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Author Topic: For Sale: Various Items  (Read 245 times)


For Sale: Various Items
« on: August 14, 2010, 11:39:15 pm »
In the course of my travels, I have acquired a few items of interest.  Hopefully, these will be of use to someone, between the newest militiaman or the experienced warrior.

- Need a small weapon with an extra sharp point?  This bronze short sword is for you. Only 700 Tr. SOLD

//Bronze short sword, +2 piercing damage; level requirement: 5

- Maybe you need something not quite as sharp, but better at slipping past defenses.  This iron short sword will fill the bill. 900 Tr.

//Iron short sword, +1 enhancement bonus; level requirement: 5

- Want an axe instead of a sword?  900 Tr.

//Iron handaxe, +1 enhancement bonus; level requirement: 5

- A well used but equally well maintained sling.  I used this one for many years, and can attest to its worth. 1000 Tr.

//Lion leather sling, +1 attack bonus; level requirement: 5

- Need a weapon that can improve your defense as well as your offense?  I have a saber here perfect for you swashbuckler types. 5000 Tr.

//Swashbuckler's Sabre, +1 AC (deflection), +1 enhancement bonus, +4 to parry; level requirement: 12

- Here's a whip to confuse your opponents.  I'm pretty sure it's called an Adler. 2000 Tr.

//Adler, +1 enhancement bonus, On-hit Confusion DC-20 25%/3 rds; level requirement: 14

- I have some rare arrows from Voltrex.  They have a small silver stone for a arrow tip, with an unusual effect on your target.  8 of them for 2000 Tr. SOLD

//Shoot the Moon (x, On-hit Blindness DC-18 25%/3 rds; level requirement: 17

- Need protection from acid attacks?  Try these Robes of Acid.  450 Tr.

//Robes of Acid, Acid resist 10/-; level requirement: 2

- How about protection from lightning?  Robes of Lightning will help. 450 Tr.

//Robes of Lightning, Electrical resist 10/-; level requirement: 3

- Black leather armor.  Less distractions on the armor let you focus on what you're doing.  700 Tr. SOLD

//Black leather armor, +3 to concentration; level requirement:1

- Some light leather armor made from cougar skin.  Helps you slip past opponents.  900 Tr.

//Cougar leather armor, +3 to tumble; level requirement:1

- If you'd like to do more than just slip past your opponents, this armor made from jaguar leather will also help focus your senses. 1100 Tr.

//Jaguar leather armor, +3 to search, spot and tumble; level requirement: 5

- This is an unusual shield made from the skin of a large lizard or some such beast.  I've heard it has the ability to minimize its interference on the casting of spells.  5000 Tr. SOLD

//Dragonskin buckler, +1 AC (shield), -5% spell failure; level requirement: 14

- Two sets of hide armor.  Very tough, the leather has been magically hardened to withstand much greater blows.  One of the sets is unusually marked and seems to have originally been sized for a dwarf.  8000 Tr. each

//Hide Armor +3, +3 AC (armor); level requirement: 15

//Duergar Hide Armor +3, +3 AC (Armor); level requirement: 15 SOLD

- There are many things out there that can hurt you besides weapons.  I have various rings with inherent protections that can help you. 300 Tr/pair.

//1 pair of phenalope set in copper rings, +1 each to saving throws vs. cold; level requirement: 1

//1 pair of amethyst set in copper rings, +1 each to saving throws vs. acid; level requirement: 1

- These rings help maintain your footing.  600 Tr/pair  SOLD

//1 pair of alexandrite set in bronze rings, +2 each to discipline and taunt; level requirement: 1

- These rings help protect your mind.  700 Tr/pair

//1 pair of garnet set in copper rings, +1 each to saving throws vs. mind affecting; level requirement: 4

- These rings help you disappear into the shadows. 1000 Tr/pair

//1 pair of topaz set in bronze rings, +2 each to hide and move silently; level requirement: 1

- These rings help protect you in many situations.  3000 Tr/pair

//1 pair of fire opal set in bronze rings, +1 each to reflex saves; level requirement: 3

//1 pair of diamond set in bronze rings, +1 each to fortitude saves; level requirement: 3

- This is a ring better than many like it.  The magic in the stone has been tapped perfectly to help protect you from fire or acid.  1500 Tr.

//1 exceptional fire agate set in copper ring, +1 to saving throws vs. fire, fire resistance 5/-; level requirement: 5

//1 exceptional amethyst set in copper ring, +1 to saving throws vs. acid, acid resistance 5/-; level requirement: 3

- Gloves for spellcasters.  They seem to have some memory about the hand movements for casting spells, since they help you recognize the spell cast.  450 Tr. SOLD

//Gloves of Spellcraft, +3 to spellcraft; level requirement: 1

- Gloves for bards.  Make your hands practically fly across your instrument. 2000 Tr.  SOLD

//Greater Gloves of the Minstrel, +6 to perform; level requirement: 2

- Boots to help the miles go by with less wear on you.  These are the lesser type of boots of striding.  1200 Tr.  SOLD

//Boots of Striding +1, +1 to CON; level requirement: 4

- A cloak from an ancient group known as the Watchers.  Several unusual magics are woven into this fine garment.  2000 Tr. SOLD

//Cloak of the Watchers, 6 charges: Protection from Evil/2 chrgs, Take to the Air/6 chrgs, True Seeing/6 chrgs, Web/2 chrgs; level requirement: 8

- A belt with all sorts of gnomish contraptions attached.  Noisy, but the tools may come in handy if you're working on something... 2000 Tr.

//Utility belt, +5 to disable trap, open lock, set trap; -8 to hide, move silently; -2 to listen; +1 DEX, -2 WIS; level requirement: 13

- Working on making your sword look just right to intimidate your foes?  This ring from Dorand will help.  200 Tr.

//Dorand's Helper, +2 to Appraise, +3 to Craft Weapon; level requirement: 2

- A bit of magic from the stars.  This one is from Lucinda's constellation.  Gives you immunity to low level spells.  400 Tr.

//Stardust of Lucinda, Minor Globe of Invulnerability; level requirement: 6

- Something gnomish for shooting spikes at your enemy.  150 Tr USED

//Bracers of Many Needles, Manticore Spikes, 5 uses; level requirement: 1

- An unusual item, it appears to be a broken scale from a very large lizard.  Has several magics inside it, mostly related to acid.  10000 Tr.

//Broken Scales, 50 charges, Acid fog, Cloudkill, Mestil's Acid Breath, Mestil's Acid Sheath, 5 chrgs/use each; level requirement: 18

- A scroll.  I'm pretty sure the spell is supposed to make a distracting fog.  4500 Tr.

//Scroll of Mind Fog

- 1 ingot and 7 nuggets of silver.  I have no idea where I got these.  800 Tr. SOLD

All prices are negotiable.  


Tugs Sunnytoes

p.s. I will seriously consider a trade, if you have something you think might interest me.

p.p.s. Master Windsbreath, I still have a ring of Dorand's Helper for you. SOLD


For Sale: Various Items
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2010, 01:17:41 am »
*Tugs adds a few items and marks a few off as sold*


Re: For Sale: Various Items
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2010, 01:18:51 am »
*Tugs starts to make a few edits, then looks again at the note and pulls it down. He sets at a nearby table and copies parts of it to a new scroll, dropping the old one in the trash when he's done*