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Author Topic: Budding Enchanter / Enchantress sought....  (Read 50 times)

Guardian 452

Budding Enchanter / Enchantress sought....
« on: February 03, 2010, 10:07:57 am »
*posted at various craft halls is the following note*

I seek to make arrangements with an up comming Enchanter or Enchantress.... I can make crystal rods of any strength, and gather or purchase all the materials needed to enchant them... well all but emeralds.

What I want to do is make arrangements so that you can improve your enchanting skills using all the materials I provide.

If this offer sounds good to you please contact me.

-Enzo Reynolt
Wolfswood Ranger Corps
Commander of the Wood -retired-


Re: Budding Enchanter / Enchantress sought....
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2010, 10:35:14 am »
Send me a bird with more details - sounds like an interesting arrangement, but as they say, the pit-thing is in the details.

Pallena, Druid of the Storm

Guardian 452

Re: Budding Enchanter / Enchantress sought....
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2010, 01:53:50 pm »
*Enzo removes these notices from the craft halls as he passes thru each town he posted them in*

// he has made arrangements with someone and no longer needs to advertise this. :)