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Author Topic: Boots for Bards  (Read 98 times)

Boots for Bards
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:48:53 am »
Tired of hitting that flat note? Not being quick enough to avoid the booze bottle thrown at you at the local inn? You wish to lure that drunkard to throw the first punch to get him kicked out of the Inn so your show can keep going? Well got the perfect boots for you. They'll even protect you a little from that mage who's too drunk to understand the bards are not a practice dummy for their fire spells!
 Jaldrix's boots of Vivacity and only asking for 1000 true for them. It's a bargain!
 Armor Bonus +1 (ac Dodge Modifier stacks with your other ac bonuses gear)
 Damage Resistance: Fire Resist 5 / -
 Light Bright (20M) Red
 Skill Bonus: Perform +4
 Skill Bonus: Taunt +4
 Level requirement: 9