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Author Topic: Adventurers needed  (Read 100 times)


Adventurers needed
« on: March 09, 2009, 11:47:11 pm »
[SIZE=16]Are you brave, adventurous and strong of spirit? I hope so. I am looking for people to come and explore a crypt I have heard rumors of near Thorn river. If you are afraid of the dark, this might not be the best thing for you.

We will meet in a week, in the freelancers inn, from where we will depart for our journey. Bring your wits, bandages and healing potions, as I have no idea what awaits for us. Mages and Clerics are always welcome with open arms.

Fehriel Cailomel
*A wolf print is drawn under his name*[/SIZE]

// I am aiming to make this trip for 10:30 PM est. Check the calendar please. All level are welcome, but be mindful that there will probably be a few low levels too.

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