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Author Topic: Angels Guild--Adventure Outfitters  (Read 128759 times)


Oi dropped off de neccessary
« Reply #860 on: March 14, 2016, 06:36:58 pm »

Oi dropped off de neccessary trues for ye foine work, 5500t.  Dat was de proice Oi tink wit all de rescources and me balance.

Natures tanks!

Zigruum, Druid of de Nature



Tori notices the guild got
« Reply #861 on: April 23, 2016, 02:56:10 pm »

Tori notices the guild got the better version of her belt in and checks with a member on taking it and a cloak from her credit. "Last I 'member, Miz Ferrit was sayin' it was somethin' in the forties, like."

//Nighteyes Cloak, 10k
//Exceptional Belt of Cunning, 10k
//Last Known Credit, 46,676 - 20k = 26,676?



Dear Mistress Tori,You do
« Reply #862 on: April 24, 2016, 08:07:42 am »

Dear Mistress Tori,

You do indeed have the credit listed.  However, you forgot about the 10% discount we offer when you buy two items at one time.  Your total cost would be 2,000 coins less.  Thank you very much for your business.




*A note is tacked up near the
« Reply #863 on: June 23, 2016, 04:13:49 am »

*A note is tacked up near the orders board*

Dear sirs and ladies of the Angels,

I've dropped off the neccessary material components to make 10 raise dead scrolls.  Please find them in the front drop off chest for orders and the remainder in the second from the front resource/barter drop off chest.  I will pay in trues when the scrolls are ready minus any balance I have aquired.

Yours cordially,

Ryubi Jingles



Your scrolls are ready for
« Reply #864 on: June 23, 2016, 08:02:10 pm »

Your scrolls are ready for pickup, Master Jingles.

//pm sent.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Thank you Master Daniel,As
« Reply #865 on: June 23, 2016, 10:39:34 pm »

Thank you Master Daniel,

As always quick and professional service.  I'll stop by shortly and present the necessary funds and collect my scrolls.


Ryubi Jingles

//Edit// *A note is left in the chest containing the now missing scrolls along with a few heavy sacks of coin*



For your records Corky took
« Reply #866 on: June 24, 2016, 03:23:15 am »

For your records Corky took some tiger gloves and a noble suit of comfort (or was it the other one) and left trues in those chests.  I didn't apply any discounts for the two items, so maybe adjust my paper.




Hi, Corky grabbed a gnomish
« Reply #867 on: July 13, 2016, 10:01:33 pm »
Corky grabbed a gnomish lens out of the magic things chest.  He didn't leave any trues because he's got some paper.  In addition, he would like two more crafted for him please.  He was hoping once the two new ones are ready for pickup, a 3-item discount could be applied and his paper adjusted accordingly with any remaining balance to be paid in hard earned trues.  Please let him know if this is acceptable.  In addition, he has attached what he believes to be a receipt for his last transaction.
Name of Customer: Corky Embercrackle
Date: 6/25/16
Prior balance: 
13,865 trues credit, per Daniel's slip of 10/23/15
Items Bartered:  na
Barter Value:  na
Purchase:  Noble Suit of Comfort (7570); Gloves of the Tiger (2750)
Price:  10320 less 10% = 9288
Paid:  10,320 true coins
Final Balance:  14,827 trues credit


Rebecca Poetr took 2 Cats 1
« Reply #868 on: July 14, 2016, 05:03:45 pm »

Rebecca Poetr took 2 Cats 1 rings and a Cats 1 ammy out of the jewelry chest and a set of iron reinforced clothing out of the other one.  She applied the discount for 4 items and added the appropriate coins into each chest where the items were taken.

Will need more things soon, but that's all the money she had at the time.



please delete
« Reply #869 on: July 17, 2016, 07:17:07 pm »

please delete



I took the following:Gloves
« Reply #870 on: July 17, 2016, 07:39:22 pm »

I took the following:

Gloves of the Scout 3,000

2 Visual enhancements  1,000

2 Addy shortswords 10,000

1 Mahog. quarterstaff 5,000

Total before discounts:  19,000

I left 4,000 true in coins

Remaining total: 15,000 minus any discounts/adjustments

Please look into the ledger and see what I have remaining and let me know.  I will then settle up if need be.

Many thanks,

*in large loopy gold ink*



// Last total I could find was on post #741 for 21,999 true.



please delete
« Reply #871 on: July 17, 2016, 07:17:36 pm »

please delete



please delete
« Reply #872 on: July 17, 2016, 07:16:35 pm »

please delete



Master Embercrackle,The other
« Reply #873 on: July 23, 2016, 04:13:29 pm »

Master Embercrackle,

The other two Gnomish Lenses are made and waiting in the Special Orders Chest by the door of the Angels Guild store.  Thank you for your business.

Ferrit Pandorn, Angels Guild


Name of Customer: Corky Embercrackle
Date: 7/23/16
Prior balance:  14,827
trues credit, per Ferrit's slip of 6/25/16
Items Bartered:  na
Barter Value:  na
Purchase:  3 Gnomish lenses (@6300)  (two to be delivered)
Price:  18900 less 15% = 16065
Paid:  0 coins + credit
Final Balance:  owes 1,238 trues on delivery

Guild member who took care of transaction:  Ferrit




A note left in the receiving
« Reply #874 on: September 12, 2016, 06:29:15 am »

A note left in the receiving chest, with numerous piles of neatly tied herb bundles and nuts:

"Dropped off some of the materials your sign says you especially want right now, for credit to my account with the guild.  The inventory is as follows:

35 (one box) of hazelnuts  (35 x 70 = 2450)

15 aloe plants (15 x 28 = 420)

9 skullcap leaves (9 x 66 = 594)

6 witch hazel sprigs (6 x 66 = 396)

Total of 3860 True value for my account."

The note is signed with the signature of Jenna Gale, and a number of tiny footprints tracked out of a blot of ink at one corner.

(( Left in the first 2 chests, as the 1st could hold nothing beyond the hazelnuts. ))

(( additional query:  what are the prices of the pipeweeds, and the ring of vines? They weren't on their relevant scroll price-lists. ))




Dear Miss Gale,Thank you for
« Reply #875 on: September 12, 2016, 11:14:35 am »

Dear Miss Gale,

Thank you for the resources you delivered.  I am sending you a sales slip under separate cover.  I think you will be pleasantly surprised with your balance.

I added the price of 3,500 trues for all class rings with two +1 attributes, such as the Vine ring.  Pipeweed is not an item we usually stock, but you may have the unprepared weed on hand for 15 trues each, and the one prepared weed for 50 trues.


Ferrit Pandorn, Angels Guild



A new note from Jenna Gale,
« Reply #876 on: September 13, 2016, 04:37:18 am »

A new note from Jenna Gale, left in the transactions chest:

"Purchasing, in today's visit:

2 x ring of sorcery 2  (3100 each x2= 6200)

1 x crow feather necklace (675)

2 x adept's stone gold (500 each x2= 1000)

5 x unprepared pipeweed (15 each x5= 75)

1 x prepared pipeweed (50)

SubTotal: 8000 (less discounts), from my standing account balance, please."

Signed by Jenna Gale, and decorated with a few tiny inky handprints from her pixie friend.



(Feel free to delete this one
« Reply #877 on: September 15, 2016, 07:35:16 am »

(Feel free to delete this one after reading)

Noticed in the shop today that the "Whips Slings Bullets & Crafted Magical Staves" and the "Uncommon Armor and Shields From Around The World" containers had no price lists, neither on the container or inside on a scroll.



Into the hall comes a tawny
« Reply #878 on: September 16, 2016, 05:42:30 pm »

Into the hall comes a tawny creature, leonine body stalking soundlessly across the boards.  Her eyes dart about displeasedly, looking at the walls and roof about her, but then focus on the many wares.  In very little time her eyes pick out a few druidic items, and she places them at one side upon a mat she lays out on the floor.  Then she sets out several boxes of gathered goods, waving between them and the magical objects, lookng to the clerk. 

"El wmo'hao wlehownwmmr mrwmaowoao mreh mrl'mao, vehl mrwmehwoao.  O'lao mrwmaoor aot'ehownwm?"  the tones roll from her tongue and lips, alien but clearly language, as she indicates the goods, and watches the clerk expectantly.  After a few minutes of waiting for an answer she could understand among the clerk's odd barbaric tongue, the one most everyone spoke in this place... she sighs and picks up her goods, and pushes a bag of coins across the mat. 

Picking up the selected items, she stalks out into the world again.


[ooc:  Elyse Wisplure (my wemic) purchased 2 x gem of lesser restoration (wands and spelled gems), 2x vine ring (miscellaneous and sundry jewellery), 1x leaves of the great oak (gloves), for 2x 90 = 180, 2x 3500 = 7000, and 2500, respectively.  Looking back at previous transactions I saw when I bought multiple things I was always given a multi-item discount of 20%, so I deducted that and left 144, 5600 and 2000 gold, respectively, in the three locations.]



A question to be sure I'm
« Reply #879 on: September 16, 2016, 05:51:15 pm »

A question to be sure I'm doing it right:  I think I remember from several years ago, being told to either leave a written note about purchases in the chest in-world, or leave a virtual note here.  But since its been a few years I wanted to double-check that we aren't expected to do both?


