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Author Topic: Money for Equipment  (Read 162 times)


Money for Equipment
« on: January 06, 2009, 02:47:32 pm »
Several letters similar to the one below, though individually targeted for each reader's area of expertise, are sent to various makers and suppliers of armor, hand weapons, crossbows, rations, blankets, and other soldierly supplies across Mistone and even some on Alindor:

Quote from: Jennara Creekskipper
Sir, greetings from Commander Jennara Creekskipper.

May this letter find you well.

I would make a purchase from your establishment.

Before said purchase can be transacted, I require information on the available stock of chain shirts and hauberks and of shields, and the prices requested for each.  Also, information on your ability to deliver or have delivered the items would be appreciated.

There can be little delay.  Please respond with haste.

May the Lord Protector shield you from harm,

Knight of the Wyrm Section Commander Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon

//Jennara has a little over 95,000gp.  Though it isn't very much, she is hoping to make use of it for the good of Mistone and Alindor by helping to move equipment from warehouses and shops to the people who can put it to use in the defense of the continents.  In other words, she wants to get potentially disinterested or procrastinating vendors moving with some cold, hard incentive.  She probably can't afford much from any one vendor or in any particular area, but she'd like to try to get the stuff out to militia leaders and guard captains and such who can assign it as needed.


Re: Money for Equipment
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2009, 10:56:31 pm »
*Jennara receives a bird*

Miss Jennara,

I have been thinking long and hard about the more mundane items in my store. I am more concerned now about running the Inn, and well, frankly relaxing, than running the shop. Some time you should stop by The Twin Dragon Inn at 137 Leringard and see if what I have might be of use. The items in question would be a multitude of copper, bronze and iron weapons, as well as much of the same in armors and shields.

My Thanks,
Tyrian Baldu'muur


Re: Money for Equipment
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2009, 02:35:46 am »
A letter.


Commander Creekskipper,

Whilst our institution is secular and apolitical, on behalf of the investors, I would be glad to make the offer of an additional 100,000 true towards your most worthy goal.

Arkolio de'Averlain

The Vault Guild
Competitive Banking since 1435