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Author Topic: Box of silk  (Read 221 times)


Box of silk
« on: February 10, 2010, 03:28:23 pm »
So I found myself with too much silk on my bags, so I'm selling a whole box for 2500 until I can have time to make me a few bags and some pretty gloves.  Who wants it? But please, come get it quickly! I need more room on my bags for other things, like purple mushies and other goodies.

//having issues at the moment with West server, can't open any chests until next reset, so she'll have to carry all items with her or on the ox. If interested, please, let me know what are your available times for a fast trade. Smallnoses are usually playing in the evenings Eastern Time, USA.  Send me a pm, 'cause I sometimes forget to check in here.

*wipes off some spider web residue off her hands* EEeewwww...


Re: Box of silk
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 10:39:00 am »
I'll take the boxful of silk, if ye still have it.

Görmungard B.


Re: Box of silk
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 11:12:17 am »
Hello, Mr. Gariomungiard *seems to not be able to pronounce the name correctly*

The box is yours! Find me in Port Hemp or Wayfare, I'm usually running around, gathering items.

//Send me a PM in game

Thank you! Come get it while it's fresh!

~Daniella Spellstop Smallnose