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Author Topic: Sederra Defense RP thread  (Read 5234 times)

Script Wrecked

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #40 on: March 09, 2011, 08:58:07 pm »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
"Well then what are you waiting for, Trueaxe? Get Blackford up to speed and request Blackford's assistance, whether that be advice or manpower. Handling an object such as this is really beyond our abilities and knowledge. We're doing the best we can, but that may not be good enough."

Argali's hand holding the stone lowers as though suddenly deflated. For a moment she looks somewhat admonished by Steel's response. She slowly puts the stone away, then looks squarely at Steel.

"That iz [POST=1713431]zecond[/POST] time you arre zpeaking to her like she iz zome minion at yourr beck and call. The thirrd time, she will be giving you the lesson in the mannerrs that you will not zoon be forrgetting."

She stares pointedly at Steel looking full of emphasis, her hand subconsciously rolling up into a fist.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #41 on: March 10, 2011, 12:14:48 am »
If you're set on Xora's tower, know that the journey there is roughly three times the distance from here to North Fort and we'll have to travel through the mountains on the third leg of that journey.  By the time we get to Xora's Tower and deliver the cylinder and attempt to return, we will most likely miss any chance to aid those fighting in and around Audira.  If you want to get it to Xora, maybe Blackford can send some folks our way so that we can offload the cylinder with them and then continue to the battlefield...where ever that may be.

*Tralek then proceeds to help Steel and Palena in creating a shield to either bolster the one already around it or to make a new one, so that we are protected from the cylinder.*


Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #42 on: March 10, 2011, 10:07:52 am »
*Ell for the most part observes the situation, noticing body positions, temperament of the individuals of those speaking and jots down in short hand on what she feels should be noted in her journal. Ell though, offers her aide in building the containment ward if needed.*


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #43 on: March 10, 2011, 10:39:07 am »
She stares pointedly at Steel looking full of emphasis, her hand subconsciously rolling up into a fist.

**Steel allows the silence to hang, pausing his work to return Argali's gaze, though his is masked by metal. He speaks only after a several moments have passed, and slowly.**

"Do as you will, Argali. I do not cater to pride or entitlement, whether yours, the gods', or otherwise. Whatever you don't take care of, I will."

**He starts back into the motions of the ritual, no longer looking at Argali. His next words are half to himself, as if they might not normally be spoken aloud.**

"Why did you show the stone if you did not intend for someone to tell you to use it?"

**After another pause and glancing at Tralek.**

"I will wait for the scouts' report before deciding what may be the best decision regarding this vat of .... "

**He finishes the sentence with a colorful Dark Elven curse.**


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #44 on: March 10, 2011, 11:13:11 am »
With the scouts away, Andrew returns to assisting the ritual, adding his connection to the Al'Noth and his song to boost their work.

Script Wrecked

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #45 on: March 11, 2011, 03:21:57 am »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
**Steel allows the silence to hang, pausing his work to return Argali's gaze, though his is masked by metal. He speaks only after a several moments have passed, and slowly.**

"Do as you will, Argali. I do not cater to pride or entitlement, whether yours, the gods', or otherwise. Whatever you don't take care of, I will."

Argali frowns at Steel's response. "It has nothing to do with the prride or the 'entitlement'." She shakes her head almost in disbelief at the implication. "Iz bad mannerrs to be addressing zomeone, anyone, in zuch the mannerr. Perrhaps you would be finding you arre having less to be doing if you arre worrking with the people, ratherr than trreating them zo poorly."

Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
**He starts back into the motions of the ritual, no longer looking at Argali. His next words are half to himself, as if they might not normally be spoken aloud.**

"Why did you show the stone if you did not intend for someone to tell you to use it?"

Argali rolls her eyes. "She does not need anyone to be telling herr to be using it. She was holding it out forr you to be using, inztead of making the two days of efforrt to be changing yourr magickings. It was forr you."

A brief pout escapes her lips, despite her intent.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #46 on: March 11, 2011, 10:29:33 am »
**Steel speaks without looking up from the work**

"You must assume I am slow in the head, Argali, and speak plainly. If you wish me to use something, speak the words, "Use this."

**...after a pause...**

"It was not my intent to insult you. Believe it or not, I have respect for you. However, in my world, when one displays a resource, it is with the expectation that something will be offered in payment for use of that resource. To offer something valuable or the use of something valuable without charge is considered weakness, and weakness means death. The only way to bypass this expectation of payment is to establish a dominance over the person and thus also gain control of the resource.

I applied the same logic to you because we are not allies, as much as we may wish to be, or perhaps, it is only I who wishes it was so. I support your work, Trueaxe, but understandably, you cannot support mine. It is the nature of the beast that agents such as myself will always be at odds with those who protect and adhere to the laws of the lands.

In fact, be glad we are where we are with who we are..... were we in the noble courts or indeed just the public eye, I could not offer the candor that I'm offering you now. The mask must be maintained."

Script Wrecked

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #47 on: March 11, 2011, 09:20:17 pm »
Argali pauses thoughtfully in acknowledgment of Steel's words.

"It zeems you have been dealing with the drragons zo long you have picked up one orr two of theirr trraits, no?

"Perrhaps one day, when you arre feeling brrave, you can take the few zteps in Argali's worrld, wherre you can experience the satisfaction of giving frreely, and the joy of receiving the gift unsought."

She makes a brief head bow to Steel, before withdrawing a short distance to send a message to Blackford Castle.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #48 on: March 11, 2011, 09:36:11 pm »
*Tralek nods at Argali* Good going Argali, contact with Blackford is going to be key here.  You're preparedness for an ocassion such as this is commended.  If you could, I'd suggest you ask them what they want to do with the cylinder, and explain to them we need to get back in the battle and need a quick way to get the cylinder somewhere safe.  Maybe they can meet us half-way at some location.  Also, it would be helpful to get word to our Audiran allies and tell them our plan of action.  I'd say have Blackford ask which front the Audiran allies want us to come in on, and then we hit the Drachs behind their lines and go help save Audira.  After that we can head to the Oasis and deal with that force.  The folks in Audira must be hurting and need our help as soon as possible.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #49 on: March 11, 2011, 10:31:30 pm »
*Vrebel takes his helm off briefly to let his head cool from the desert heat.  He grins toward both Steel and Argali after they sort of make up.*

Good idea Captain bout contactin' Blackferd.  Tralek I think yer right about us helpin' them folks in Audira first even if they do have Rael's finest probably dyin' like flies as we speak.  There's other good folks fightn' there too and probably knee deep in Mydrachs.  

*Scratches his head*

Does pose a dilema though.  Which do we move on first the enemy at the oasis er the enemy beatin' down on Audira.  My vote is fer Audira after we hand off this blasted container.

*He nods to Argali* Oh captain if ya dont mind I'm gettin thirsty.  Maybe you could tell Connor er whoever is comin' ta bring us some ale and sausage.

*He daps a cloth in his water jug and soaks his head*


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #50 on: March 12, 2011, 02:40:27 am »
Zahid opens his eyes slowly, but seems shaken. He seems, for a moment, mousey and anxious before regaining his composure. His joints ache from the meditative stance, and he stretches out of it like an opening flower. He stands, sways a bit, and then works any last kinks from his human limbs. He walks to where more of the adventurers are talking, finally taking some sips from his canteen.

The desert is far from deserted; I have seen from the eyes of the others, and felt their fears. An eagle soars over an oasis, looking for water, but finding it not. Instead, it sees with its keen eyes hundreds of men and animals. It is the only large oasis for many miles, so it may be where the cult has sent their soldiers.

A desert mouse hides in his burrow, scared and anxious from the oasis's latest drinkers. It also sees hundreds of men, these with weapons and swords. Horses and camels, too. The mouse has been in hiding for days, and each day more men come.

It is likely that these are two images of the same oasis, and that the men are soldiers from their weapons, though I cannot say what side they belong to, perhaps I can pinpoint the oasis by the aerial view of the eagle. There should be a smaller oasis to the south of the larger one with the soldiers--this would mark it on the map.

This one has seen through the eyes of animals, so I cannot say for certain it is the cult, but he thought it worth reporting.

Zahid takes out a loaf of the unleavened bread for which desert travelers are known. He eats it normally, but careful observers might notice him storing bits in his cheek before he catches himself and swallows.

gilshem ironstone

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #51 on: March 13, 2011, 10:02:16 am »
*After four days being gone, Gel'larian and Viper return, lips chapped from rationing of water supplies.*

I can tell you this.  There are four hundred or more troops entrenched at that oasis.  And it is the only supply of water around.  If they hold it, they can out last the people fighting in Audira maybe.  They can even outlast us if help does not come to us.

*He plods slowly over to a patch of shade and sits quietly.*


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #52 on: March 13, 2011, 10:07:59 am »
Viper walks off somewhere by herself with a canteen in order to drink in peace before returning again.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #53 on: March 13, 2011, 10:50:22 am »
A lone halberdier stands frozen with fear amid the chaos of Audaria.
 Protect an Ilsarian Bard! well thats all well and good but where is he. The others are dead, the city has gone to the Pits in a basket - and someone and get this, someone has put a homocidal dwarf in charge of the defence. He has started hanging his own side for having the audacity to be scared of fighting dragons!
 "This is a long way from the Muse." he adds clicking his heels subconciously together. He moves off to ask someone where he might find his bard and quickly too before there is no one left to ask!


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #54 on: March 14, 2011, 07:41:27 pm »
After the three parties of adventurers meet once more, Zahid approaches Pallena to discuss private matters regarding the battle at the oasis.

This one brings news that confounds sense, Pallena. The force routed at the Keshtan Oasis, led by the leader of the Hands of Fate, a force known for its recent adventurer hunting and terrorism of the Sederra sands had druids amongst their ranks. Their concerted efforts kept the shifting sands still when I attempted to move them. I imagine these must have been rogue druids, but the fact remains. Should we inform the council? It is clear we could be denounced for our activity, but those druids were also breaking neutrality by siding with Cult-friendly forces. What is your counsel?


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #55 on: March 14, 2011, 08:26:38 pm »
*A weary Pallena turns to Zahid, grunting softly, then looks around to ensure there are none within earshot*

Misguided fools though they may be . . . or were - I assume with that bunch attacking, they left nothing alive - if Nature graced them with her powers, then doubtless they were doing what their misled little brains thought was in the best interest of Nature. I suppose there's always the possibility that their minds were quite literally poisoned by the cult, but its equally possible they simply believed adventurers are unnatural forces that muck up the desert. *shrugs, then looks over where the hill used to be*

*She pauses* Do you never wonder why Rhizome never gives widespread orders on these things? He respects us enough to know that we will follow our own beliefs, and that we know our own lands. Or seas, as the case may be. The order the East Druid was unusual... he was probably just desperate. And he saw the folly of his ways, and loosened the reins enough for you to have no doubts about your actions here. We are given a large dose of autonomy for a reason. Even the Great Oak's children disagree about how to protect nature. Small wonder that we do. But the hierarchy accommodates that.

*grunts* I s'pose to answer your question directly, if they are not rogues, whoever stands above them in the hierarchy will want to know that they will need to find replacements, and if they are, can't hurt to pass the word along.

*Takes a deep breath, and places her hands on a palm tree* If you have more questions, you know how to find me. *With that, she taps into the tree's life-thread, and disappears*


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #56 on: March 16, 2011, 03:19:08 am »
// Some people have told me what their characters do after the vial is secured. What does everyone else do?

Script Wrecked

Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #57 on: March 16, 2011, 03:40:34 am »
// You mean apart from leaving Hardragh hanging as to whether they'll give the Long Storm a dose of the Cure? *cough* ;) //

Argali watches a moment as the giant eagles disappear towards the horizon carrying their toxic cargo. She hopes the Long Storm heard her requirement for the eagles' safe passage north.

She turns and looks to the others. "Zo, Audirra? Zome of you have been chomping at the bit to be returrning therre, no?" she adds with a small grin.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #58 on: March 16, 2011, 04:52:30 am »
*Tralek looks around his party seeming quiet satisfied at the outcome of their combined actions.  He stares off at the eagles until the dots in the sky disappear.  He plops down on the sandy dune as he knives his sword in the sand next to him.*  Well we've done the best we can to get that vial out of here and some place to be studied.  I won't say I'll miss it.  I say we rest our bones and recover our strength.  Then its off to Audira.  Those folks are gona need all the help they can get.


Re: Sederra Defense RP thread
« Reply #59 on: March 16, 2011, 08:00:07 am »
Yes, I think we must try to help them, although getting there may be a war in itself.

