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Author Topic: Stormcry Hollows  (Read 4263 times)


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #40 on: May 20, 2011, 02:41:06 pm »
Daniella finally arrives, looking battle-weary, but clean.  She looks around at those gathered.

"So you all are the ones that will be going to Stormcry Hollows."  She nods respectfully to Jennara.  "Commander Creekskipper, I'm glad you'll be going with this team."

She looks around once more, pursing her lips.

"There are a few things that are important to know before you head off.  If you will bear with me a moment, I will tell you quickly, and then leave you to your planning.

"It is our belief that the blood pool as well as the dead body of the Broken One are one and the same.  It will be tricky to find a place to get through the hide of the dragon in order to destroy the blood pool within, but I believe it to be possible in some way.

"In addition to that, should a stonebound person drink from the dragon, it is believe that they will turn into Myr'drachs.  There may be some that have been captured that the cult may be using to turn into more monsters.  There may be slaves and innocents there that you may wish to try to save as well.  Do what you can, but remember that the first and primary goal of this mission is to destroy the bloodpool.  The fate of Hilm and very likely the world may rest on your one chance at this."

Daniella looks again at Jennara.  "Since I had originally appointed the Mercenary, Steel, in charge of this group, he is still the leader.  If he should not show up, or if it becomes necessary, Commander Creekskipper, I trust you to take control of the mission and see it through."

She looks at everyone again.  "Thank you for volunteering.  May the gods favor us in this task."

She waits in case anyone has questions, but does not linger long.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2011, 03:26:59 pm »
*Jennara looks directly at Hardragh.* Perhaps in the future, you will consider the consequences of promising something you have no right or ability to give.  Keep trying and you may one day actually do a good deed.

*She turns her attention to Daniella's arrival and nods when nodded to.*  I am not concerned with the position of leadership, but I will do my best if it should become necessary that I take the position.

*She pauses a moment, then looks back to Hardragh before anyone else can speak.  Though clearly an acidic tone, there is sincerity behind it.*  Despite your insistence on behaving as an eternally ten-year-old boor, I made a personal request that one dose of the cure be set aside as payment for Yzyartkadrania's assistance.  It has not been delivered, so if my assistance is too much for you to bear, I can rescind my request.  I would not want you to feel that I had made life too easy and prevented you from learning and growing.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #42 on: May 20, 2011, 04:19:35 pm »
Upon Jennara's last words, he raises his head a little to glance at both Hardy and her - then lowers it again, humming to himself very, very quietly.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2011, 05:28:15 pm »
**Lance arrives some minutes later, his gaze upo all of the members of the team , he nods at Daniella as she is already there, the man seems tired and yet somehow at peace  *

I've come just to wish you all a good luck with this mission, I am sure you all know the importance of it, so i won't put more words to it, **he glances to each one and smiles*

May the gods be with us, The siege will hopefully took the majority of their troops atention. but still be careful. and may you return to us in good health .

**he stays in the room for some more minutes *


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2011, 05:48:37 pm »
*Hardragh leans back and shows a slight hint of amusement and relief*

"Seems I spoke out of turn then. Ill mannered might be apt, but I prefer to speak my mind rather than offering curtsies. I shall do my best though to add to the success of our mission, if that means getting you to the bloodpool alive and well, so be it. Reckon I am looking forward to facing these Myr'Drachs in narrow tunnels, where they won't be able to scatter ranks."

gilshem ironstone

Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2011, 06:20:39 pm »
He leans over to Hardragh and whispers with a smile.

"Dont worry Hardragh, I was not planning on missing anyway."


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2011, 07:11:38 pm »
*Wren listens to Daniella and then nods*

If Steel does not show up then we follow Miss Jennara's lead. *He looks around the room* Any objections to that?. Commander Stormhaven what of the diversion? I believe that was something Steel was working on with you.


Re: Stormcry Hollows
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2011, 07:28:43 pm »
Daniella nods.  "Yes, we've sent the fleet so that they should begin their attack on Westgate before your team gets to the destination.  Storold Doesscha is also leading another small group from what I understand, striking areas within Westgate as well.  With these two diversions, hopefully it will pull whatever remaining forces they can spare to defend their capital city, leaving holes for your team to get through to the target."