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Author Topic: Scholars and Fortune Seekers  (Read 1307 times)


Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« on: May 17, 2010, 10:57:34 am »
[SIZE=24]A certain blue-skinned mercenary has been seen in Port Hempstead contracting for large quantities of expeditionary goods, such as dried foods, mining picks, and climbing gear. Those that follow a bit closer discover he's also collecting information about the northern isles, specifically the Black Ice Isle. The brave few who ask about his interest in the isles receive an answer much like the following:

"I've recently learned of a certain artifact supposedly hidden deep in the frozen wastes of the Black Ice. I'm putting together an expedition to find this piece. If you're interested, the pay is good, and should we find the thing, there will be glory and fame to spare. I can use mercenary guards, scholars, mining experts, and mages. Oh, and don't forget to bring your fur coat. It's a bit chilly there."[/SIZE]

///// This pertains to the plot quest on Friday:  :) /////
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Black Cat

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2010, 03:27:48 pm »
*Azk'a signed up at the docks and got onboard the ship heading out to Raven's Watch... few details... much less information about the job, but why should he care... if the ale's good and the pay alright. Well it turns out it's all about some powerfull artefact, which is about all that the Boss disclosed at first... and it seems some aren't to keen to follow the blue man on such slight information... but Azk'a so far found the ale good enough. And there is some digging to do too. A lot of heated dicussion later... and a few words with the locals, off they go and some dead gnolls later found a small hole in the ground with a sharp thing inside... digging time it is*
 *Azk'a helps Steel to set up the digging site, nailing some wooden beams together to get a crude but effective lifting device over the future mining shaft entrance. Then he helps set up the rest of the camp, making sure his ale keg is safe and filled on a regular basis, then after drinking some and eating more, he starts the digging... the plans being to make first a vertical hole of some depth and wide enough to accomodate at least two miners... then to work horizontally towards the object...*


Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2010, 05:28:29 pm »
In spite of his fiendish resilience, Steel shivers in the impressive cold laid down upon the camp that night. Steel suggests they use their supplies to construct a larger tent, one that could accommodate the whole group under a low-slung sloping roof. When they do eventually begin to settle for the evening, or perhaps after some sleep is had by all, he addresses the group.

"We have time to talk, for the nights here are long, and even using each other for warmth, the cold won't let us sleep for long."

He gives people a moment to gather their thoughts, waiting for their attention.

"First, things have already not gone as simply as I'd planned or hoped. As this promises to be a potentially more treacherous venture than I had advertised, here is your chance to pack up and leave. I'll compensate you for your time."

Again, he pauses for a moment.

"Those of you who wish to stay, to find this apparently enigmatic and mysterious treasure... well, I hope you like the cold.

We're clearly missing key pieces of information, not only regarding how to get to the artifact, but with regard to specifically what it is. In an effort of efficiency, then, let's lay out what we know and what we don't. Feel free to add to the list if you think of something I haven't yet.

To start with, we don't know exactly what the artifact is supposed to be. I heard something about a spear-head, and those who first looked into the crevice of the stone felt as though they were stabbed by a cold dagger of some sort. But even so, that may not be the true manifestation of the artifact.

Second, Even if this is the correct physical location, digging may not lead us to the item, though I should say we dig deep just to be sure."

He nods once to Azk'a.

"There is magic here, and the actual location or the item itself may be shrouded in magic, hidden from sight, only to be found by those who know how to look, how to penetrate the spell. If this is the case, we could search for someone who knows, though it would seem that those who do know are unwilling to admit they know of the artifact's existence, and would then certainly be less willing to give up the location.

It may be better for us to see if we cannot determine the means to break the spell for ourselves.

Now, before I go and suggest some courses of action, since we're all freezing our rear-ends together, speak to me. Tell me your thoughts, those of you that wish to continue the expedition."

Black Cat

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2010, 11:15:20 am »
*looks up from his hammering* ya sayin' all dis *shows the construction he was making* is fer notin'? Ya've look' at me lad... ah look loike ahm some magicker... ahm gud at diggin' dat was wha' ya said eht will be... so ah dig. Iffn ya need mah ta kill a bunch ov goints or odder evil tings ahm yer dwarf ta. Jus' nay ask mah ta find magicks... ah moigh' jus' foind a anodder keg ov ale. Ahm sure ya got enough magickers 'round.
 Didn' ya talk about some witches livin' 'round here? 'em moigh' know, nay? Goive 'em a few ales an' ahm sure 'em goin' ta talk.
 *sits on his pack near the fire for a while waiting... after a while he goes back hammering and perhaps starting some digging too*


Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2010, 12:44:48 pm »
Viper sits nearby, quietly, but obviously making no move to leave.  she signs simply to Steel and only apparently when she feels it is necessary.

//(*signed* I'm staying.  I'm in this for the long haul.)

Lance Stargazer

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2010, 08:10:36 pm »
*Lance adjust the pelts on his armor and looks towards the group then towards Steel *

It has been indeed a disventure so far, I am staying Dread blade, and since the lack of information we have I think we should stay to the course of action that we have right now, Its true there is a lot that we don't know, but there are things we know and that we can take as a fact.

One if this artifact exist and its as you said a spear or something the cult wants, they will come for it eventually so we can't let them have it.

Second I agree with you, we should stick to digging deep here, since we know that actually is something here, maybe not what we looking for but with the lack of information we have we can't overlook anything, right? and this is at least something that we had found.

Third and no less important, No more blood tributes to unknown gods just for the sake of it, we might only be giving power to an enemy or who knows what we should be doing with that. So keep that in mind, Blood has power and its not for playing.

I think that we won't find people that would help with this search, That would put it on the sight of the cult , and if they are not here i am sure they are hidding from the very same reasons.

So I agree to the fact that we keep digging, and let the ones more versed on our group dealing with the Al'noth to try to find a trail to follow.

Its obvious that there is something down there and its the only lead we have.

*he closes his cloak over his front and looks for the rest of the group *

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2010, 12:09:07 am »
* Those taking the late guard shift during your first night in the snow and ice of Krashin notice an campfire not far from your camp (approximately 300 to 400 yards off).

I assume that you will investigate and as you send a scout to take a look you find Fengil there - the guide who left you earlier in the day. He is sheltered by a low hide tent that is open to one side, towards the low fire. You notice that he has carefully concealed the fire and his tent, by a low wall of snow, to all sides barring the one pointing towards your camp. *


Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2010, 11:48:35 am »
*Raz is generally not helpful unless someone starts actually suggesting ideas.  Raz is also obviously less than pleased with the night time cold.*

*To Steel* In for a pinch... in for a pound of flesh.  Or something like that.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2010, 07:25:52 pm »
*Lance as the night passes stays on guard, looking towards the other ones standing guard nods once as he moves towards the campsite . using his night eyes cloak to help him to the vision, he moves towards the guide campsite if nobody else is doing it  *

*Aproaching with shield and blade at hand during the way there, he sheathes the blade as he aproaches at the campsite, nodding at the man *

-Grettings Fengil sir- The knight greets in low voice *

- Decided to come back? Won't you be better protected in our camp ? -

*he keeps looking around and awaits for answer*


Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2010, 08:53:32 pm »
While the group makes way for the campfire, Bella hangs back a moment and gets Steel's attention.  The two sign to each other in conversation for a few moments before silently resuming their walk to join the others near the fire.

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2010, 11:53:38 pm »
* Upon Lance's approach Fengil does not stirr. But after asking the question Fengil replies at once. *

I not require protection. Not in land.

* He makes a pause as he shifts his position in order to reach out and stirr the coals. *

Sleeping near stone is not good. Dreams of fear come. You make stone god angry?

Lance Stargazer

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2010, 12:03:09 am »
*He arches an eyebrow at that*  Well Sir, as you desire.

Angry?  Not that i am aware of . What does take to make him angry or how we know if he's Angry?

-And this dreams .. of fear?  Has this happened to people in the past i take, what kind of dreams you speak about . Please we are in a way blind to the knowledge of this *he looks towards the stone and now the tunnel*  thing, but believe me that our reasons to be here are true and I the actions are needed -

- Have someone made him angry in the past?  -

*he looks at his scooting a bit towards the fire * - Don't you mind if I come closer right?  -

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2010, 03:08:26 am »
* He motions for Lance to step closer if he wishes. Then he replies, keeping his voice low. *

Children know to respect gods and spirits, if you value life. Cruel or good spirits does not matter. You respect them all, or pay.

You disrespect the spirit of stone. I leave. You start digging in ground, disturbing a holy site. Not holy for me, but still holy place. You act like children, but not children of the land. Both blind and deaf you are, with mind not sharp as spear.

Soon more of you will fall. Trip over stone, killed by spirits or beasts. No matter. But perhaps some of you will learn from it. *he shrugs*


Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2010, 10:02:21 am »
**After the brief chat with Bella/Viper, Steel approaches within earshot of Fengil and Lance, but keeps enough of a distance to allow Lance to have his conversation. He glances at any others that approach Fengil's camp, staying back out of the way, occasionally shivering in the intense cold.**

Lance Stargazer

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2010, 12:18:52 pm »
*Lance listens to the man as he speaks of spirits nodding a bit he answers *

- Spirits are to be respected yes, I agree on that, still there are worse things right now that this "stone spirit" sir, Why are we doing this, - *he looks back a moment to the campsite of the party* And We are certain that we are not the only ones behind this , others might come and you don't want what we are searching to fall in hands of those others.  believe me -

- Risks are sometimes needed on this war we are fighting, And I fully trust that my Lord help us with what we would find here, no spirit is powerful enough to stop a right cause with the right conviction sir. -

- Why did you come back then sir? -

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2010, 12:54:24 pm »
* He answers Lance's last question with. *

I said I am guide.

* He says this as if it is a silly question and the answer is obvious. *

What you seek here that others seek? You say others are enemy of you... of the tribes?

* He looks as you for a long moment then adds. *

You want find precious thing under rock?

Lance Stargazer

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2010, 02:12:02 pm »
*he smiles at that not showing anger nor anyother negative reaction even at the answer*  

- I am glad that you take your word and your duty with such fervor and intensity - *said without mockery and with honest intent *

- If i tell you truth , we don't know exactly what we are looking for, As we understood is an artifact but a lot of what we gathered has been useless so far, Its something that might help us against our enemy, And something that has to do with Dragons.  *said this slowly * -

 - This other people i am telling you Are not only our enemy, they are enemies of the world sir, They won't hessitate to wipe the tribes if they find it fit, They are building an army, and they are a force to be acknowledged . -

*he looks towards the rock at his question* - So far that rock is the only thing we have , so the answer is yes, that is what we plan to do sir, exactly that. Until we find a trail to something else , if there is something else. -

- This stone spirit, What do you know of him? Is there any story that you know regarding what ever he was or is ? -


Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2010, 05:18:20 pm »
*Therhcha coughs a little and rubs his hands together after having been sitting reflecting over his experience with the extreme cold for a good long while.*

"I would strongly suggest that we also consider now, before we stand with the item in question in hand, what we wish done with it. Surely the idea isn't just to collect it for the keeping of one of us, but rather that we find a suitable place where it can either be used to our advantage in the war or where it can be safer than in the middle of the wilds here.
Although I have trouble to figure out who would go here willingly unless someone was driving them with a whip."

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2010, 12:06:12 am »
White wyrm rules on Bastil. Very strong hold on land. You say it is coming here to attack tribes?

* His voice wavers as he asks this question. *

I know not what you ask about stone spirit. How I know about spirits? I am no child, but am of land. I not blind and deaf.

Warriors of land know where to go and where not to go, whom to dance the battle with and whom not... and not to disturb the spirits of the land.

* He looks up at you from his position near the low fire. *

You best seek third Gate quickly, for you not listen and only learn hard way.

Quote from: Lance Stargazer
*he smiles at that not showing anger nor anyother negative reaction even at the answer*  

- I am glad that you take your word and your duty with such fervor and intensity - *said without mockery and with honest intent *

- If i tell you truth , we don't know exactly what we are looking for, As we understood is an artifact but a lot of what we gathered has been useless so far, Its something that might help us against our enemy, And something that has to do with Dragons.  *said this slowly * -

 - This other people i am telling you Are not only our enemy, they are enemies of the world sir, They won't hessitate to wipe the tribes if they find it fit, They are building an army, and
 they are a force to be acknowledged .[/C

*he looks towards the rock at his question* - [COL
OR="#0000ff"]So far that rock is the only thing we have , so the answer is yes, that is what we plan to do sir, exactly that. Until we find a trail to something else , if there is something else.

- This stone spirit, What do you know of him? Is there any story that you know regarding what ever he was or is ? -

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Scholars and Fortune Seekers
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2010, 02:41:12 am »
// At this stage I will assume that some of you will continue to dig further below the stone slab. Also, I assume that you continue to probe through magical means for any signs of a presence.

Both avail you nothing, unfortunately. Digging into the frozen soil is hard work, but as you have experienced people with you, you manage to get quite deep on the second day (to a depth of about 8-9 feet). Nothing seems to be found here.

Also, the atempts at using magic for determining what struck you on the day before come out with frustratingly little information. Through a combined effort you are able to determine that some sort of magic was at work here. It was not arcane in origin (I ought to clarify that the 'spell' was not necromantic in origin, but that I used a necromantic spell in game to simulate an explosion of intense cold that hit everyone within range of the stone slab). Whatever caused it has either spent itself on the spell, has left or manages to conceal itself in a way to remain undetected.