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Author Topic: . . . *As the dust still settles *  (Read 1534 times)

Lance Stargazer

. . . *As the dust still settles *
« on: August 08, 2012, 11:59:49 pm »
*The group is stil arriving at the inn, tired and dirt after the awful things that just transpired into the prision, A contingent of Rofirenite guards comes into the group escorted by Sagewaldians authorities, to present the autenticity of their presence there.

They present the paperwork to the group as how Councilman Grue is under arrest for crimes against humanity and abuse of power, the order is effective inmediately, This effectively removing all the titles and positions that the man has till the investigation its done, As this is being explained the Rofirenite guards are already taking the man with them towards one of the prefectures into the city.

The man curses as he is being taken away and start to yells order to arrest people around, raving liike a madman, furious and angry*

*Aesthir standing amoung the group, start to walk over alongside the guards following them to see for the well being of the councilman *
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Re: . . . *As the dust still settles *
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2012, 12:46:05 am »
The bard stares in dismay as Aesthir and lawmen overrun his inn - he tries his best to be cordial and keep up with the madness.  He and Elly empty shelves to feed the hungry slaves, forcing a closing of the soup kitchen for a few days, and have never been more grateful that Gunther brought them so much fish.  Jetta is off on some investigation of her own and the town is in crisis with the council compromised.  He'll ask Arelius to step back into power, and there have been some none-too-subtle hints he should run for a seat.

Well, maybe.  He's pretty sure he'd be terrible though.

No time to consider it.  Rice is steaming in a pot, bread is rising, the Inn is full to bursting and closed to patrons while they make repairs (and if he ever finds that bloody gnome who talked Gunther into pounding a hole in his meeting room wall...).  The Gunther-sized hole in the ceiling is not a good candidate for an actual skylight according to his trusted contractor, and they give up and have it re-timbered and new slate shingles tapped on instead.  

The gnomes leaving for Stone lessen the pressure on resources and space and some of the children are picked up by the locals they were taken from.  Many others wait, along with halflings and their latest charges, the lobotomized from the sanitarium.  Those latest will go to Krandor Hospital as soon as they are fit to travel.  They have bird messages out to as many of the slave's relatives as they can verify.  A scant handful have nowhere to go.  

In that handful are some older children; old enough to apprentice to a temple or a trade, and they are arranging that placement now.  But there are others too young to apprentice.  Not many, and he thinks he has surrogates lined up for a few of them, leaving...Lola.

She's a human and very scared of dwarves; she hides when she sees them.  Her left eye is missing, there is only a socket left, and she won't say why.  She is quiet to the point of being eerie and wakes most nights in the bed next to Clarisse's screaming out night terrors.  She often tries to sneak into he and Minu's bed after one of her many nightmares.  She knows Mama and Dada won't be coming for her.  She won't say why or how she knows that.  She knows more about mining than he does.  She knows how to work a gem chisel.  She's five years old.

They haven't talked about her but from the clinic, somehow she came upstairs, then into Clarisse's room, and now...the way he and Minu look at each other, they both know.  Lola will be staying with them.


Re: . . . *As the dust still settles *
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2012, 08:07:30 am »
Cord gently accepted the key given to her by Andrew, and took the children upstairs pushing the couch and chairs out of the way, and turning the living room into a campground. She gathered them around the make shift campfire, with warm cups of cocoa, telling stories, and playing music until the last child had fallen asleep to lullaby's being sung. She had originally came just to deliver some silk but she also understood what the children had to be going through, and it was her way to distract them from the Rofies invading the inn. Cord had been more than willing to help and stay with them until the dust settled again, and eventually she wound up in the middle of the children resting herself.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: . . . *As the dust still settles *
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2012, 10:16:08 am »
*Melody makes her way back to the Silver Buckle and continues her assistance with th the less fortunate.  She invites the children to an out of he way corner, and in a sitting circle, she entertain them with story, song and illusion tricks.  She makes a game out of tossing drapes into their mouths, everyone laughing when she missed.  As the evening started to wear down, for those that stayed with her, she made blanket forts for them to sleep in.  And as they drifted off to sleep, visions of butterflies and fairies flew about them, tickling their noses and dropping fading cascades of lights of fairy dust upon them to help them sleep.  After all the children finally nodded off, Melody sank back into a pile of cushions holding her harp.  Her fingers twitch and feet shift as troubled dreams invade her.*

Lance Stargazer

Re: . . . *As the dust still settles *
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2012, 01:30:35 pm »
*Calm and with his gaze and features undisturbed, the Knight in gold is seen movng around the city, sending several falcons, and couriers from the Hold. some using portals , some using ships and some even on feet*

*The Chaos hunter is not seen much of the outside, just an ocassional glance of him can be seen in the city, the guard moving to try to put the chaos under control *


Re: . . . *As the dust still settles *
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2012, 02:03:36 pm »
The freed slaves empty out a little at a time.  The inn's roof is repaired, securities and protective magics re-established, and a substantial and shiny payment offered his Security Chief to maintain her loyalty and mute the worst of her gripes.  Extra food is bought and prepared, so the soup kitchen can re-open, and things begin to settle down...a bit.

The bard returns to the Sanitarium a few days after their hurried escape to take some water samples if he can, as well as samples from the local wells and the Buckle's wells.


Re: . . . *As the dust still settles *
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2012, 06:43:33 pm »
At least half of the freed slaves make their ways back to their families and reunite with friends who take them in.  Those who remain form a ramshackle tent city on the outskirts of town.  Though the slaves are undoubtedly appreciative and sing praises of the party who freed them, some of the local people consider them a strain on the economy and a nuisance to some, particularly the nobles and upper class.  

As if to break away from the mold and act as an example, Arelius himself pours large amounts of his estate into helping feed and care for these people.  He and his wife Clarise, too old to bear children of their own and robbed of the opportunity, decide to adopt no less than two dozen of the unclaimed children, with the remainder going to local families, temples and the like.  He also employs twenty good men to start up a shipping caravan business, and 6 women to serve as maids and nannies for the children.  The majority of his new hires are gnomes of course, so they take up the company name of "Littlefoot Pathfinders".

The pygmies band together and speak of a decision from the Witchdoctor Ordnu.  Though some set out to return to their former tribes, most band under him to form a new tribe formed out of their common bonds of slavery.  They seek a new land to call their own and talk to many seafarers and traders about possibilities.

News of the collapse of Grue's Sanitarium spreads, and he is incarcerated for Treason, Murder and Crimes against Humanity.  The tales spill forth of the vast cruelties performed on patients under his care, and the remaining members of the council saved are mad from the operations performed on their brains by the mind flayers.  Bounty posters come down for Alice/Edna and Duncan, now confirmed dead from the bodies exhumed from the wreckage, among over 80 assorted corpses caught in the cave-in.  Some Razorback Operatives that you defeated, some innocent patients drowned in their cells, prison guards and others determined to have died long before from Grue's sick experiments.

Ex-Councilman Lewis Grue is handed over to the local authorities pending preparations for his trial.  The severity of the law is set high with the penalty of death by hanging.


Re: . . . *As the dust still settles *
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2012, 07:51:32 pm »
The children who were slaves are not left to struggle in the tent city; Andrew and Elohanna, in an interesting repetition of some very old history, move chests and crates and set up cots in the basement.  The doors to the two private rooms and the storage room are now kept locked and the children are provided a home in the Buckle until such a time as they are found homes elsewhere.

Along with Arelius the Silver Buckle provides both necessities and food to the tent city to aid the former slaves, using purchases from local merchants to stimulate the economy*.  Andrew and Elohanna write to all they know, trying to find places for the displaced; perhaps some go to the Tower Academy and others are hired to work at the Buckle on the grounds or assisting with the soup kitchen, and others sent to help at Krandor Hospital.  All able-bodied that can be found a home and work are.

*Let me know a total of coin and deduct it from Andrew's account


Re: . . . *As the dust still settles *
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2012, 08:44:24 pm »
*Jetta even lends a hand with any of the slaves, especially the younger ones, who end up staying at the Buckle for very long.  Given her nature, some might rightly find this suspicious activity on her part.  When no one's looking or listening in on her interactions with the 'Buckles new guests, she'll be sounding out some for possible groomng as minions for her own purposes.  She'll start by seeing which ones respond best and most eagerly to simple rewards for simple tasks.  From those she'll begin finding out which ones are most likely to be able to keep secrets, and weeding out the ones most likely to rat her out.  From the last few remaining, she'll see which are most easilly manipulated without catching on to being manipulated, and which ones will actually stand up to defend her against those who might try to slander her good name or point out her attempts at manipulation.*


Re: . . . *As the dust still settles *
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2012, 08:41:18 pm »
Elohanna makes sure there is fresh food enough as much as she can, buying what she can with her own funds for the inn as well, making trips as needed to bring in supplies and contacting friends as well who she knows she can rely on to offer aid.

She also spends time with the children checking on their wounds to make sure they are healing, researching what healing water they were able to bring back, the books she was able to bring back regarding surgery to broaden her knowledge of healing and understanding into the mind.

She also takes time to spend with the children, playing with them and entertaining, trying to talk with them as much as she can, to get them to open up and does a few magic tricks as well.

As time wears on though she grows especially close to one of the smaller girls, and can be seen holding her in her lap, rocking her as she looks like she has woken from dream and she spends time trying to comfort her.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

