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Author Topic: Bard For Hire - Chronicles of a Bird Lord  (Read 103 times)


Bard For Hire - Chronicles of a Bird Lord
« on: February 21, 2006, 12:24:17 pm »
A tall busy halfling tacks a note in various inns and meeting places.  I have many bard friends, to choose just one to help me with some writings was too much of a task. This is also a lot of work I do not wish to impose upon someone who may not have the time, so I'm offering this task for hire.
  • You must already have some first hand experience travelling with me or spending time talking to me.
  • You must respect Nature and the teachings of Katia.
  • You will be required to pose questions of me and have me recount various stories of my life.
  • You will be required to gather all that you have learned from myself and your own accounts and chronicle it for posterity and work with myself in some cases for editing
  • You will be required to write this in the Common tongue upon supplied parchment with supplied premium black ink.
 I offer 15000 gold for this task.  An additional 1500 gold for any additional languages that you may be able to scribe the chronicles.  In the case where more then one person is interested, I will consider a joint effort or seperate chronicles, however that may alter the payment terms, in which case I would discuss them first.  If you wish to take upon this task, you should know how to pass your intention to me.  Katia's blessings from the Great Forest, Plenarius Ashaley [/i]  // I'm looking for something to add to the Hall of Heroes and hopefully transcend versions of Layonara for historical purposes, heck maybe even drop a clue in for the future ;)  This can be done in PMs, IRC or in game, in game would be fun, but we know how difficult editing can be in game.


RE: Bard For Hire - Chronicles of a Bird Lord
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2006, 01:02:10 pm »
// OOC

When I say

  • You will be required to write this in the Common tongue upon supplied parchment with supplied premium black ink.

I don't mean using the in game quill system to write it, just RPing that it has to be written down. Email, Forum Post, attached doc, you can write it wherever.


Re: Bard For Hire - Chronicles of a Bird Lord
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2006, 02:33:52 pm »
//Oh, I am all for this. Writing's one of my favorite little hobbies, and we all know Pyyran's a wannabe Bard at heart.//

*A message sent by the Alliance's Postal Hawks.* //To be actually sent when Pyyran gets together 50 gold; just letting you know about Pyyran's interest, as well as my own.//

I hope that this message finds you well, Bird Lord, and also that it finds you swiftly. I have seen your notice, requesting a scribe for your tales, and offer my services as such.

I do not believe you would remember our several meetings, but even had we not met, I would know you on sight; I, myself, am usually garbed in blue, with red-slashed black below my coat. I hope this will serve to distunguish me from others, if we are to meet for the scribing of your tales.

Luck, and Katia's blessings upon you,

~ Pyyran Rahth
Adventurer by trade


Re: Bard For Hire - Chronicles of a Bird Lord
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2006, 06:41:54 am »
... Freldo looks at the note and ponders ...

Gee, an opportunity I'll have to miss as I don't know him.  For the better I guess, I'd probably make a joke out his legend anyway.

*shrugs and leaves and is promptly eaten by a bear.*


Re: Bard For Hire - Chronicles of a Bird Lord
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2006, 09:53:26 am »
While in the middle of conversation, Acacea spies the notice and goes to investigate; naturally the victim jumps out of the chair and makes a hasty excuse as to why they can't possibly chat for another hour or six, but she's already forgotten about them.  "Aha! Oh Pleni-Plen-Plen, what do you mean you can't choose just one? There's only one way to go, and the name of the way starts with an A and ends with a Cacea!"  She squints at a patron and tells them in an informative tone, "Of course, Acacea isn't an ACTUAL direction, I just meant he should hire me. See? Fear not! You will understand in time. The road to enlightenment is paved with pie. ...Only not really paved, because it would probably be all mushy and pretty nasty to walk on, with pie filling between your toes, you know? Hey! Your MOTHER was a crazy half pint who talks too much!"  She grumbles for a moment, torn between a prospective insult match and the notice, before the issue is resolved for her, another victim having run off.  "The title needs some serious adjustments, though! How about... Ruffled Feathers: The Chronicles of a Werechicken.   "Ahh so catchy! Sure to attract notice! I can't imagine why he didn't approach me directly! Must be eating too many worms...Poor Plenarius..."  She shakes her head woefully, and scrawls below the notice, "Plen! So sorry to hear about the side effects of worm-dieting. I'd love to do the Chronicles of a Werechicken, and absolutely can't imagine why you didn't approach me directly! I'm sure you just tried drinking and flying again, no worries. Do let me know!"  Acacea forgets to sign it, but as usual it's not really even necessary.


Re: Bard For Hire - Chronicles of a Bird Lord
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2006, 03:43:39 pm »
Plenarius escapes his vigil and takes a walk from the Greak Oak to Ozlo's Tower, humming quietly.  A swift breeze hurls a hawk upon the winds who nestles gently onto Plen's outstretched hand.  She regards him curiously and releases a couple notes from her talons before cocking her head to the side.

He reaches into his pack and pulls out a small fillet of carp and whispers warm words to his dedicated messenger before hoisting his arm in the air and launching her into the canopy with Katia's blessings.

Plen takes a seat near a small creek and reads over his few messages, nodding at times, smiling at other times, and a frown or too as well.  He picks himself up from the ground and takes flight back to the grove.

Gathering a few of his belongings from a small tent, he sits under the majestic leaves of the Heart of Layonara and begins to pen his replies...

