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Author Topic: Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys  (Read 408 times)

Script Wrecked

Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys
« on: February 22, 2009, 12:45:04 am »
**Argali Trueaxe speaks to Captain Rord in Vehl, saying she has a message for his superiors from the Bird Lord of Katia (that he'd better listen to, coaxing or cajoling Rord as required). If necessary, in a hushed tone, she mentions the fleet of the Dragon Cult, which she is expecting him to have some knowledge of.

As (and when) she is granted an audience, she relays the following information.**

"The winged m... the Birrd Lorrd of Katia reporrts that the fleet of two dozen ships with the hundrreds of zoldierrs and six Drrachs makes the way for the landfall in the Battlehelm Moors within the week.

"Given the prroximity of the Dapplegrreen to the Battlehelm Moorrs, he iz thinking they should be warrned, if not evaculated."

**She looks pointedly to the audience members, blatantly expecting them to take some sort of action.**
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Script Wrecked

Warning From The Bird Lord - Brelin
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2009, 12:58:31 am »
**Argali Trueaxe speaks to whomever she spoke with previously(1), saying she has a message from the Bird Lord of Katia. If they appear reluctant, she mentions the fleet of the Dragon Cult, which she is expecting them to have some knowledge of. She relays the same information she gave to the Co'rysians.**

"The Birrd Lorrd of Katia reporrts that the fleet of two dozen ships with the hundrreds of zoldierrs and six Drrachs makes the way for the landfall in the Battlehelm Moors within the week."

(1) in a PM to Harlas

Script Wrecked

Warning From The Bird Lord - Ulgrids
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2009, 01:00:44 am »
**Argali Trueaxe dispatches a message to the Ulgrid Kingdom of the plight that now faces their neighbours.**


Re: Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2009, 01:21:38 pm »
*A message sent to Argali*
 If we are aware of their landing zone, perhaps we can delay their landing long enough to disable some of their forces. Also, we can make the area they have to travel slow, arduous to lower their strength and endurance. Dig trenches that they have to crawl through while our arrows rain down on them. Stacks of logs or wire strung across the area that they will have to manuever over and through, while our war weapons, arrows and spells consume them. We are at the advantage. We have a bit of time to prepare the landing area and set up our defenses. Their disadvantage is that they are already handicapped by coming in from the sea. Their attacks are limited due to range and what they can carry, and thier armors are heavy. If we can get them to drown or remove their armors, then our defense is even more solid.
 I may be able to supply some of the best archers of the Wolfswood Ranger Corps to take out the biggest threats as they come into land.
 Rodlin Serim
 Captain, Wolfswood Ranger Corps

Script Wrecked

A Message Arrives For The Captain Of The Wolfswood Rangers
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2009, 07:54:43 pm »
Captain Rodlin Serim,

Thank you very much for the offer of the archers.

The problem we face at the moment is that we don't know the place of their landing. She tries to rustle up as many eyes as she can, but the coastline of the Battlehelm Moors is long and the terrain is difficult.

It occurs to Argali that their forward scouts may have already landed or be in place, and perhaps they even seek to enlist the aid of the swampfolk, especially given the apparently similar nature, at least superficially, of the swampfolk to the Drachs.

And let us not forget the Drachs. While their ability as shock troops are well known, if they can make the sustained flight, they make the excellent scouts as well, like the eagles in the sky.

We have many challenges ahead of us, and many things are still unknown at this stage. All assistance is much appreciated.

~Argali Trueaxe


Re: Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2009, 02:16:05 am »
**Dispatches a small detail of his finest scouts to look for any signs of forces or enemy scouts already being on land.*


Re: Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2009, 01:18:15 am »
**Under the cover of the night, a man walks stealthily through the Battlehelms moors. He dons a wolf helmet, a bow and two bladed sword strapped to his pack. He walks slightly through the murky water, as a hunter tracking his prey. Ever watching for the enemy. He needs no light as his heritage finally proves good for something. And so, it is like a specter walking through the water. He is restless and on guard, as he knows the native of the moors are nearby, ready to take his life at any moment, without notice. But yet, it doesn't deterrent him from what he was asked to do by Argali.

When it is time for him to rest, he finds a secluded tree that has fallen and hallowed out with time. He makes it his refuge, and train his meditation and Ki in it's protection. If not training, he looks up at the moons at night, sighing for a presence he longs.**


Re: Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2009, 05:09:38 pm »
*Unaware of more recent news, Idoran flips through a journal, pausing on certain passages, and ironically wonders about this very event. HJe gets up and leave a small local inn, and heads south for a stop at the Stormcrest Crossroads.*

Lord Dark

Re: Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2009, 07:02:45 pm »
*Tod sits on a tree branch, blending a little with the surrounding gloom, to watch the coast line in the Battlehelm Moors. He waves to Fehriel when he passes underneath. He slips down the trunk and lays on Fehriel's log to stick his head in to ask whether they want to band together or if Fehriel wants to cover one half and Tod cover the other.*


Re: Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2009, 09:07:10 pm »
**Fehriel opens his eyes looking up at Tod and smiles a little**

Well not the cuteness and height I was hoping to see here, but I'm glad to see you.

*When, Tod asks him if he wants to band together Fehriel answers**

It sure would be less lonesome, although I think we should still check the moors separately periodically. We can meet up here to camp though.

//Edit, sheesh not only does it take me a long time to type with my blackberry but in a moving bus it's hard to spot typos too.

Lord Dark

Re: Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2009, 10:13:28 pm »
*laughs at the cuteness and hieght comment and quickly quietens down, looking around and nods to the periodic scouting.*
 Guess I'll go first. *shrugs* I'll come back when I'm tired. If I see anything, I'll come back as fast as I can. If ya have t' leave for some reason, leave a note or somethin' that I'll be able t' tell was left by you. *nods and pulls his hood up to cover as much of his face as possible and heads off to do his part.*


Re: Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2009, 04:38:05 pm »
Okay, I am officially hooked on this one. It's got everything: sneaking, hiding, baddies and goodies, drachs, no idea what's going to happen... Can't wait for the next instalment.


Re: Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2009, 09:44:04 pm »
*After Rodlin receives the report from one of his scouts, he sends the message to various other ranger posts through Mistone. Anyone that has been roving the Moors have been stopped by random Wolfswood Ranger scouts and briefed on the latest news.*
 Recently, a Wolfswood Ranger Scout found an abandoned camp site in the most Southern parts of Battlehelm Moors. According to the report, the approximate size of force was fifty to two-hundred. This data is based on the size of the campsite and the number of campfires that were burnt. It was also noted that there were no trolls or lizards. The weapon of choice for the force was small sharpened stakes. Some of the snares that were set up were still in place. Based on the weathering of the fire and the absence of tracks, the estimated time of last occupation of the camp is several days.
 Determining by the way the camp was set up and the general area, the force came from the South and was heading North.
 The scout went North to investigate the findings further. After a two-hour hike, better tracks were revealed. The route of the force is definitely North.

After a longer trek North, approximately three hours, the scout came across another campsite. This site appears to be about the same age as the initial one found to the South. From this campsite, the force split in half and one group went North Northwest and the other North Northeast.

Little clues about direction and what they are have been left behind due to the rain and wetness of the land.


Re: Warning From The Bird Lord - Co'rys
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2009, 03:13:08 am »
*Shortly after, Fehriel comes and makes a report of his own*

//see cdj for it.

