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Author Topic: Bloody faced Mural  (Read 103 times)


Bloody faced Mural
« on: February 14, 2009, 06:09:51 pm »
Residents of Mariners Hold were shocked yesterday when a wall in the city centre, painted in a beautiful mural by artists just the day before suddenly started weeping what appeared to be blood. The red substance soon covered the entire mural and stained the ground for at least 40 foot a dark red.

When authorities apprehended the artists they denied any responsibility for the incident. Locals who witnessed the arrest grew angry and militia were forced to remove the artists to a safe location for further questioning.

Against Militia requests crowds of angry residents began seeking out other artists around the city who were completing works. Authorities have come forth and halted all artistic work in the city until the incident can be investigated further. They feel there may be a correlation to the defacing of a statue in the city in previous days.