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Author Topic: Buying: 2 mithril ingots  (Read 243 times)


Buying: 2 mithril ingots
« on: November 28, 2010, 04:39:36 pm »
*this vibrant leaflet is pinned on every message board in every townhalls and inns*

Calling all adventures or those who would like to aid in the study of the Al'Noth, we are in need of two mithril ingots. Our party have traveled beyond  the lands and deep within crypts, hidden passages, and crevasses to obtain relics that require other high end resources to complement their completion. If you have two mithril ingots for sale, please seek out Kylie Copperstone. I am willing to purchase them at a reasonable price or we can trade for yew branches - one yew branch per mithril ingot.

// This is for Letters of Love series. Sorry Hardy, I've only managed to get the yew.. Hayley and I can't go get mithril yet, plus, we don't even know where it's at.. The Deep is too deep for us. :p


Re: Buying: 2 mithril ingots
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2010, 05:12:30 pm »
* A tall, older man, cowled and cloaked in browns and greens, moves quietly from message board to message board, as is his wont. On seeing a particullary colorful leaflet, he reads and then tacks up a small note beside it. *

Ms. Copperstone,

I happen to have one such ingot, mildly enchanted, lying about and gathering dust. Market prices for ingots of this metal currently run ~ 6,000 T. Since this one's enchanted, what do you say to a nice round 8,000? You can leave word at the Orc Basher's Guild in Hempstead.

~ C. A.


Re: Buying: 2 mithril ingots
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2010, 05:34:26 pm »

Thank you for your respond, but we need raw mithril ingots, none that have been enchanted.



Re: Buying: 2 mithril ingots
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2010, 06:25:50 pm »
Ms Copperstone,

  I have two ingots of mithril available for a good cause.  Why don't you bring your sister and come tell me in detail about your need.  I am sure we can agree upon a price, or perhaps we can simply play a game of chess for them.



Re: Buying: 2 mithril ingots
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2010, 09:05:10 pm »
*she looks at the note, snickering to herself, and then grinning slightly*
a game of chess? how intriguing..

*goes off to schedule the date and time*