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Author Topic: *On each donation crate*  (Read 157 times)


*On each donation crate*
« on: December 08, 2006, 02:07:05 pm »
*On each donation crate, a parchment is tacked.*

Madam or Master Donor,

Your continued donations are greatly appreciated.  It should be noted, though, that citizens of Roldem, and, indeed, the vast majority of the citizens of Layonara, have no great need of ivy leaves, glass beads, empty ale bottles, bee's wax, small bottles of blood, inedible animal parts (such as venom sacks and octopus's tentacles), small packets of dead fleas, or various other knick-knacks and oddities.  

If you should have such items and wish to donate, it would be far better to speak with one of the pawn brokers of Point Harbor and leave herein a donation of coin.  If there is some reason such a transaction is impossible, the trash barrel just within this tavern's door is favorably placed to receive those items of which neither you nor the Roldemians have any need.

Thank you very much for your continued concern,

Knight of the Wyrm Flagbearer Jennara Creekskipper
Heart of the Dragon

