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Author Topic: Note tacked to a training hall for new adventurers, somewhere on Mistone  (Read 189 times)


Ho there young traveler, o aged but startin traveler, me name's Görmungard Boulderanvil, n oi know how one ken git low n slow on coin.'
So oi'me wantin te make eh deal wit ye.
Git me Salt, aye, salt, oi beh cookin soon, n me bowl fer stew needs eh lot ov salt, by teh boxful!

Oi beh needin aht least 4 boxes ov teh salt, yeh ken find eht in many caves on Mistone, check teh seashores te, somtoimes teh tide leaves eh good pile ov eht by teh shore, o mebbe in eh cave whar teh water sits still n dries off as teh tides turn.

Anyhow, 400T fer eh box ov salt beh teh price oi'll beh payin' ye.

Entertainin' multiple contracts fer this, o'course.

Slap yer note on top o' dis, wi' eh name so oi'll know who n whatnot.

Görmungard B.

