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Author Topic: Box of Clean Skeleton Knuckles Found  (Read 253 times)


Box of Clean Skeleton Knuckles Found
« on: December 07, 2007, 10:44:11 pm »
*posted in Hempstead and Hlint taverns*

One box o' Clean Skeleton Knucklebones For Sale or Trade!

As I was digging up a little patch o' soil in a secret glade, preparing to plant my baby aloe plants, my shovel broke upon a bony box, and opening did find it full to the brim with gristly grimey knucklebones. Strange find, i thought, in this secret place. But having no need for them, and no gambler friends to pawn them to, I scrubbed and rubbed them clean, and i hereby post these knucklebones for sale! The bone box i won't part with, but they be tucked nicely into a shiny new wood box.

Post a note, with your name and where i might find ye, or have a gander for me - your tall-sized human, with an ugly ape-like face, faded green travel cloak, a shock o' red-brown hair, and a fine braided slender double goatee. that's me!

Riven at your service!