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Author Topic: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine Relief  (Read 538 times)


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2011, 04:10:40 pm »
*Tyrian sips on an ale in the corner of the Buckle watching the comings and goings after speaking with Andrew. She finishes her ale, nods to Andrew, waves,  and disappears in a quick flash of light*


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2011, 04:16:56 pm »
Andrew waves to Tyrian as his ex-landlady poofs, humming to himself.  One last sweep while Edward and Daniel keep an eye, then he and Melody vanish for about thirty minutes into the basement - those with dirty minds who might evesdrop are put to rest when singing is heard, faintly, from behind the heavy double doors, and nothing more incriminating.

Andrew is back upstairs when Tyra arrives and meets her by the stage to speak.


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2011, 04:21:25 pm »
"Greetings Andrew.  I had heard you were looking for some help with security during your auction.  I would be glad to keep an eye on things for you.  Oh, and I brought some food."  She offers him the box of fish with a smile.  "I don't plan to bid, but I thought my stay in Stone would be a good time to collect some food anyway."


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2011, 04:24:45 pm »
His right eyebrow threatens to crawl into his scalp at her polite tone.  "Sure...thank you.  Although Jillian Stewart is working security, so what I need is someone to hold the receipts and food and verify that they're correct, if you're up for that."


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2011, 04:29:08 pm »
"I believe I can do that well enough.  And I even brought some respectable clothes to wear, instead of my brooding black armor."


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2011, 04:36:21 pm »
He nods and hands her a list of the rules.  "Please make sure after a winning bid that they turn in as many as we agree on - some items can be bid on with half down, and half to be turned in later, or combinations of True and food - and that the slips or boxes meet the rules.  Then, please hold the receipts or boxes for me until after the auction.  Thank you.  Help yourself to food and drink."

He turns, then turns partly back, head down and speaking quietly.  "Ty's gone, by the way.  He struck out on his own a week ago.  I'd check the Bulls-Eye, the Twin Dragons or the Arms if you are looking for him."


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2011, 06:52:19 pm »
Tyra frowns, but nods.  "Thanks for telling me, Andrew.  I'll, uh, keep an eye on him, if you like."

Guardian 452

Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2011, 07:29:51 pm »
// If this starts at 7pm CST I will be missing it, I had 2 characters with several boxes gathered and donated. But family comes 1st and I have to get supper done etc.

I liked the idea and I hope it goes over well... and another is done.



Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2011, 07:49:38 pm »
//It will be going on until midnightish

Guardian 452

Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2011, 07:59:59 pm »
// awesome I hope I can stop in.  Wife is giving me the green light so once supper is done I will be swinging by.

Guardian 452

Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #30 on: August 31, 2011, 12:16:49 am »
// good show all that put this on. Glad I was able to attend!


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2011, 12:23:01 am »
//Fun event the way it was layed out and execellent idea. (especially with our broken economy ;)  )  Great rp and it was nice seeing all the new char's.


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2011, 12:38:33 am »
He is too tired to move, waiting for sleep to steal from the shadows by the bed and mug him into somnial oblivion.  Minu is awake still but attempting reverie.  They both know the other is awake but neither want to talk and the silence is oddly comfortable.

Despite Saida's presence at the auction - Muse curse her for her arrogant, flippant abuse of everyone around her - nothing too devastating happened.  Mr. Sho did not (to his knowledge) burn or otherwise molest the dwarf watching his inn.  Saida threatened Jillian, personally, but no one died - this time.  And thank Ilsare, a thousand times over, that Emwonk is off doing something elsewhere.  Tyra behaved, perhaps better than he's ever seen her, and Minu said yes.

She said yes.  He didn't allow himself to think too deeply about it, until he was kneeling in front of her.  He didn't tell anyone but Zira and Em.  No one knew it was coming, and so they ignored it until his proposal was halfway through.  She said yes.  He is going to get married.

He should write his mother.

So much food downstairs, so many people to thank.  Melody he's already thanked, and he feels lucky to have her.  Really lucky.  Ha-ha-she's-mine lucky.  You don't find someone like that every day.  Aden, who he barely remembers and didn't know the name of until Jillian told him, he has to thank, and she's already told him how.  Jillian herself, tireless, running his security; Daniel, patrolling until it looked like his knee brace would fall off.

Good people.  A good night, with fantastic deals had and people running away with tremendous items for nuts and grains.  But all that food will be feeding his people.  He's heard Boyer is having problems too, though - maybe the run-off auction will include donations there.  Yes, that will do.  He has to tally all that the morning...

Gods he's tired.  Sleep...would be so


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2011, 10:13:40 am »
After her long night of rest, Tyra wakes and finds Andrew in the Buckle, with a portfolio of receipts and a scroll.

"Here ya go.  Every receipt we collected, along with a list of the crates of actually food delivered.  I may have missed a few transactions, but every receipt is here, and I noted who donated how much, and who payed half and owes things.  Hope you can read my handwriting."  She grins, and then goes to the kitchen to make herself breakfast.


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2011, 04:04:39 pm »
As the first rays of sunshine break the horizon the day after the famine relief auction, a tired and filthy Emwonk wanders in through the front door of the Silverbuckle Inn. A stands for a moment near the doorway to allow his eyes time to adjust to the darker confines of the inn. A yellow tabby-cat takes a quick sniff, catching the not so subtle stench of the local sewers wafting off Emwonk's person and then turns tail to trot off into some other corner of the inn. After this, Emwonk begins to make his way back through the kitchen toward Elohanna's office so that he may once again avail himself the use of her fountain to clean himself and his gear.
 Before he can make it halfway through the kitchen, however, Emwonk is assualted by the shrill sound of Helloise shrieking at the sight of him, and narrowly ducks the broom swung in his direction. The furious woman shouts at him.
 "OUT! OUT! YOU FILTHY, WRETCHED THING! I DON'T CARE WHAT MISTER REID SAYS, YOU WILL NOT ENTER THIS INN LIKE THAT!," a pause to catch her breath as she continues to chase Emwonk through the inn back toward the front door, "OUT, I SAY! YOU'VE TRACKED ENOUGH SOIL IN TO PLANT POTATOES, AND I WILL NOT HAVE IT!"
 Scared for his life at the terrifying vissage pressented by the angry woman, Emwonk shoots as quickly as he can back out the front door, boosting his natural running speed with weaves of the Current and chanting repeatedly, "Flow!, flow!, flow!, flow!, flow!, flow!"
 The blaze of the rising sun in his eyes as he passes outside, Emwonk comes to a halt to hear the heavy-footed Helloise stop just inside the door. The woman commands, "Now, strip right there and I will bring you a bucket and soap for you to wash with! Your clothes may just have to be burned!"
 Despite the humiliation of the ordeal, Emwonk did as instructed. When Helloise returned with bucket of water and bar of lye soap, he felt a moment of dissorientation akin to dejavu. There was something of the whole scene that seemed somehow familiar, as though this had happened to him before. Yet the memory, if that is what it was, remained ellusive and Emwonk pondered what it could mean.  So intensely focussed on the elussive memory were his thoughts that he didn't even object to cleaning the trail of soil he'd tracked in when the woman ordered him to after he'd finished washing and gotten dressed again in cleaner clothes.


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #35 on: August 31, 2011, 06:15:39 pm »
After the auction, with more food still due, Andrew spends an entire day with ink pots, quills, and ledger tallying up the response. He hums, then sings, as the numbers add up...

Donated to The Foundation:

Sage        23
Garlic   22
Honey   42   
Slice of Corn Bread   1
Milk   56
Fruit (assorted)   409
Meals (assorted)   3
Flours (assorted)   2
Grains (assorted)   1318
Nuts (assorted)   16
Mushrooms (assorted)   25
Fish Filets (assorted)   161
Foraged Food   1
Cooked Meat   592
Salt   150
Pepper   2

Donated to the Rohden Alliance Famine Relief:

Garlic   16
Honey   135
Maple Syrup   19
Sugar Cane Stalk   35
Peppermint Leaf   24
Licorice Root   10
Eggs   4
Milk   11
Rhubarb Leaf   123
Fruit (assorted)   744
Grains (assorted)   1110
Nuts (assorted)   169
Mushrooms (assorted)   62
Fish Filets (assorted)   206
Pies   6
Roasts (assorted)   24
Cooked Meat   539
Salt   443
Sugar   91
Raw Meat*   123
Hops*   8

Combined totals for major food items:

Sage   23
Garlic   38
Honey   177
Maple Syrup   19
Sugar Cane Stalk   35
Peppermint Leaf   24
Licorice Root   10
Eggs   4
Slice of Corn Bread   1
Milk   67
Rhubarb Leaf   123
Fruit (assorted)   1153
Meals (assorted)   3
Flours (assorted)   2
Grains (assorted)   2428
Nuts (assorted)   185
Mushrooms (assorted)   87
Fish Filets (assorted)   367
Foraged Food   1
Pies   6
Roasts (assorted)   24
Cooked Meat   1131
Salt   593
Sugar   91
Pepper*   2
Raw Meat*   123
Hops*   8

*not valid for auction but no way to trace bidder


Re: From the Silver Buckle: A Very Special Auction for Famine R
« Reply #36 on: September 24, 2011, 08:18:59 pm »
Final numbers for the first auction, fifty downs tallied in:

Sage   23         
Garlic   43   
Honey   224   
Maple Syrup   44   
Sugar Cane Stalk   35      
Peppermint Leaf   24      
Licorice Root   10   
Eggs   4      
Slice of Corn Bread   1         
Milk   67   
Rhubarb Leaf   123      
Fruit (assorted)   1284
Meals (assorted)   3         
Flours (assorted)   2         
Grains (assorted)   2820   
Nuts (assorted)   185   
Mushrooms (assorted)   87   
Fish Filets (assorted)   411   
Steamed Rice   2      
Foraged Food   1      
Pies   6   
Roasts (assorted)   24   
Cooked Meat   1166   
Salt   768   
Sugar   91   
Pepper*   2   
Raw Meat*   123   
Hops*   8