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Author Topic: Retaking Hilm  (Read 5519 times)


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2011, 12:03:07 pm »
Abi sits in the back of the tent quietly listening to all the generals and dwarves talk about how to breach the trenches and dealing with the fires and such. Afterwards she approaches master Gunder to offer up a suggestion.

Master Gunder, ummm...i know you and your dwarves are way smarter at this than i am. But it seems to me creating and maintaining breach points shouldnt be that difficult. I mean yes, the fires will keep burning and are being fed, but why not just select a few points to dam off. Fill the trench with rubble as a choke. SUre one side may keep burning and be fed by whatever means they are doing it, but the other side will eventually burn off. And filling the trench with rubble and damming it off will create natural bridges we can cross and maintain easily enough.

If your worried about who is gonna do it, why not get the magicers to harness the broken gollums roaming the roughlands and put them to work? They can get the initial work of daming and filling done easy enough. And if they are attacked, we can setup archers or whatever we need to cover them easy enough while they do their work.

Just an idea.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2011, 12:21:27 pm »
*Vrebel holds his head up and stares down those who give him dark looks.  He turns and walks out of the meeting room after the cold post op assessment is given. Though the loss of the men and adventurers under his command is apparent on his face he is determined and heads to the Tenth's tent to be with the remaining force offering them praise for their valor and bravery under insurmountable odds.  He makes a special effort to speak with the injured in the hospice tents to give them hope*

*After, he wanders to his private tent and lays on his back in contemplation, the smell of burnt flesh, either his or others, reeking from his body.  He nods to himself*

Nasty first mission but they knew the dangers goin' in.  Brave folks them Tornanites.  Undrock will feel my blade in his gut before this is over.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2011, 12:42:39 pm »
*Wren goes back to where his small tent is placed. Looking out at the fires burning and the thick black smoke filling the air*

Very smart, we will be absorbed in dealing with this  fire for some time to come. After that there will still be all the other defenses to get through. All the while they will be carrying out their plans with all the time in the world. I think Jill had the right idea of sorts, ignore the  fires and everything else and go under it all.

*he thinks for a bit and then goes to see Raz and Steel when he finds them*

What if any beasts of the world can make large tunnels really fast?


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2011, 12:52:33 pm »
Steel stands in the shadows against the cloth wall of the command tent interior. There is an edge to his voice.

"As a small child, fascinated by the tiny flame dancing on the wick, I reached for it, wishing to explore, to have the wondrous light for my own. I let my fingers play over the flame, and it let me know what it thought of that. My fingers burned; I howled in pain. I learned that day that fire burns, and to reach for it means that I will burn.

Why do you insist on being burned?

You don't have the army Siphe had when he attacked Hope. You don't have flying dragons and drachs. You don't even have that many siege weapons, though with time that can be remedied. I warned you that Hilm would suffer undue amounts of loss if you attacked Briardusk. But it's not too late. You can yet turn from Briardusk and move to a new target.

And don't tell me, "We have been ordered to retake Briardusk." Were you also ordered to send your men to meaningless death? Tell Alexander that this is folly and he will change his orders.

March for Tulam, and then aim for Westgate. You will have much more success in the open field against the border troops. And you will then be able to take advantage of Molvaren's scrambling to defend Kuhl. Pits, avoid all the cities. Control the countryside and force Molvaren's troops into the cities, and then starve them out while you grow food on the open fields you now control.

Keep your scouts watching Briardusk, and when you accept Siphe's offer, his men will be in the perfect position to deal with Briardusk.

It's either that, or I go find someone else who can restore the throne to Langovale, because there won't be any of you left to do it. And the list of candidates are very slim these days, and not one of them is a very nice creature. I hear Fisterion is a willing negotiator."


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2011, 05:23:54 am »
// Completely ooc I am rapt with the responses posted so far in relation to this endeavour!

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2011, 06:07:07 am »
Quote from: scifibarbie
Abi sits in the back of the tent quietly listening to all the generals and dwarves talk about how to breach the trenches and dealing with the fires and such. Afterwards she approaches master Gunder to offer up a suggestion.

Master Gunder, ummm...i know you and your dwarves are way smarter at this than i am. But it seems to me creating and maintaining breach points shouldnt be that difficult. I mean yes, the fires will keep burning and are being fed, but why not just select a few points to dam off. Fill the trench with rubble as a choke. SUre one side may keep burning and be fed by whatever means they are doing it, but the other side will eventually burn off. And filling the trench with rubble and damming it off will create natural bridges we can cross and maintain easily enough.

If your worried about who is gonna do it, why not get the magicers to harness the broken gollums roaming the roughlands and put them to work? They can get the initial work of daming and filling done easy enough. And if they are attacked, we can setup archers or whatever we need to cover them easy enough while they do their work.

Just an idea.

*Gunder nods to Abi* Aye, blockin' da source be a good oidea, dat may be providin' us wif a means ta bus' thru der defense.  But if'n we got toime, makin' a tunnel unnerneath be a good oidea too.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2011, 02:35:12 pm »
After having a nice chat with Harbist, Abi heads out looking for Gel'larean Windsbreath, as he seemed to be the guy in charge of the scouts.

"Hiya Gell, " aBi smiles friendlily in her usual manner as she finds him wandering around. "Look...Ive been thinking ( I know right..dangerous  ;) ). Im wondering if there isnt more information to be gained by a few more scouting missions around briardusk." Her demeanor now becoming slightly more intent as she speaks "Sure we know the general layout of the area and some of the outer defenses. But im hoping to go have a look myself. See if theres something that hasnt been overlooked. Maybe meet up with a few of your watchers and see what they think. Sometimes they dont report things that seem too trivial or unimportant or they just miss things while looking at other stuff." At this last bit she bites her lower lip as if thinking about something...She then continues on in a more serious tone.

"It also sounded like there was trouble with some of the scouting parties being ambushed, if i heard that part right anyway. We would be stupid to think that they are not sending out or somehow gathering information about us as we sit here. I think its time we revisit our intel gathering."

As she lets her idea sink in she chirps up her usual carefree way which seems odd and abit startling after her previous moments of seriousness. "You dont mind do you, if i go have a peep?"

"Im hoping to see our best and most detailed maps of the area as we know them to plot out a best course and areas to maybe focus in on." Her voice now lowers but still retains a bit of her usual squirrely self, as if she knows she asking for alot but expects it anyway, " IT would help if i had your permission in this. Im not sure our general Daniella would let me see things without your consent if I just showed up." :\

gilshem ironstone

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #27 on: August 03, 2011, 09:54:19 am »
He smiles as Abi talks on, and once she is finished he starts walking towards the command tents.

The scouting is actually the purview of Lieutenant Kendall, but I am sure she will be grateful for an extra body.  Lets see if we cant get a look at a map before we get out there and put your exquisite arrows to the test, huh?

Upon arriving at the command tents, he explains to the guard that he would like to see a map of the area, and that Lady Daniella would vouch for him.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #28 on: August 03, 2011, 11:27:54 am »
*Mrs. Kendall is inside the tent already looking it over and going over scout reports. She hears Gel speaking with the guards and she tells the guards to allow them entry.*

"Yes, I can use an extra hand or two," she says as they enter the tent.  She points to different items upon the map.*  "These here indicate the trenches, the outer buildings ...," She continues to point things out and explain what it is they are looking for.  "As you can see, we're stretched kinda thin, and the way things are cleared around Briardusk, its difficult t get in too close without attracting a flight of arrows or spells.  So, if you're volunteering, I'm not turning you away."

"If you wish to help, I need your names to put on the register.  Gel'larian, you I know, *She smiles* ... And you Ms?"

gilshem ironstone

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #29 on: August 03, 2011, 11:39:48 am »
Gel'larian volunteers her name.

Firesteed.  Abigail Firesteed.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #30 on: August 03, 2011, 04:24:52 pm »
Smiling as Gell proffers her name she waves and says "thats me. Weve met before. You donbt remember me?" She frowns as if saddened by that. But tehn immediately smiles again and continues on.

"Well Lt sir, After that last fiasco. IT got me too thinking that we know way less than we should about stuff. I was thinking that before we even headed out" Speaking concernedly as she goes over the map.

If I remember aright, I heard some of our scouts had been ambushed themselves which is nota  good sign when we are supposed to have teh city surrounded. I know theres not much time left, but I really think we outta revisit waht scouts you have out there and see if they noticed anything unusual that they may have not thought to put in their reports. it true about the ambushes? If so..please point out to me where." She studies the map quite intently as she speaks.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2011, 02:21:42 am »
*Tralek makes his way to the Command Tent once most of the leaders are present*

Well things are heating up *looks around for those that notice his insensitive pun*.  Lord Alexander has ordered us to take Briardusk, so take it we must.  I agree it might be wiser to wait and hold Briardusk at siege for Siphe and his men, but I don't make those decisions and I'm not the one to confront Lord Alexander on this *looks in the room to meet eyes with Lance and Daniella*

So, by measure of what happened when we last tested their defense, we will need to change our tactics drastically or this will be an utter failure.  I think that is something we all can agree on.  The question is how and what can we do?

First we need to share all the information we have.  I will start *Tralek has two guards bring in a rough scale replica model of the city*.  This model is courtesy of some fine Hilm engineers.  Raz and I have been working with the mage from Liwich and after a week of testing a multitude of things and analysis of over a dozen different sources of information we can say this:

1.  The humming from the towers gets louder when there is more humidity in the air.

2.  There are strong traces of Transmutative magic with underlying Evocation as well.

3.  There have been random bright flashes and crackling coming from some of the Towers at night.  This happens several times at night at random Towers.

4.  The humming coming from the tower remains the same pitch, but it became much louder when we made our test assault on the trenches.  Once we pulled back the loudness of the humming returned to its normal level.

I don't know really what to make of this, but my hope is together maybe we can.  It seems they can control the strength of the Tower's power when they feel a need.  It also looks like the Tower's power is not stable, rather it may be spiking randomly and it appears to be affected by water in the air.

*Tralek shakes his head and rests his weight on his hands stradling the well made model*

I'm all ears on any suggestions.  I was going to say maybe a Mistite or two could call upon some storms.  That might serve two purposes, in disrupting the towers power and helping to put the trench fires out.  But, then the storms would cause more of a mess for us with slick ground and muck.

Maybe if we could sustain an attack on the trenches long enough, and I mean for a long time, it might be too much of a drain for the Ori controlling the Towers and we might drain or deplete its source of power.

I'm afraid the only real affective way for us to deal with the Towers is to get up close and personal with them.  Then it will be up to Raz, me and the other mages to on-the-spot try to disarm or reverse them on themselves.

I like the idea of digging under, but I'm not sure how we're gona do that.  It's a long way to dig and the tunell needs to be wide enough and stable enough to let troops travel for quite a distance (//a couple miles?).

To get past the trenches, like Abi said, we could plug two sections of the trench and then put the fire out inbetween with some Gusts of Wind or Thunderclaps.  Problem is the oil will still be hot for a good number of hours, and would be easily lit again by incoming fire arrows.

*Realizing he's been rambling he takes 5-6 steps back*

We need to talk about this some more, I don't have anything more, but lets at least figure a better plan for going in...something.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #32 on: August 04, 2011, 10:13:26 am »
After a long consult with Jil, Abi sets out with a small party to see about finding a way to assault the city from below.

After several days she returns reporting that there is no way that she has been able to find a way to do this. "They are ready for a fight below ground as well and are really entrenched." *she grins ruefully at the inadvertant pun she just made, especially in light of the seriousness of the situation. :\\

"Ive traversed some of teh tunnels in the deep around briardusk and there is no way we are gonna be able to attack from below. It seems they are prepared for an attack form that direction."


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #33 on: August 04, 2011, 10:33:21 am »
After giving her report, Abi takes her leave and immediately starts seeking out Harbist and the other engineers to seek some advice about the trenches. the more she knows about what to look for the better, and what to possibly do about it once she finds it.

Having her first scouting objective come up empty, and upon the advice and counsel of Jil, Abi prepares to head out in search of the mysterious source of the everflowing oil.

//PM sent

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #34 on: August 04, 2011, 11:09:53 am »
Looking at the reports, tunneling is not going to do it.  Unless there are already tunnels from the deep going under, we could send a few scouts to check it out.

Check with the engineers and the possibility of using the Golems. Lets check with some druids and see if they have any kind of earth moving spells that can be utilized to collapse or fill the trenches, then turn the mud to stone.  I am not totally familiar with their abilities.   If overpowering their towers with storms is a possibility, and we combine these uses, it may open up a clear path for us to make it quickly to the gate with minimal losses.  If this is plausible, we'll need mages of high caliber that can cast disjunctions and such on whatever protections they have at their outer rim.  And Archers to concentrate on the flyers so the ground troops have less to worry about.  

*She sends runners to head out and gather this information.*

gilshem ironstone

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #35 on: August 04, 2011, 11:31:00 am »
Gel'larian listens to Jil and instead of going off to gather the requested information, sets off on another investigation.


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2011, 07:41:29 pm »
*Raz waltzes into whatever meeting is being held to bounce around ideas.*

I'd say I'm sorry I was late, but I'm not.  Good things are worth waiting for.  From what I caught of Tray's talky talky, it is accurate and correct.  But while I was busy not sleeping, I had an idea. *Pauses* Well many of them, and most of them inappropriate for the current discussion.  *Grins.*

This field of theirs is putting out a tremendous amount of SCU's.  Trying to punch through it would likewise take a hefty amount of effort.  The field is putting out evocation magics in the form of lightning and electricity.  One of the reasons why when the air is humid it runs louder.  The build up of electricity also causes those crackles you hear at towers randomly.  One immediate idea to counter this shield would be to attempt to ground it or parts of it.  And I suppose this would be worth pursuing, that is unless you have a better idea.

And we do, we have my idea.  Why ground that much energy if would could instead channel it for our own uses?  Electricity has the ability to be channeled and redirected in addition to being grounded.  My idea is to capture one tower, affix a large channeling rod, adjust the energy flow to go down my large rod to the points of our choosing.  

If we channeled that energy for our use, it would make one heck of a boom.

I found a few dwarven engineers around the camps and ran the mechanics past them.  They liked the idea of using hands-on smithing and engineering to defeat a magical field.  They tell me they could handle the forging of a rod to my specifications.  However to handle the amount of charge we are expecting, it'll need to be made out of Titanium or better.  And it needs to be a large rod if we are to direct it for our purposes.

What we need to pull this off will be at least 20 ingots of titanium.  Anyone that has access to titanium and can arrange to have it sent here immediately, we will need this resource as soon as possible.

We will need to successfully take a tower and hold it long enough to affix this channeling rod and make a few adjustments.

I have gone over the theory of this and know it could work.  And I'd love a chance to see that much evocation channeled into one point or the other.  

We also need to decide which tower and any primary target for use.  I expect while the rod is channeling, the field will be of little concern.

*At various times of his presentation to this point Raz has smirked and attempted not to snicker.  Now he puts on a more serious face, looks for reactions from those gathered and strikes a 'Captain Morgan' pose of confidence.*

We have a chance to use greater force against itself.

Any immediate questions before we get 'Raz's Boom Stick' up and running?


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2011, 08:03:40 pm »
Steel unceremoniously slaps his forehead at the boom stick comment.

"And how do you propose we get to the tower?"

Script Wrecked

Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2011, 09:11:12 pm »
"If you arre not wanting to blow yourrself up, the earrthworks are irron reinforrced, if you want to do the grrounding."


Re: Retaking Hilm
« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2011, 11:17:48 pm »
Daniella listens to the mages talk.

"While I appreciate your enthusiasm for your idea, Razeriem, the Mercenary does have a point."