up what rubble they could to try and replace the destroyed section of wall. It was now a race against time. Could the allied armies full the trenches and get enough soldiers across to exploit the breach before the Cult could refashion their defences to some sort of reasonable state.

As the day's passed Daniella chaffed at the bit, it wasnt only the worries about the race to exploit the breach but the fact that three wagon trains of precious food and supplies for the seiging army travelling from Hilm Castle to Briardusk had been waylaid and all the goods stolen. On two of those occassions the Kartherian Soldiers who had offered to patrol the roads had arrived too late to stop the mysterious bandits that plagued them.

However in that time three pieces of information came to the allied forces.
1/ Razeriem with some help from Dorn, Tralek and Morakken believed he had a way to disable the Ori towers around the city once the armies penetrated the outer defences.

2/ Lord Alexander was recovering from his collapse and seemed to be comfortable in Castle Hilm and slowly resuming his duties.

3/ General Jaedon Siphe had sent word to Castle Hilm and Lord Alexander that he accepted Queen Langovales restrictions on the appointment of his own principality and would make four divisions (4000) of Siphe Garra ready for march to Briardusk immediately.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #57 on: August 12, 2011, 08:30:43 pm »
After a constant barrage of rocks over a period of three days enough had filled the trench near the south western area where the breach had occured from the explosion for a division to cross at a time.

Sir lance arrived in the middle of it again from Castle Hilm to announce that Lord Alexander was resting comfortably and would make a full recovery.

Several Hilm and Dragonsong heavy infantry divisions had been moved from their positions in the seige lines to the south western staging area just behind the lines in preparation for a full scale assault on the city's south west outer defensive wall. Both lance and Daniella were keen to take the wall breach and destroy as many of the enemy seige engines in the area beyond before the enemy could remove them. If they could take the area then they would have a clear path to the city's last remaining defensive wall. A high earth/stone and steel wall around the city itself, twice as high and twice as thick as the one they had blown a hole in the previous days when they stopped the oil flow.

By the morning of the fourth day everything was in readiness. A signaler sounded the horn and was echoed by several more to give the signal to march. The enemy were gathered on the walls and across the breach in the outer earthernwork defence. Myr'drachs hovered in the air above the walls ready to descend onto the forces moving in against them.

Four thousand Hilm heavy Infantry, 2500 Dragonsong Elite infantry, 2000 mixed Voraxian, Toranite and Rofireinite forces along with a 1000 other mixed forces advanced across the open ground towards the rubble and rock filled trench. The front rank was filled with various adventurers with magical shields on themselves and as many of the soldiers around them as they could manage.

Banners curled and snapped in the wind above the advancing army, banners of a dozen nations who were still supporting Hilm in the endeavour to clear their nation of the invading Cult forces.

The first ranks hit the trench and began to move across them. First fifty , then a hundred, then five hundred, then a thousand and still nothing from the enemy Cult.

But within seconds after that the sky ahead was filled with the sound of catapults snapping their heavy loads into the air. Dozens of rocks appeared in the sky and seemed to slowly drift down towards the soldiers crossing the trenches. For a moment Daniella thought time stopped and everything seemed surrealistic but then the moment was gone as the rocks thundered into the ground like deadly rain crushing, killing and maiming soldiers all around her. The screams of panic and sounds of death struck her ears full force. Vagually she could hear more horns sounding a faster advance. She draw her sword and a beacon of Light appeared around her and she charged. Those nearby saw her light and followed, a sense of power and strength flowed through them and before long the allied army were surging forward trying to get ahead fast enough so the enemy catapults could not change their trajectory quick enough.

As the army pushed forward, boulders continued to fall on them without mercy, men, women and horses died all around those driving forward. The front ranks raced towards the breach and then began to slow down as they were faced with a solid wall of archers. They heard the shout and a thousands of arrows blotted out the sun and descended into the massed soldiers advancing. The screams of the wounded and dying echoed around the battlefield and the advance slowed.

From above Myr'drachs continued to hover most unlike their actions in the past. From his front line position Vrebel could see Gorm nearby, his beardless face almost amusing in the heat of the situation and Kromlek not far away either. He realised the soldiers with them were on the brink of withdrawl in the face of the rain of death now coming at them from the lines of archers. It almost seemed hopeless even for their mighty strength to get to the breach before the archers or the Myr'drachs would tear them down. But, do it he must. Vrebel raised his arm and roared at those around him to advance. Gorm eagerly raced forward bellowing loudly. Far to his right Vrebel could see daniella's glowing nibus of light leading her soldiers ahead too and swore he would be the first to get there. He roared to those around him and charged.

Just as he did a maelstrom of fire engulfed part of the breach followed by sheets of ice. The mages led by Moraken had got within striking distance and unleashed Al'noth fury on the enemy. For several moments the suprised enemy ceased the rain of arrows and the allied forces drew closer.

But the enemy had help too and within minutes the Drach Ori started their attacks countering the magics being used against their soldiers and striking back at times with some of their own. Abigail flinched as a fireball roared over her head, the middle of a pitched battle was not the place for her but still she wanted to do her part. So many were dying around her but sshe couldnt think about it. She saw Jil nearby running along her bow in hand firing every so often as she tried to cover the distance to the enemy breach.

The first elements of the allied forces hit the breach and began to make their way over the broken rubble and debris the cult had piled up over the last few days. Vrebel stood on a rock and gazed at the enemy archers barely 50 feet from him. Six stood in a group and trained their arrows on him all at once. There was no where to go. Vrebel saw his death facing him in that moment and then Whoosh a massive stone boulder crushed into the archer group scattering them like skittles. Vrebel blinked and glanced back over the bloody body filled battlefield to see the giants moving into position and launching boulders into the enemy on the walls and the catapults beyond. With another war cry and a feeling of Euphoria coming over him he turned to climb the debris. A scream echoed above him and as he glanced up a wave of Myr'drachs tore into the adventurers in the allied forces.

Later Lance would say that the Myr'drachs specifically targeted the adventurers present engaging them in fierce combat leaving the soldiery to face the enemy cult soldiers one on one.

The massed chaos of the battle continued on and Lance could see the heavy losses his armies were taking in trying to gain control of the breach in the enemies walls. He called up the reserves and sent them in and then he formed up all those nearby in the seige lines and sent them in too for good measure. They had to hold that breach.

Back at the battle Gorm and kromlek found themselves side by side on the other side of the breach. Myr'drachs faces them on both sides and back to back they faced them fighting to stay afoot and get axes to the wings and bodies of the fierce creatures. Beyond them the land was filled with catapults and cult soldiers around them, fleeing cult archers and squads of Drachs moving into position to charge the allied forces now climbing into the area over the breach. As more of the allied soldiers penetrated the breach two massive shapes suddenly ascended into the sky above the city rolled over in the air and descended towards the allied soldiers trying to get to the breach outside the walls. First one Dragon and then the other flew long lines breathing fiery and acidic death on the massed soldiers outside the breach.

In horror Lance watched rank upon rank of soldier obliterated in the dragon attacks. From his position in the enemy seige lines where he was coordinating the battle he felt sick in his stomach. Already he could see the advancing elements of his army faltering in their steps not willing to drive forward into the face of the dragon fire. He saw Moraken turn his mages magics onto the Dragons but in doing so the Drach ori were freed up and began pelting his armies inside the breach with powerful magics. He could see things falling apart in slow motion. He was barely aware of Griff beside him tugging his sleeve and pointing behind them. When he finally focused he couldnt believe what he was hearing.

"Oi Commander, dey got anudder Dragon, a Big un, comin in fast. Looks loike e's goin teh hit us ere. Better take cover loike."

Lance blinked watching the sky, sure enough a huge dark shape was descending out of the sun towards their lines. Slowly, numbly he drew his sword ready to face death, behind him the assault was falling apart despite the best efforts of all those involved. The order to retreat was upon his lips. The dragon drew closer, closer. Lances fingers gripped his sword the order to retreat lost from his lips. All around him men, dwarvs and soldiers either ran away or turned to face certain death.


The massive dragon form blew past them whipping the dust off the ground into a frenzy of choking billowing cloud and Ractrafiorez had arrived at the battlefield. His montrous form dwarfing the dragons of the Cult who were compltely unaware of his presence until it was two late. His powerful jaws clamped onto the neck of the first dragon as it drew breath to strike again snapping it clean in two with a sharp twich of his mighty serpentive neck and then he twisted, flapped huge wings and gained altitude coming down on the second dragon using his glimmering talons to rip the back open of the second dragon.

Below in the battle stunned soldiers gasped as the bodies of the two dragons fell to the ground with massive thuds and then it was Racxtrafiorez's turn to straff the enemy. Inside the breach his immortal fire breath burned and melted anything it touched, Ori, Drachs, catapults, archers, nothing left but pools of liquid or drifting ash.

Once, twice the dragon flew back and forth, ripping apart several Myr'drachs in the process. Then he turned his attention to the inner wall surrounding Briardusk moving towards it through the air. The allied forces saw him draw breath to assault the inner wall and as he did so a massive discharge of lightning blazed through the air, the sizzling crackle and resultant energy causing everyones hair to stand on end. It struck forth from the nearest metal tower inside the city walls a blazing arc that struck Ractrafiorex on the back. A huge black smoking burn hole appeared in his back and he roared in fury flapping his wings desperatly to gain altitude as yet another arcs flashed force striking his underside and causing another great burn hole to appear. melted flesh and scales dripped to the ground below and Ractrafiorex, shrieking in pain and anger withdrew from the battlefield striking back the way he came from the east.

Stunned by the turn of events Lance gaped at the destruction wrought by the dragon so quickly and the resultant energy from the Ori towers around the city. The sound of men jogging in heavy army came to his ears and across the barren terrain of the Withered lands 4000 SIphe Garra jogged towards him led by Kal'Troth. They reached his command tent where Kal'troth saluted him and led the men forth towards the battlefield.

Meanwhile inside the front lines the enemy were withdrawing, fleeing toward the inner wall and the safety of the Drach Ori towers. Worried that more of her soilders would be killed by the Ori towers Daniella ordered an end to the advance and for them to secure their positions and hold the breach and surrounding walls.

Chaos ensued for the rest of the day as the cost of the assault was counted.

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #58 on: August 12, 2011, 11:38:49 pm »
*Gunder chimes in*

Innerestin' oidea.....oi could be providin' da titanium if'n dat's what we wantin' ta do.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #59 on: August 20, 2011, 04:09:09 am »
A week later the enemy under heavy assault right around the city had completely withdrawn from the outer defences and resumed position inside the walls around Briardusk itself.

It had not been a good week for the enemy. After taking heavy losses in their initial assaults the allied forces surrounding the city had systematically taken the enemies outer areas. Their seige engines that had not been overrun and destroyed by Hilm forces had either been torched or dragged inside the city by retreating Cult forces where the buildings and structures within it had severely hampered their use. Without dragons to support them the Cult had to rely on the Drach Ori for support and the dangerously effective defence system they had established.

On two occassions divisions of Hilm soldiers had approached the wall defences to be struck by thunderous bolts of lightning from the strange metal towers. Captain Argali who had led one of the incursions across the open terrain had escaped with some pretty severe burns and having lost several soldiers who were instantly turned to piles of dust. After that no further assaults against the last remaining defensive wall had been ordered by Lance or Daniella. Instead the allied forces had moved their lines up to the smaller outer defensive wall the Cult had abandoned.

Then on the fifth day as the allied forces were almost done securing their positions right around the city the warning horns were sounded as dozens of flights of Myr'drachs rose into the air. Soldiers everywhere rushed to their positions ready for the coming assault, but it never happened.

Instead the Myr'drachs flew higher and higher before turning towards the west, flying out of range above the allied forces and retreating back to Kuhl.

Jil had very quickly had her scouts counting the numbers of fleeing Myr'drachs to provide a final estimate of over three hundred of the creatures. Almost all of the Myr'drach forces they had at first considered to be present inside the city when the allied armies first arrived.

Eager to capitalise on the fact that it appeared the enemy were less than eager to engage them and were fracturing under the stress Sir Lance ordered a morning assault on the seventh day since the oil pumping station had been destroyed. The fight was to take place on four fronts and test the resolve of the defenders still within.

The Siphe Garra with support from Steel and Angela and many Hilm crossbowers from the east, Hilm garrisons under Captain Vrebel and Captain Kromlek with support from Gorm from the west, A northern force with the Voraxians under Griff and supported by Tralek, Jil and a southern force led by Lance and Daniella with a large contingent of the Toranite and Rofireinite forces. The giants under Captain Argali would provide heavy artillery and try to target the metal towers while the remaining forces would hold the established lines and provide cover if they had to retreat.

Meanwhile taking position on the outer wall at the southern point Razeriem, Dorn, Morakken and other company commanders and leaders gathered to study the results and what information they could about the metal towers. Razeriem in particular had been shown some deference since announcing a way to defeat the magical device and being supported in his ideas by the powerful Mage Moraken. This was to be an initial test before the actual event where the great titanium spike that was almost completed by a number of Dorandites with the army, would be used.

Horns were blown and signals raised as the armies commenced their assault. halfway across the open area, six hundred feet from the walls, the enemy catapults and archers opened up from inside the city. The allied forces pressed forward men and women dying all around.

Four hundred feet and the Drach Ori poured out their Al'noth into the charging forces. Magic ripped into the ranks causing untold damage until mages and clerics from all over the world who had joined the allied armies unleashed return fire or countered what they could of the Ori spells.

Two hundred feet from the walls the ladder bearers out in front, those killed or injured unable to continue were left behind and new soldiers would take their position on the ladders. Pushing hard to get to the wall and raise them up for their comrades to climb before they could be struck down.

Several paces within that point a dull hum filled the area right around the city, static electricity was so palpable everyones hair was standing on end, a loud buzzing sound pulsed and suddenly lightning crackled forth from the nearest towers at the invading forces. The air reeked of Al'noth and the smell of burning flesh. Arcs of lightning tore up the ground, disintegrated attackers and blasted anything it touched to bits. The attack slowed, then faltered then began to withdraw. The lightning struck out at random appearing much like the druidic call lightning spell but issuing forth from the metal towers.

Frightened mounts whinnied in fear as their riders struggled to regain control and turn them away from the city and back to the defence of the outer wall. Signals to withdraw were issued all the way around the city which were followed eagerly. Not one assault group had gotten closer than the 150 foot mark to the enemy walls before turning and abandoning the assault.

From his vantage position Moraken turned to Razeriem. "You said that thing will be ready in a day or two?"

Raz nodded and Moraken continued, "Lets hope it works then." Together they watched the shaken troops return to their camps and the clerics, healers and lay people helping with the wounded rush forward to begin tending to the injured and dying.

